
Im almost at the end of day 4. I was hoping to do a 28 day fast, but i dont know if it's for me.

Im constantly thinking about food, about eating. I tried filling my stomach up with water, but it's not that. It's the thought of wanting to eat.

even foods i previously disliked, i drool at the thought of.

Does this go away? or am i stuck with this for the next 24 days ?

holly shit, is that you?


No, i just dont have any fasting related pictures.

No, it's just some photoshopped pic i found on Veeky Forums a week ago


Fasting for extended periods of time is unhealthy. Try every other day. Or even better just fucking eat less. Fasting is so bad

Fasting is one the most healthy things you can do

this thread is good to spot newfags and summerfags

Don't end before the fast high. 28 is too much for a newbie, but after you get into keto your normal cravings will disappear.

>fasting isn't for me :(

It's not for weak pussies. Neither is having the body you want.

Nope, it's an FtM.

Days 2,3,4 are the worst for someone who isn't very well fat adapted, especially if you've been on a carb heavy diet.

As you start producing ketones in abundance (right now) you'll find that your energy levels will go up.

Assuming you have excess fat in abundance then the hunger pangs will quickly pass as well as your hormones start to balance out.

I am a strong advocate for fasting for weight loss and fixing shit wrong with your body but I will STRONGLY admonish you against doing a 4 week fast. These long duration fasts are problematic on many levels, the most pressing one being one of mineral equilibrium problems and refeeding syndrome which can be extremely dangerous and life threatening.

By limiting your fast to 2 week periods you greatly mitigate this risk along with nutrient depletion.

My suggestion is always 2 week fasts with 2 week refeeding windows until symptoms of metabolic syndrome are eliminated. i.e. High blood pressure, high blood glucose, high cholesterol, etc.

When these symptoms are eliminated then switching over to IF16:8 and one or two days o f fasting per week to allow you to start weight training.

Papa fast man I'm a 5'9 dude who weighs 205 pounds and want to get to 175 in 2 months or less. What kinda fasting schedule would I need?

What the fuck is this insanity

My first question is to whether or not you display signs of metabolic syndrome?

Run the math. It's literally that easy if you want to set deadlines.

Otherwise you are nowhere near fat enough to even remotely suggest long term fasting. Just do IF16:8, toss in one or two days of 1 rep of stop fucking eating. and see where you end up.

how do i achieve this mode?

t. fatass

Just started day 8, if you can't stop thinking about food then fasting isn't for you.

How do I archive necrofear mode?

Name one unhealthy thing about not eating.


I'm on day 19 out of 21.

Ask me anything broseidon.


Then do a IF you idiot, so you can eat.