Chad Nationalism

is Veeky Forums down with Chad nationalism?


Just be a normal white nationalist and stop doing gay NatSoc shit.
If you don't chimp out there is a chance that there you can get white only areas established




if it wouldn't have swastikas in it, it would be more normie-friendly.

>Learn how to use meme arrows

Nationalism is good but NatSoc is for fags. Be rational

same is true if it were leftist poz propaganda for gay adoption. way more normie friendly that way.

Make up a new aesthetic, user. I imagine you're a burger, so why not incorporate the founding fathers into your philosophy? Shit like Bioshock Infinite

Made me chuckle, felt like it still had some self awareness, love the art style.

It's poking fun of itself, in a sense. It signifies that what the average person perceives as NatSoc is actually just a well-meaning white dude who wants to reestablish a conservative society and cultural norms.

>Be rational
>be a nationalist

pick one and only one

Yes and no. I really don't care about pulling people of other races down. That being said, I'm sick of people advocating for open borders in the US. I do think that young white men like myself need to stop screwing around, get married, have kids and get jobs. I also believe that gay people should get married get jobs and help support their nieces and nephews. Gay pride parades are horrifically degenerate but I get the general sentiment.

Also, getting fit is super important that creating a new American Renaissance. Getting fit and taking control of your body is the ultimate rebellion against our current culture of instant gratification.

Fuck off commie

that's some weird optical illusion with his legs. where do they go? is the space between the beams much larger than it looks?

That's not nationalism, bro. Schoppenhauer was a virgin robot, whose hatred for society and nation stemmed from the constant mockery he received from his peers.

>National pride is about feeling good about oneself for being part of a particular nation

Schopenhauer is dead wrong here. National pride is a call to action, not a self-esteem boost. It's about feeling good about yourself for giving back to your nation, not just being a card-carrying member of the population.

>Be rational
>Base your entire rejection of a worldview on picking at strawmen

Pick one and only one.

I thought the basic premise of religion/nationalism/collectivism for the individual was that submitting to a higher order to give you a framework and something to work towards, not abandoning all individualism

>a nationalist can't critisize his own coutry because he is too stupid to see flaws