People will argue this is healthy

>people will argue this is healthy

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post body and your lifts before you encourage your diet


One of two things would happen.

1. lol dyel
2. lol steroids

Yes it is reasonable. Why would it not be?

>drinking pus-filled cow secretions

This is reasonable?

It's fucking delicious and healthy. Why are you such a cuck?


According to whom?

Everyone? It's packed with vitamins and minerals healthy fats. Then again I am from Sweden so anything we make is automatically better, but still.

jokes on you, I actually drink my wife's milk everynow and then

it doesn't tastes bad, but it's a strong flavour

>saturate fat


sounds fucking sick, bro, why do you do it?

I really like to play with her breast, sometimes small drops of milk come and I lick them.

Might have something to do with the fact that we drink it after it's been treated and packaged rather than directly from the teats of cattle.

>drinking processed cow secretions full of pus and hormones
>not drinking plant milks

sat fat is one of the most crucial elements to producing testosterone, which is essential for health and performance.

>not drinking both
>being vegan, ever

Idont give a fuck about animals.

Kill yourself

>not knowing English
>current year

>Being Shakespeare's bitch
>Current year

I've started putting whip cream on top of my daily glass of chocolate milk. It's good.

Why did I just laugh so hard

>he doesn't have green smoothies consisting of leafy greens, berries, frozen bananas, dates, flax seeds, chia seeds, turmeric, and black pepper

not gonna be optimal


amazing! no response to this yet immediate reply to op confirmed for full of shit as per usual

>le pus meme

Lmao is this supposed to turn people off it?

Why don't you just drink your boyfriend's semen, you faggot? More protein than your plant "milk".

>plant milks somehow are not processed even though that is the only way to make it into milk.


I could not find a guy that is both more less masculine and more jewish than this veggan faggot.

its no secret that animal products are bad for you, the only reason to not go vegan is literally just social norms and laziness which i admit is why im still not vegan

enjoy nogainz milk drinkers

I don't want to drink pus.

not an argument

not even close to being the same

not an argument

Vegans have higher testosterone.


>Vegans have higher testosterone
So tell me again why most vegan men look like low test trash?

Most vegan men don't life. There are plenty of vegan bodybuilders on YouTube.

Why are most meat eaters fat fucks that'll die in their 60s?

>Calling someone who believes the dairy industries lies a cuck

haha now we see why this guy is so annoying lol

>Vegans have higher testosterone.

>diet literally needs careful nutrition managment to avoid lowering testosterone
>vegans claim it increases testosterone.

No, mong, vegans need to be carefull as fuck about their nutrition, hence average healthy vegan will be better than the average person.
But anybody who puts as much thought into nutrition, but is not a meme-dieter, will have higher testosterone than a vegan.

Just made sure I read the cited sources to make sure you weren't shitting me, and would you look at that, you are shitting me.

Without even reading further into the studies none of the increased testosterone is bioavalible so it's fucking nothing.

And what do you know, decreasing fat consumption decreased meaningful testosterone production.

>careful nutrition management

If eating meat magically gave you perfect nutrition then why do so many people take vitamins?

Meanwhile meat eaters are dying of heart disease left and right.

it's not. you can find studies that link it to a higher chance of developing cancer, along with a lot of other digestive issues

>Not even close to being the same

Except you are the retard that implied something is automatically bad if it's "processed." Almost all vegan food is processed. You cannot have your cake and eat it too retard. Either get specific about why a process is bad IE pasteurization or admit that almost all vegan food is bad because it is processed.

I never made that argument.

>Why do so many people take vitamins

Propaganda by the supplement industry.

>drinking processed cow secretions full of pus and hormones

That vegan diet making your memory 10 seconds long champ?

Or maybe because their poorly planned diets don't offer sufficient nutrition.

Soaking and straining nuts


You mean like Vegan "took 10 years to bench 185" Gains?

>too stupid to do a search on YouTube

Veeky Forums brainlets...

>not drinking the perfect gains food

>how I know you aren't a scientist
You can cherry pick scientific studys to say just about anything you want about anything. Im not saying you are wrong but the science just isn't there. nutrition is extremely hard to study, its almost impossible to design good double blinds and giant longitudinal studies are expensive and a pain in the ass. Dont just read a couple articles that confirm your beliefs and take it as gospel. Dont be a sheep.

