You're leaving for the gym again? But I want to talk

>You're leaving for the gym again? But I want to talk.

>y-yeah.....the gym....SEE YOU LATER :)

>cosplaying as the worst Evajellyon

Get a hobby too. Clingy bitches are the worst.

>Why are you going to the gym for 3rd time this week? Let's watch a movie and snuggle!

I don't see a toilet seat anywhere.

Yes bitch. You're welcome to come as long as you stay out of my way.

With her shit taste in movies and shows, any man would prefer the gym.

I like In Bruges

>b-but I got to post my gains on Veeky Forums and my body on /cbt/... no homo honey

I'd consider myself a pretty well versed Evangelion fan, but I do not get this reference.

Reis haircut.

We'll talk when I get back, k?

user, you're going to the gym again ? Alone? Again? Why not go out with that girl who likes you?

My hand isn't a girl, silly dog.

Get a better outfit and quit being ugly, then we'll talk? K? Bye bitch, I have hotter girls to fuck than you

Is she supposed to be the Wendy's girl? She looks like it



Ya I don't see predator on any of those shelves

Speak English you stupid fucking weeb

Are you actually that deluded? She's one of the prettiest girls.

>taking your little girl cartoons this seriously

Are you actually that deluded? Or do u just have low standards?

Pretty sure that's a real girl.

i like you not posting here anymore

She's easily a good 8 face wise.

Shes 7 AT BEST but she's a 6. Maybe you just have low standards user.

You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what my dick smelled like.

don't know why this made me laugh

I'm not laughing. Smell my dick.