Fell for the NEET meme for 7 years

>Fell for the NEET meme for 7 years

>Now im 25 years old with no work experience, no education, no skills and nothing to really show for my time on earth besides many posts on Veeky Forums and 5000+ hours on league of legends
>Lifts barely passed beginner because can't afford protein with no money

When did you realize being a NEET is overrated?

When I heard the notion that staying at home and rotting in your bedroom while sponging off parents growing more resentful by the day was somehow supposed to be the good life.

What a croc of shit

Never because I'm not a fucking retard. Also because I enjoy actually getting laid.

ur probably below plat too

But you can enter college with 25 years old

>Fell for the NEET meme for 7 years
You deserve every bad thing that happens to you.

Diamond since season 4


Its soul destroying and boring. being a NEET only works if you're rich and have other rich NEET friends.

Normal NEETdom is genuinely awful. I had a month off between my last job and my current one and while I enjoyed the first few days I was so fucking bored after the first week.


sign up for school in spring

>was homeless at 18
>turning 25 in september
>life got justed hard
>trying to pull myself up
>employers don't think I'm capable, won't hire me
>unemployment gap keeps growing and growing
>going back to school in september

I just want to start my life

Cant I live in Canada and bad marks

Volunteer or have your local job center find you a work placement. You will be working for nothing but it will get you some experience, contacts, a reference.

While you do that also be applying for everything. Don't be picky, even if it's a shit job you don't really want to do. It's easier to get in the door for interviews if you already have a job.

>Not making a fake job history
>Not buying prepaid phones to use as fake refrences
>Not practicing an indian accent to fool employers into think you were your last manager

It's like you want to remain poor and unemployed user.

Take up grades, that's possible, right?

I want to do this but im scared

almost 24 here in same situation

there's literally no hope for me because I can't even be in the presence of family and friends without having crippling social anxiety

I tried going to uni and was basically stuck in a 6 hours panic attack every day

>same deal
>neet since 5 years
>am 23
>getting more and more okay with it every year
>spending all my time watching the three (THREE!!!) tv services my family bought for me
>shitting on noobs erryday
im literally 9/10 happiness every day and its getting better. am i lying to myself? most people tell me i need to get a job or start doing my own laundry etc.

also have 4k hours in dota and OP is a fag and needs to 1v1 mid me

If you guys want some income there are always freelance work sites looking for people to do online clerical shit like chat support if you can stomach talking to normies, or data entry if you're an autist and can tolerate the tedium. Google them and I'm sure you'll find some.

Imagine having 10k hours in cs1.6.

Yeah... That's you in another 5-10 years.

Would gladly do that shit. But it pays fuck all unless you have actual skills.

In my country, everything that's contractual gets listed in your file by default. If it's not contractual, it doesn't count.

Employers can type in your information, and see a history of what you did

When I started making enough money to life comfortably as well as save some of it

Hey brehs, how do you make a good linkedin if you've got fuck all experience?

Just lie on your resume, say you've been working for the last 5 years. Bam problem solved.

but in 2017, there's social media + linkedin so people doing background checks will be looking you up. should one lie all across the board?

I guess it depends what kind of job you're going for.
I was under the impression that linkedin was only really for high up office type jobs.
And with social media, just make it so people who are not your friends cannot see anything about you apart from your profile picture and name.

fucking hell. at least its a high skill cap game eh

At least you didn't spend that time being a NEET stoner who smoked so much you probably have a dozen different types of cancer already. I'd smoke until my throat would swell, then i'd by anti inflammatory throat spray just to smoke more. I'm also 25 now, finally making a change, working and lifting regularly, quit smoking anything, still skeleton though, living by myself and struggling to keep up with how much shit I need to do every day.

>When did you realize being a NEET is overrated?

After I dropped out of college 5 years ago I was jobless for three weeks. That's about the time I realized being a NEET was trash.

You have to apply to everything and get as much experience as possible. If you're ambitious you can end up with something great within a few years. I want to finish my degree but the job I just got is literally too good to leave. Riding this gravy train until the oil industry dies

How does someone without an education land a lucrative oil job?

I never understood why NEETs think their lifestyle is good. Human happiness comes not from sensual pleasure or Vidya, but from a deep seated sense of achievement and progress in life. Besides, it's an unsustainable life(eventually your parents will kick you out/die) and inevitably ends with either you getting a shitty horrible job you hate because you've done nothing to better your professional life in the past few years or you necking yourself.

Not to mention it's boring as hell and you won't make any friends or better yourself being a NEET


I wouldn't want my wife's son living in our house after the age of 18, I would kick him out just to force him to start thinking and living independently

being a NEET is better than working at a shitty job, unless you're gullible enough to fall for the "being useful to society meme" and can keep inner peace while working 10 hours a day so that your boss's boss could buy a new boat while you get paid barely enough to pay for rent and bills

The work sucks but they pay big to roughneck.

>Not to mention it's boring as hell and you won't make any friends or better yourself being a NEET
But NEETs have more time to make friends and better themselves.

>>Lifts barely passed beginner because can't afford protein with no money
lmao, idiot

You're right they do have more time.

But they do nothing with it because they're depressed sad people who never leave the safety of the house. If you ever go on /r9k/ you'll see what I mean.

NEETs love to sell the "more time for self improvement/philosophy/lifting" meme but in reality they never do it because they never trained the discipline within themselves to get up and work for what they want, because they never really tried at anything.

NEETs have more time, but because they are undisciplined lazy depressed fucks they do nothing with it.

Nobody normal wants to be friend with someone NEET aspie who spends all his time in his bedroom jerking it to anime