Or, and this might shock you, most people are actually risking their health by taking these things because like you they don't understand how reality works and assume they are nutritionally deficient for no reason.

Most people, and it sounds like you are included, don't realize how little vitamins you need a day. It's almost impossible not to get them all even if you have a shit diet eating Burger King all day.

>drinking processed cow secretions full of pus and hormones

No matter how many times you keep parroting that phrase from you favorite vegan blogs, it wont change the fact that cow's milk is incredibly nutritious and has been a staple food in western diets for millennia. Your trendy vegan diet wont change that.

I never implied there was anything wrong with the processing of plant milks just like I'm not a retard who thinks there is anything wrong with pasteurization.

>drinking cow milk

>If you eat a diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, there’s a good chance you already reach your suggested daily intake. And even if you eat a less-than-stellar diet, many types of processed foods are fortified with vitamins and minerals.


>pasteurizing cow milk to drink because you were brainwashed to do so before birth

brb drinking a dirty animal's milk as an adult human

>it wont change the fact that cow's milk is incredibly nutritious


Wonder if I can find a cute new mother who wants to make a few extra bucks.

Would have her ride my dick while i suckle on her full tits. Drain my balls in her while I drain her tits...

I think I have something to add to the top of my bucket list.

>pasteurizing cow milk to drink because you were brainwashed to do so before birth

What are you even saying?

You might as well be typing

>Boiling foods because you were brainwashed to do so before birth

brb eating dirty vegetables as an adult human

What are you even implying you fucking idiot.


If you are not lactose intolerant this is amazing.

No they don't and greger is a muscle wasted faggot.

>ok son time for your milk

>no response

Respond to thisPost a cbt with timestamp or shut the fuck up and get the fuck off this website.

>Not an argument
>Ignores my sources here

It was a fringe thing in india, and around denmark. It was considered taboo in most other places until denmark merchants started to shill out their farming practices to other people in the west. I would say about 300-400 years or so. Its not an age old tradition. Milk didn't go full on shillforce 1 until science started to break it apart in the 1920s.

yes goy eat your vegetables to increase testosterone. Also, make sure to use BPA infused cups for your almond milk.


Reeee! delete this counter shills

>durr hurr calories and fat are bad
did a woman make this?

Out of context, everything can be made to seem unhealthy. Flying in planes?! Staring at screens all day?
>"Our neanderthal ancestors didn't have screens therefore it's unhealthy"

Must be. Anyone who cares about their bloodwork knows that dietary cholesterol is essential in the creation of testosterone.
Your diet can greatly affect your T.
Simple stuff.

>thinking any excess of cholesterol gets turned into test
bro science at work here

>Worrying about eating too much cholesterol
mom science at work here

>It's fucking delicious
enjoy your estrogen, cholesterol and trans-fats

Cholesterol isn't bad for you. Don't be a retard.

No goy, eat lots of meat, eggs and cheese and drink lots of milk instead of eating your fruits and vegetables to get your vitamins. I'm the good guy goyim! Don't fall for the vegan lobbyists, also make sure to buy my multivitamins and statins!

What's with you faggots that it's constantly one or the other?
Eat both.
>hehe I'm such a carnivore
is just as annoying as
>hey guise vegan here!
There is such a thing as consuming meat, eggs, and dairy, while also eating your veg.

>imlying anyone in the world would waste money on hormones (which are expensive) on fucking cow milk
>implying milk isn't sanitized before getting packed
>implying i wouldn't want free hormones with my proteins
>implying i wouldn't want some pus to make my immunologic and digestic system better

>implying meat eaters doesn't eat the exact same thing as vegans but with meat on the side
why millennials ruin everything? can't say offensive jokes anymore, can't eat meat, can't be thin.
fuck you millennial scum

>Eat both.
By consuming animal products you're also increasing your trans-fat intake by a lot, why would you want that?

For example, 100g of skinless chicken breast has 0.09 grams of trans-fats, that's 9 times more than a proper vegan diet will consume in an entire day. Drink a single cup of reduced fat milk on a day and you're already up to 0.207g. Maybe eat an egg for that 164mg of cholesterol that you desperately need. Never mind the fact that animal products don't have a lot of minerals and vitamins in them while being high in calories and fat.

