How do I reduce estrogen in my body? I realise that men need some estrogen to be healthy

How do I reduce estrogen in my body? I realise that men need some estrogen to be healthy.

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be lean

You can do a fuck load of stuff but there's always a side effect, some may be negligible such as acne but others can cause severe issues.

You probably want to take anti prolactin however doing so won't grant you any benifits nor will you gain more test.

So basically my question to you is why?


Eat more protein, sleep more, workout more/harder than you already do, have more sex and fap more when otherwise not having sex to naturally increase testosterone

and other cruciferous veggies.



Kinzie Kenner in some brazzers scene

Kinzie Kenner in Hard Candy 2

I'm horny 24/7, is it okey to fap every day?

Just not to porn. Learn from my bad decision and addiction. It gave me ED.

>It gave me ED.

Lose weight.
Don't eat garbage food.
Broccoli and cauliflower have DIM, which is said to reduce estrogen.

Or just take some AI. : ^ )

He probably couldn't get it up unless he watched the porn he had become accustomed to. If all you do is watch hardcore porn everyday, then at some point nothing but hardcore porn will satisfy you. Not even real women.

I try to alleviate this by only watching hot girls on youtube who whore it out over blogs and stuff
will this save me

Semi related:
I'm jizzing less than I used to (I'm 30) and feel tired more. I also seem to struggle more and more to keep fat off.

I've been looking into testrogel as i can get it in the uk by exaggerating on an online form. I can afford it ok but is it worth taking? Any experiences or information would be great.


This is a myth and is down to coincidence. Men get ED occasionally and because they also happen to watch porn, like most men (and indeed women) do, they blame that.

It's like weed being blamed for causing schizophrenia. The condition normally develops in your teens, around the time a lot of people happen to start smoking weed. The two are unrelated.

Go to your GP and get your test levels checked. Mine were low, but not low enough to get TRT. So with a wink and a nod from my GP I just went on my first cycle of test. Nearly done now (14 out of 15 weeks done) and it's the best thing I've ever done.

Low test is the cause of a huge number of symptoms in men at certain ages. Why do you think the enormous peaks in the male suicide rate happen to coincide with when men's test levels normally drop?

Safe, legal, cheap, easily obtained, and utterly fantastic.

buy test and inject it I can get you a really good uk source

well I can't cause I'll be banned, but just know there are some

reddit steroids sub wiki

Get a life you loser jfc

How much mg per week and what ester? What are your levels at now?

you're a myth you bellend

I'm on a proper blast cycle as I was "dying of cancer" skinny and put on two stone since. Levels were 12 nmol/l (9 nmol/l is the limit for TRT on the NHS) and was at 86 at week 5. Had bloods on week 12 but still waiting for the results. NHS for you but can't complain, my GP is basically just doing whatever I want.

After I finish its PCT then I'll get more bloods and either wait until around December for cycle two, or possibly cruise on a TRT dose (around 100mg week if I remember correctly) if my natural levels are still fucked, which is likely if I'm honest.

"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher

Thanks man. It's embarassing but might as well hit up my GP. It's free and I can find my actual levels at least

>quoting some british slag
lol brits arent even people

My point beautifully fucking illustrated.

Nothing to be embarrassed about brother. If more people approached it, and approached it sensibly, "roids" wouldn't have such a bad name.

The science says they're fine, they work amazingly. It's just natural testosterone in a synthetic delivery medium. But the public image of the roidhead, along with endless misinformation in the public psyche, means they are viewed as a "bad" thing.

Margaret Thatcher was responsible for dismantling social services in Britain and handled the issue with Northern Ireland terribly.

Had to dismantle the services so they could prepare the eventual arrival of rapefugee hordes. The ultimate Keynesian economic debt spending.

Thatcher was explicitly Hayekian in her economics ("This is what we believe!") and everything that followed her, including New Labour, has been variations of neoliberalism. Keynesian economics has not been implemented in the UK for a long ass time, son.

Now quit brining /pol/ shit into this.