Should making your children fat intentionally be considered child abuse?

Should making your children fat intentionally be considered child abuse?

Yes. So should religious indoctrination.

t: edgy atheist

Meritocracy will prevent parents from abusing their children in any way, be it through diet, mutilation or religion.

It should be and I wish it was.


*tips emphatically

Enjoy your future Christian theocracy.

oh no GOD forbid my child gets introduced to morality and basic human values and virtues


Pick one.

Yes goy. Only some sandnigger cult is able to teach children those values in form of a gay fairytale. It's not like these are values shared universally among all civilized peoples.

probably should make it abuse to do it unintentionally as well.

Yes, fatties should btfo

>Communist atheists have killed more people in the last 100 years than all religions combined
>Christianity is evil because some knights killed sandniggers 900 years ago in some holy wars

Oy vey goys, christianity is evil

nice try, satan

Communists' religion was communism, and their leaders. Those were not truly secular societies; God was merely replaced by a godly leader. The issue is still ideology, which atheism, by definition, can't be.

yes. why is this even being asked?

>ghetto dogs

Oh, the memories.


>Can't afford hot dog buns

This is actually very true. It's not always edgy. The morals of it and whatnot is fine but if you're raised with a distorted worldview, belief in divinely mandated morality, and heaven and hell, every facet of your life is affected in a seriously suffocating, confusing way. Christians are honestly the most illogical people I know but I understand why because I was one one day. it's ilke apart of your brain shuts off (the part that decypher reality from scratch)

In what universe would this happen?

>Not only communists were not true socialists, but they weren't atheists either
>I also intend to state that they weren't humans or that they didn't inhabit Earth if history doesn't suit me in the future

>Implying atheism isn't a religion at this point

You think the issue with communism is secularism and not, oh I dunno, the fact that it's economically a completely dysfunctional system?


>Be poor commie
>Kill everyone, not because I'm a dumbass without a moral compass, but obviously because I am poor
>Remain poor

yup, poverty is to blame

>thinks you have to believe in iron age myths to have a moral compass
>not remembering other deadly ideologies were at play

Communism is a utopic system that degenerates into a tyranny. Why did you come up with such a bad strawman or are you just really that stupid? The ones who put people into gulags weren't exactly poor.

"disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods." Atheism is not a belief, it is a lack of belief. Are babies fresh out of the womb religious? No, they just don't believe in god.

Because it's impossible to understand morality without religion

>The only group of people that ever came to power whilst actively disbelieving "Iron age Myths" have proven to be the most sadistic killers in history
>I have to argue about it with fedora neckbeards who can't understand why you don't have to be dumb to be religious


>Implying you won't be being beheaded for not being a muslim

>Atheists into power proved every point ever made against them about lack of morality
>Now it's not Atheists, it's a utopic system that degenerates into a tyranny
>Anyone who sees a connection between commies,atheists and immorality is a dummy because I say so

>correlation = causation
you're retarded for thinking this way. You shouldnt be arguing with people about anything.
If you look the most hideous tyrannies in history many of them were extremely religious. Yeah, these others didn't kill millions of people because there werent that many to kill. Personally I think religion is a good thing but not for the reasons you're stating


I used to take that perspective myself but recent times have turned atheism into a lefty cult that, while in a vacuum is ideologically detached from sjw ideals, has for all practical means been hijacked by people who just want to topple western society.

Athiests used to embrace logic and science, but the movement is now coopted by "athiests" who believe in 74 genders and toxic masculinity. Modern day athiests don't reach their conclusion through logic but by embracing a dogma of far left ideals, much like a religion.

to be perfectly honest they should just redefine atheism as the process of shifting belief in god to the belief of bureaucracy
It's no coincidence communism pushes atheism

Yes and no in a sense for instance overfeeding your child, my nephew has autism and adhd and that's caused him not to eat so much so he's way below healthy and that's caused him not to grow properly so my sister n law over feeds him as much as possible to catch up.

However like your picture child services needs to step in and talk about nutrition if nothing further is done then maybe remove the kid from the household as that's the same as abuse, may not be physical but the bullies will leave physical bruises.

>Christian theocracy.