>Meanwhile meat eaters are dying of heart disease left and right.
you meant obese people that also eat meat
people take vitamins because they're stupid, most people that eat couple veggies and fruit or even fruit juice (natural not that american bullshit juice) has all their vitamins on point

>can't eat meat
There's literally no rational reason to eat meat and you don't need to be a pot smoking SJW millennial hippie to realize this.

Even people that appear healthy die from heart disease. Just because you have a low body fat percentage and have some muscle, doesn't mean you're healthy.

Then eat salmon you fucking priss.

>There's literally no rational reason to eat meat and you don't need to be a pot smoking SJW millennial hippie to realize this.
you don't want to see it as rational, but whatever
>more protein per gram
>easy and quick to make while tasting good and having great texture

There is really no reason to not consume dairy, even if you are lactose intolerant.

If you are lactose intolerant, just eat yogurt or cheese. Milk has a lot of traces of different hormones, and they're ALL in tiny barely detectable ammounts, and even in the ammounts that they're found in they do not affect human hormonal levels in any possible metric.

10 liters of processed WHOLE MILK contain less than 1% of the estrogen metabolites TEENAGE BOYS PRODUCE IN A DAY.
And not all of it is bioavailable either, meaning most of it is destroyed by the stomach or liver.
The only way you can orally affect your hormones is by taking pill drugs that are able to go past through your digestive system mostly intact.

IGF-1 found in milk is in such tiny ammounts(yes, even in "processed" regular milk) that it has no effects even in babies, and that is because human milk has the same traces of igf-1 as even the worst possible quality cow fatty milk.

Plus, igf-1 is heavily influenced by protein and amino acid intake, in fact soy protein has been found to spike IGF-1 in humans more than any other type of protein except maybe whey.

In some studies human milk has been shown to have dozens of times more estrogen metabolites than cow milk, but it STILL doesn't change hormonal balance in humans.

>muh natural transfats are the same as introduced transfats
C'mon guy

>There's literally no rational reason to eat meat and you don't need to be a pot smoking SJW millennial hippie to realize this.
and not every meateater is a diabetic obese american sweaty guy. my diet is basically a vegan diet, but with a chicken breast or a steak on the side

Filled with cholesterol and fat soluble toxins like methylmercury, HCBs, PCBs and pesticides, no thanks.

>more protein per gram
More protein with an amino acid profile that will directly feed cancer cells.
>easy and quick to make while tasting good and having great texture
And if you don't thoroughly cook your chicken you will get salmonella.
Because you totally want to eat those chickens that are being fed antibiotics, right?

Something being natural doesn't make it healthy. Cannibalism is natural, but I don't see meat eaters going out to kill and eat humans.

That chicken breast and steak on the side will still increase your risk for heart disease thanks to the presence of cholesterol, saturated fats and trans-fats. Not to mention the fact that they're high in methionine and heme-iron.

I will say that there is less of a reason to eat meat, that there is to eat dairy.

Dairy protein is very high quality, specially the whey/casein blend in cow's/goat's milk, it is superior to any kind of animal meat available, and it can be "skimmed" to become virtually fatless while retaining the exact same ammount of protein and amino acids.

Also, about the "pus" found in milk, it's not actually pus, it's called white cells, which have obvious benefits to human health.

t. vegan

>natural cobra poison is better than man made lethal injections, not like it kills you, right?

What can you tell us about the phyto's in soy milk/soy drink, user?

>More protein with an amino acid profile that will directly feed cancer cells.
>And if you don't thoroughly cook your chicken you will get salmonella.
yes, you can get but i know how to cook.
>Because you totally want to eat those chickens that are being fed antibiotics, right?
implying the antibiotics are still effective or even on the body after they get killed, their organs are removed and they're cooked. Hormones and any medicine don't work like that, you need to store them carefully or they will become ineffective

Trans-fat is not bad for you as long as it is not excessive.

Cholesterol isn't bad for you double nigger.
Trans fats and artificial trans fatty acids are objectively different. I shouldn't have to walk you through this.
Trans fats naturally occurring in various animal products are not the same as partially hydrogenated frying oil created by an industrial process.

