Wtf fit only my teres major is growning how the fuck do i target lats

wtf fit only my teres major is growning how the fuck do i target lats

when you're doing your lat pulls, don't go all the way up on your returns. Keep you elbows bent when you pull the bar down so you're not wasting effort using your arms to pull the bar down, but instead recruiting the larger muscles to pull your bent arms holding the bar down.

I have high lat insertions so I practically don't have a lat dorsi. Who else here /ShittyGenetics/

>if only there was an exercise that was so lat specific that it literally had the word "lat" in its name...

Lat raises?

Tfw lats almost down to my ass. It's the only part of me that doesn't look DYEL though

>>Veeky Forums, ladies and gentlemen.

lat press???


lat twists?

lat flies?

lat squats?

romanian lat lifts?

Lat curls?

lat extensions?

Lat crushers?

lat press?

Lat pulldown?
Side plank?
Pull up?

Lat shrugs?

stop doing wide grip pullups

Include mt in the screenshot kthxs



By Using proper form

fLAT bench?



lat kickbacks?