Yep, it's for sure Christianity that's the most clear and present threat

>he wants an atheist child
>he doesnt want a good christian boy

You need to leave pal

I disagree except if they are mudslimes then you are right

Just because there's a wolf in front of you doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to the rabid dog behind you.

Meant for

It actually blows my mind how many Christians find this idea offensive. No one is saying kids should be raised as atheists, just that they should be allowed to decide for themselves once they grow up.

It's not a perspective, it's the truth. That post is literally just the textbook definition of atheist.

You have selective view of history and modern politics. If you’re going to view history, view it in full. Look at the fact that there have close to no Muslim leaders that have just pillaged and killed throughout history. Even those like Timurlane are commonly acknowledged to have only been "Muslim" for political leverage. Even the development of the Taliban and what became ISIS was never of Muslim origin. The mujahideen were CIA forces brought into Afghanistan to combat communist forces. In fact, they publically tortured and castrated the president Najibullah and renounced his Islamic country of Afghanistan because it was "anti-Islamic" due to it being a democratic party that celebrated equality between genders, brought schools, boosted the econony, brought peace between the US and then USSR, etc. Im sure you believe the nonsense statistics that like 80% of Muslims agree with terrorism or whatever the moronic number was. If you think Muslim politics are anything but a farce driven by media and ulterior agenda, I dont know what to say to you. I won't deny there are actual pieces of garbage, but I think the current pool of information is so muddled with nonsense that there is no way to discern legitmate information and propaganda.

>Unironically defends Christianity with anti semitism
>Doesn't understand his entire religion is dedicated to worshiping kikes.
>Wonders why the guys on pol keep telling him to go back to r/the_donald

Part of me wants to say no because of the legal precedent it will set; but part of me agrees because the last thing we need is our healthcare system literally collapsing under the weight of an entire generation of Boogies demanding gibs and fat acceptance.


It's as easy as teaching theology objectively. Not teaching a specific religion to the kids, thus giving them a moral compass and some knowledge that will let them later adopt a religion. Not being christian just because the kid's parents are christians and shit. Or muslims or faggots. Only religion that should be banned are jews.

>it's a "i have a magical imaginary friend but it's okay because some illiterate jews from 3,000 years ago decided they really wanted baby foreskins and wrote stories about him" thread
how original



Unintentionally? They should get counseling or educated on it. If they still do it, then consider that as intentional

Stalin killed too few.

Please remember that any politicsposting is an effort from fatties to change the subject.


I love how this was about making children fat and if that could be considered abuse and now everybody has gone /pol/.

Well done to that fucking troll.

False dischotomy.
Just because some groups of people are steadfast about how they rally around something doesn't make it a religion.
Otherwise spin classes and CrossFit would be religions by your definition. They may have aspect in which they act in parallel to religions but just because ducks and wood both float doesn't mean trees are made out of ducks.

should letting your kids play video games be considered child abuse?

Should buying cheap shoes for your kid be considered child abuse?

You know how bad /pol/cucks can get?
No, the extreme right-wing fascist role-play is downright welcome in comparison to all the christcucks and 'catholic apologists' that come out of the woodwork.

Paganists deserve more respect than you.

>they should be allowed to decide for themselves once they grow up
guess what: they can. having an asshole family is tough luck, not child abuse

>Yes. So should religious indoctrination.

>actually using hot dog buns



Because not only is it letting them feel that being fat is normal, but it also leaves them vulnerable to bullying, name-calling, teasing, and having essentially no social life and a hard time making friends

I despise any parent who think she it's okay to give their kids soda, chips, ice cream, and candy every few hours or so on a daily basis

>Look at the fact that there have close to no Muslim leaders that have just pillaged and killed throughout history.

>close to no

Am I to assume you're leaving out the founder of the religion? :^)

>Look at the fact that there have close to no Muslim leaders that have just pillaged and killed throughout history

I'm looking, but I don't see that fact, perhaps you are in a different timeline.

It's pretty sad that you think morals can only be taught through religion.


Low tier /leftypol/ MS paint vomit, its impressive how something so lacking in effort and wit can still come off and smug and elitist despite the fact the the source it was stolen from was none of those things.

