Push/Pull split for a noob

ok Veeky Forums I'm pretty new to this board (general browse /pol/) and I've come to seek your advice. Some background info: I am a noob lifter, having done a couple of months, injured my neck by sleeping crooked, took a couple months off, started again a few weeks ago. 66kg (up from 62.5) at 178cm so skinny as fuck manlet by most standards. I have some dumbells, 8X2.5kg 4X5kg weight plates with a bar weight of 2.5kg, can only stack 27.5kg on the DB at any one time for unilateral, only 22.5 if I use them simultaneously. My main focus has been 'mirror muscles' initially, mainly chest. I started with body weight dips, shitloads, up to 75 reps. I was doing them everyday, and this was banging up my shoulder a bit. I now do weighted dips with 27.5kg for ~8 reps and dumbell flies with 12.5kg for ~15 or so reps. I include skullcrushers too. For back, I've been quite limited, and it shows. I do one arm rows with the 27.5kg, but I can rep this >15 times so I need more weight. I've been lazy for legs also, but every couple weeks I'll do split squats (one leg) with 22.5kg in each hand for ~18 reps for a few sets. There is so much info regarding volume, intensity, frequency, sets, reps, nutrition ect. It fucks with my mind and motivation, as I'm chasing the most optimum plan, and everything claims to be this, but contradicts others. You know how it is. Continued....

My goal is to gain explosive strength for my sport (this is already quite noticeable) as well as too develop an aesthetic physique. To get myself up to around 75kg I think is a good goal for the not too distant future. I'm not a big meat eater, but have been getting more protein, aiming for around 120g a day. This may be too low in the opinion of some, but it is working pretty well so far. I haven't gained bodyfat at this point, if anything I'm slightly leaner. Perhaps I need to consume more calories? I purchased a pullup bar yesterday, and it really hit home my lack of back development that I could only bang out 8 proper reps. I also recently purchased some heavy resistance bands of varying tensions to combine with the free weights, I have noticed in a few days of using them a better recovery and more elastic kind of strength developing
So onto my reason for being here, I have fuck around and not really dedicated myself to a routine and played it by feel. While this has worked somewhat, I can see the benefit to a structured program where weekly/monthly gains can be measured more easily. I have previously trained chaotically, for example, day 1 heavy dips X5 tricep extensions flies day 2 BW dips, flies day 3 shit tonnes of flies, one set of heavy dips, dumbell rows.... I need something more concrete. I have decided on a push/pull split, and I'm looking for some help to draw up a plan that I can print off and stick up on a wall to follow. Here is what I'm thinking;

Pushing choices: heavy dips (3-5 sets) flies (resistance band or DB) skullsrushers/tricep extension with bands Lateral and front raises with bands or weights, Dumbell press, OHP
Split sqats, pistol squats
Pull 1: pullups (weighted once I get stronger) 5 sets, resistance band pull variations, Bicep curls with band or weight, DB rows.

I'm thinking choose 3-4 exercise each day, in a Push/pull/push/pull/rest kind of pattern, taking care not too choose too many of the same exercise. Am I on the right track here or completely fucked? Am I missing something crucial? Any advice is appreciate, fucking confused right now and just want to solidify it in my mind

No one wants to read your life story dipshit
>general browse /pol/
Yeah no wonder you're such a dumbass

just providing some background so someone with knowledge knows what angle I'm coming from and knows which direction to steer me in. You don't have to be a cunt, but opinion noted for future reference

Start off by not browsing pop then have your wife get fucked by a nigger

please fuck off

So rather than offer anything of value, people would rather be critical of me for browsing /pol/. I browse, maybe half an hour now and then. I'm not a stormfag. I only mentioned it as I'm not familiar with the culture of this board and was using it as a reference.

Nigga, you browse /pol/ but you don't know how to structure a post so it doesn't look so repugnant to the eyes?

If your goal is to gain explosive strenght I would recommend OLY lifts + snatches and cleans-

If you're looking for aesthetics you're gonna have to evaluate your body and train the areas you're deficient on. Which means doing isolations, heavy compounds and taking care of your bf%.

Lurk more and read the

Here's a tip newfriend:
Most people don't take kindly to folks that fraternize with nazis and white supremacists. Maybe think about improving your knowledge and compassion before improving your body.

the sticky contains too much information... I've already read too much information and its mostly contradictory. I want a program that works for ME and my needs specifically of which I've tried to describe.
not a nazi. /pol/ is the seat of power for world affairs, I like to keep up to date with happenings. Would it shock you to learn I'm a bleeding heart hippy?

Read the fucking sticky.

I don't want to pick generic advice from hundreds of sources, I've tried this and I want something more specialized

>/pol/ is the seat of power for world affairs,

they elected a living meme to presidency via collective will through the egregore Kek/Pepe (meme magic). So yes, they are illuminaty now. Deal with it

Translation: Veeky Forums is full of fatass nigger loving liberal retards

Please get off this board

> people believe this

I'm not trolling. I'm sorry if you are a brainlet when it comes to the esoteric/occult. I'm not here to judge you for that, but you shouldn't also judge me for knowing what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm here to get advice on a push/pull split, not debate whether I should browse /pol or study the occult

stay on your cancer cointainment board you son of a whore

so Veeky Forums is full of cucked faggots that fell for the (((globalist))) propaganda. I see how it is. What a bunch of shit cunts.

Here are your options:

>Read the fucking sticky
>Read it again
>Do as told for the next year or two
>Lurk moar
>Only dare to post again once you hit 1/2/3/4 for reps sub 12%bf and become a turbomanlet

>Get the fuck out
>Go back to the most retarded board in this site
>Stay in that autistic cheeto-dust covered dumpster
>Continue your fight against sjw or jadl or muslims or whatever
>Be a dyel fucktard virgin for the rest of your life

I aint reading all that shit negro

Didn't you see the big fucking sticky saying all caps to read the fucking sticky before embarrasing yourself like this? Are you so fucking lazy and dumb you didn't want to read for like, 20 minutes, so you decided to make a thread for others to tell you what you should do?

No surprise you lurk on /pol/, kid


>But I'm not a nazi

>here to get advice
>mentions /pol/
yeah right, go masturbate to your BLACKED videos, nazi

stopped reading right there
kek get the fuck out of here