>Trans fats and artificial trans fatty acids are objectively different.
>I shouldn't have to walk you through this.
I'm not a biology major or something, I'm not expected to know jack
>Trans fats naturally occurring in various animal products are not the same as partially hydrogenated frying oil created by an industrial process.
How? Is the molecule different?
>Cholesterol isn't bad for you double nigger.
Not him, but why? Literally every single doctor says it's the only reason for plaque buildup in the arteries which causes heart disease, stroce, diabetes etc
>implying the antibiotics are still effective or even on the body after they get killed, their organs are removed and they're cooked. Hormones and any medicine don't work like that, you need to store them carefully or they will become ineffective
While some of them may be destroyed, not all of them will be destroyed by improper storage.
>what is biomagnification
>Trans-fat is not bad for you as long as it is not excessive.
Proof? All the research says otherwise.

>Cholesterol isn't bad for you double nigger.
>Trans fats and artificial trans fatty acids are objectively different.
Different yes, but they are still bad for your health.
>This meta-analysis suggests that CLA supplementation is associated with an increase in plasma CRP concentrations and a reduction in serum adiponectin concentrations, which indicates that CLA supplements have a pro-inflammatory effect.
>significantly greater vaccenic acid (VA) (+12.5) concentrations, were found in the OFC of SZ patients relative to normal controls

Mammalian estrogen metabolites found in trace ammounts in cow's milk are in such low number that even if they were all bioavailable it would still not affect hormone balance even in human babies.
For god's sake, estrogen metabolites in cow's WHOLE REGULAR MILK are counted in the fucking picograms(thousands of times smaller than nano grams, nano grams are thousands of times smaller than micro grams, micro grams are thousands of times smaller than miligrams).

Plant foods like soy and its derivatives have huge ammounts of estrogen like compounds which are indeed weaker than mammalian estrogens, but they are in such a disproportional ammounts that they have an actual noticeable effect in human hormones if taken in enough ammounts.
Most of it destroyed by the liver and stomach, but some of it does get into your bloodstream, and that is a problem.

Even the most militant vegans will tell you that you shouldn't get most of your protein from soy for health reasons.
There is no such issue when it comes to protein derived from dairy, even from its fattest source(estrogen metabolites seem to be more concentrated in the fat portion of cow secretions).

>While some of them may be destroyed, not all of them will be destroyed by improper storage.
i bet any hormone or antibiotics would survive being cooked though, also its pretty unbelievable that you'd buy antibiotics and hormones to treat a chicken while you'll sell the chicken for lot less than the cost of the antibiotics and hormones you used on them

Not them but I can help.
Transfats in animals are so minute that the benefits of consuming the animal product outweigh any potential negative. On a 2000 kcal diet you can consume up to 2g of transfats, if most are naturally occuring trace fats, then as the University of Berkeley says they should not be a concern because the "amounts are so low that they don't even show up on nutrition labels."
As for whether they are the same or have even the same effect, the verdict is still out. Here's a quote from the AHS: "Small amounts of trans fats occur naturally in some meat and dairy products, including beef, lamb and butterfat. There have not been sufficient studies to determine whether these naturally occurring trans fats have the same bad effects on cholesterol levels as trans fats that have been industrially manufactured."
>Cholesterol isn't bad for you
They're right about that one.

>Plant foods like soy and its derivatives have huge ammounts of estrogen like compounds which are indeed weaker than mammalian estrogens,
These compounds may not necessarily be biologically active in humans.
>but they are in such a disproportional ammounts that they have an actual noticeable effect in human hormones if taken in enough ammounts.
>Most of it destroyed by the liver and stomach, but some of it does get into your bloodstream, and that is a problem.
Once again, do you have any proof? Research seems to indicate otherwise.

>There is a substantial reduction in breast-cancer risk among women with a high intake (as measured by excretion) of phyto-oestrogens-particularly the isoflavonic phyto-oestrogen equol and the lignan enterolactone.
>At high concentrations, genistein inhibited tumor growth and enhanced the effect of tamoxifen in vitro.

>There is no such issue when it comes to protein derived from dairy, even from its fattest source(estrogen metabolites seem to be more concentrated in the fat portion of cow secretions).
No, but animal sources of protein have other problems like increased cholesterol, saturated fat and trans-fat content.