And what about those people raising their children in a non-Christian religious tradition? How does that apply to them?

The dream dude

While I don't think that it's right to constantly threaten young children with the fires of Hell, I also don't think it's right to tell them that they're an insignificant gnat who was essentially an accident in the grand scheme of things and that nothing matters. People should be allowed to raise their children under whatever belief system they want as long as it is not directly harmful to the child.

>I also don't think it's right to tell them that they're an insignificant gnat who was essentially an accident in the grand scheme of things and that nothing matters
Then don't. That's the thing about atheism, you don't have to bring up shit like that.

>distorted worldview
which part edgelord, the part where the kikes kill our savior for trying to end their shekel factories and interest rings? or the part where it tells us about the jews and moloch, their god remphan, the synagogue of satan? or where it tells you that you can be anything and greater than yourself through application of his dark sayings, or a mustard seed of faith if you were? or like how a bunch of sheltered faggots who've never camped or seen the new modern and rural amalgamated world night and day for weeks without the filtered lens of society and culture, as part of the energies and connectives that nature holds with us and god, will tell people like LES STROUD that sasquatch CANT exist because their such couch professionals it carries over into anything they want their "expertise" to extend into. Or that vampires and dragons that every culture in the WORLD readily admits is real until about 100 years ago cant know shit under the guise that all our ancestors were gibbering retards who couldn't tell a corpse from a cockatoo.
>t. crazy life

t. drug abuser
Calm down user, we don't need your manifesto.

Don't worry, I know that. My point is that extremism under any belief system is harmful.


Is this a well thought out and reasonable opinion on Veeky Forums? Your kind isnt looked upon too kindly here

Yes, but it won't be for a loooooooooong time. Food is as addictive as a drug. Some foods, taken in large amounts and consumed daily, will have negative effects as drugs. But since food has always been around and is as common as air, we won't notice the effects and probably won't change in a long time

>1 trillion

nice denial, can't refute the points so I'm crazy huh fag, a common retard tactic
>t. I dont use drugs you fucking faggot


This is quite possibly the worst virgin-chad meme I've ever seen. Trannies are better at this shit than you.

>people will be eternally triggered by a guy getting crucified

Christianity does not promise damnation faggot, it promises eternal life. that if you TRY to better, like christ, the one in the book not what rabbi fuckface wants you to believe, then you will ascend to the kingdom. jews are the eternal damnation, old testament, ten commandments shit, aka the torah. and where EXACTLY does it say in the bible, but particularity the new testament, where it says that nothing you do matters, that you're a "gnat" Want to know how i can tell you've never read the bible thoroughly or with comprehension you fuckin libtard fedora queen

Holy fucking shit, your reading comprehension is pretty bad. And for the record, I AM a Christian.

>tfw parents spoon fed me butter because countries with higher butter consumption have higher IQ
>just hit a healthy BMI this year
I honestly think that better education is needed for parents

>jews kill Christianities lord and savior Jesus Christ, who names the jews as satanist's in the new testament
>all Christians are kikes
hows it feel to be a good Goy?

Enjoy having that bread stick to the roof of your mouth and instantly becoming soggy if you put anything on it

>While I don't think that it's right to constantly threaten young children with the fires of Hell
You're A LIAR
>People should be allowed to raise their children under whatever belief system they want as long as it is not directly harmful to the child.
only thing you could be referring to that wasn't drivel, so where's the misunderstanding, kike?

He was talking about how some people raise their kids with the "fire and brimstone" approach to Christianity. And the "nothing you do matters, you're a gnat" part was referring to the nihilism of some atheists, it had nothing to do with Christianity. You need to calm down.

what the fuck

JESUS, you scared me with a smart answer. thank you. BUT i will still say we need more then ever to be hurtfully clear and concise, for exactly these reasons

Physically harming your children is child abuse.
Making children fat physically harms them.
Making children fat is child abuse.

de-foreskin those who insult christianity


>not realizing morality is socially constructed
>thinking atheists reject Christian morality when 99% of their opposition to Christianity is based off of Christian values
>embracing Christian morality at all
>not transvaluating morals