Why do you lift?

For a girlfriend, Veeky Forums?

i dont lift desu i just make fat posts


No for me
TO be honest I lift for girls though

For England.

I lift and run for the brothers I have lost.

If I was stronger or faster, maybe they'd still be here

I'm asexual, I lift for health and aesthetic. Also it feels good.

So I can call my friends fatasses without them calling me a spaghetti stick

lol you mean New Indiaistan

I gymcel so I can slay pizzas and bloatmaxx without becoming an amorphous my 600lb life blob Tbh Tbh

Nah, I hated being the typical skinny wimpy kid

So I can fight my dad

I lift for self-confidence.
This helps socially and professionally. I was a kissless virgin till I started making gains and build up the confidence to ask out a qt. However it doesn't help the lack of social skills directly, and my relationships haven't lasted very long.

I just wanna be the jacked guy who loves video games and anime.

So when people ask my hobbies expecting some health guru shit I'll say "usually watching anime and going to cons, and trying to play videogames competatively."

you've posted in these kinds of threads before, haven't you, user?

>for Frodo

For me.


At what age did you start lifting?

I do so much more than life though,bro...

I love to see how my muscles move and tense under the skin when I move around. It's like when a tiger moves and it's seemingly undefined body is suddenly a tapestry of moving fibers.

i lift because it's the only socially acceptable form of pain you can inflict upon yourself

Uh, I think 22 or 23. I'm 26 now.
I wasn't even close to being jacked when I got laid; I was dyel as fuck, but I was way more confident than I was before I started lifting.

I lift for the unreachable ideal of 2D, be it a 2D grill or becoming a 2D tier aesthetic guy.

I'm in the military and if you aren't strong people think you're a piece of shit. Also I have a massive inferiority complex.


I want to be All Might

I lift because its better than sitting in your dark room all night long getting high and feeling like a sad cunt.

There's always time for that after the gym anyhow

The 14 words.

Because im bored. Might as well grind for muscle xp while waiting for my chinese cartoons to download.

Because I have the intelligence and attitude to go very far in this world but Im insecure to the point I have a hard time focusing over my own anxiety. I lift because it makes me feel accomplished and more confident in my physique. For now those effects are only temporary, but I know if I stick with it, I can wake up one morning and my first thought wont be concerning how fucking hideous I am.

Health. Getting off meds in a month or two. Gonna keep lifting to look good enough that maybe someone will touch my dick.

Guess I'll be the first to post his waifu.
Now in chibi-form.

To be proud of something that other people can see anytime. Other than my lame ass weeb/vidya achievements, being fit is something that doesn't need to be said to understand.

Cuz I feel like it, gotta problem with that brah?

I lift for All Might and to be All Might.

Why is he so perfect, bros?

Holy shit, I didn't there was someone else like this

I love you, user.

No other character can match his blend of heroic, goofy, awe-inspiring, and protective. I imagine him yelling "PLUS ULTRA" whenever I need an extra boost to finish a set.

I wish I had the balls to tattoo her hairclip to my arm with "do it for her" written under it.

One day we'll be together.

So I can Herkimer off to my gains in the mirror

To like myself

psht beat you to it. Pic of me

him punching the brain monster was probably my favorite anime moment



So I can still look aesthetically pleasing, pretty and slim at my height without being a totally lanky skeleton.

Hail Victory.

I tell myself its to better myself, but mostly it's because i'm lonely and I haven't gotten respect or attention the way I do now until I started lifting.

because i work from home for half my day, and take care of 3 kids. no real time off to hit the gym but i want to feel like im doing something wiht my life other than working for 4 hours at home, jerking off, then playing vidya till the wife gets home

plus, i like watching my legs and arms grow as i put on more and more weight

also its fun to be able to have my own gym set up in my bedroom, then put it all away so no one can tell that we have an olympic set of weights in the apartment

For my little sisters.

Let's get fucking ripped as shit my dude

High five bro

All might is 7'2 and 255kg of MUSCLE.

Reminder that All Might's completely natty and had a top tier body BEFORE receiving One For All (he could use it at 100% immediately).


I lift for best husbando

Yeah buddy

I started out lifting for sloots but soon realised the mental benefits along with physical benefits of making it.
Now, I lift for myself. Veeky Forums keeps me pushing myself harder and forces me to keep going seeing some of the other anons in /CBT/ it's probably given me body dismorphia. I don't care, It's better than crippling depression and I actually get something out of it, such as a good body and face gains rather than liver cirrhosis and alcoholism.

I lift for many reasons. The most important reason I lift is so I can do more. Being able to do more than those around me is very satisfying. I also lift for my health, for the mires, and for the upcoming race war.

I'd like to think its less but probably 50% for pussy my dude.
25% for aesthetics
25% to defend myself and loved ones

For anime tiddies

>start dieting and lifting
>lose 25 lbs
>have another 50 to go
i want to be able to throw a ball or run around the yard with my kids
i don't have any yet, but my wife and I want to be able to play with them, carry them, whatever. I want to be a good dad.

To be ready for the upcoming race war

Same here

>tfw I want to promote a healthy lifestyle for everyone but secretly wants to be the biggest in a con

Kinda torn.

How can 3D even compete?

Hello dad

This statement of your motivation has produced a medium strength emotional response in my chest. Continue on. We are all going to make it.

Because i still have the faint hope that finally "making it" will give the confidence to finally believe in myself and to hopefully give me a proper sense of self worth, so that i may feel worthy of approaching and engaging in a healthy relationship with another human being.

Don't beat yourself up over it user.
There are anons who are in 10+ year relationships with their waifu and they haven't gotten a tattoo of them.
Though in a sense it would be the closest thing to marriage, having her 2D body permanently attached to your 3D body.
But I digress, build your muscles in her name and try to make your video game avatars symbolize her.

>One day we'll be together
You got that right.

No. For me.

I lift for my upcoming mandatory military service. And I want to look good in uniform. I also run 3-4 times a week.

>Fighting for picrelated.
Good goyim

This has got to be a pasta

It's not my fault military service is mandatory. I dislike the idea that our military is basically a bitch-slave to the NATO. But I the positive side of my service is the fact that I can only get more fit.

Hotaru is a good girl.
A noble cause as well.


Lifting has raised my confidence and energy levels ten-fold on a daily basis,

Unironically this

Dafuq, where do you live user?

Estonia. Why do we have mandatory military service? Because we border Russia and some think they are a threat to us.
We share a similar situation with South-Korea.

Because depression just like everybody else here


So i can get into the miltary and have some way to handle college debt and a stupid economy. I just want a simple quiet life.

>got hammered as fuck last night
>put out a cigarette on my chest

Now I need to lift to make up for this mistake

I only do leg day so that if someone tries to ass rape me I can clench my ass cheeks hard enough to hold him until the cops arrive.

My Plus Ultra brethren

Because I have nothing else

>I only do leg day

My brothers

I lift for him

I lift couse it boosts my confidence in work related, as autistic as it might sound i feel like the stronger i am the better my job will go, and it doesent even require that much strenght, its just couse ego

It makes me feel good and I don't want to disappoint Goku.

My dawg

The goal is to do a Jojo cosplay because I'm 6'4

I lift for myself. I don't mind some random mires on the street too.


Cunt I wanted to enroll in czech military but they didn't take me cuz I was too "hysterical" according to one of their personality tests. I've been told I can try again in a year but fuck, shit sucks

What did you do? You know you gotta greentext it

>simple, quiet life

>tapestry of moving fibers

Calm down Walt Whitman, you just gave me a language boner

I was struggling to describe this. Spot on, user.

>lip piercing

For my city.