Fellow manlets

Fellow manlets.
Do you wear shoes with a little extra heel or is it beneath you?

Doesn't really matter to me, I go based on looks. I'm 5'9.

Nothing's beneath you, you're manlets

In the long run, accepting yourself will lift you higher than any heals can :)

Post a pic of yourself qt ;)

No. I'm 5'4 and I make a point to wear only flat shoes, I'd rather people see me and judge me as I am.

Me too man, except I'm 6'5

I grind for every mm i can since i took the heightpill

Why would you want that? People are retards.

Even more retarded to walk around in big boy shoes hoping no one sees how short you are

>I'd rather people see me and judge me as I am.
A manlet?

>Alex Jones

Wearing retarded heels makes your height even more noticeably

lmao your heel is always beneath you idiot

first impressions are all physical appearance and nobody could tell if you have heels on

No, I may be a pathetic manlet, but at least I'm not a faggot pathetic manlet

>tfw my steel toes get me to 6ft
>tfw been going to the bar after work on Fridays still in uniform cause my company name pulls women cause munies and feel taller than most my friends

I don't bother. I'm not insecure about my height anymore. My fiance is 3 inches taller than me, which makes things look a bit odd in pictures but who care?

i wear shoes that are comfy.
if girls can wear high heels to look taller why couldnt you? just pick an airmax or something that adds like 2 inches but isnt awful

>which makes things look a bit odd in pictures
dude fuck pictures, you are bedding an amazoness on your point of view. I'd pay gold for that.


t. 5'5"

Met a chick off tinder, turns out she was 6 foot tall in flats. She wore heels when we met up. I'm 6 foot even and never once felt anyway about my height. This chick made me feel so self conscious I almost bailed on her mid date. I feel real bad for you short dudes. I'll never goof on you guys again.

>tfw 6'4" and wear boots/running shoes with standard 1-1.5" heels

all the normies are wearing those shoes too, so why shouldn't i do the same to put them in their place?

yeah sure mate. 6'0 girls are more insecure than manlets, no chick in her right mind would wear high heels for a first date

Not really I wear regular running shoes but I am Dr.Martens with a bit of heel .t 5.5 manlet

I have collapsed arches so I have arch support shoes that lift me like 3cm, but thats probably what my height would be if my ankles didnt roll in anyway



Yo nigga i feel u brother i do the same thing for school 179 cm with steel boots
183 cm God hahahahaha


dont be an insecure faggot

We're used to it, not really a big deal. I used to bang a 6' tall chick regularly and honestly never even thought about it until someone else brought it up

t. 5'8