I'm 5'11... am I short Veeky Forums?

I'm 5'11... am I short Veeky Forums?

Are you a girl? If not they yes you are short

I'm a male.

What height is tall for a man?



That's still normal. Average is 6'1-6'4. Tall is like 6'5.

why do you care?

> T. Manlet moving the goalpost too feel better about himself by casting a wider net

taller than like 95%+ of girls and the majority of guys, in America

6'1 is top 10%, 6'2 is top 5%
op is on the taller side of average.

now let the autists argue for 300 posts

5'11" falls well within the average range.

In my experience men don't look remarkably short unless they're below 5'7. Below 5'7 and you're noticeably the short guy.

Above 6'2+ and you're noticeably the "tall guy." This is when you get the tall guy bonus.

kys yourself manlet

when will they learn?

Why dont you look at statistics OP instead of just looking for memes that will justify your existence huh?

my mother is 6'0

unlikely unless you are from a nordic country

She isn't. She is from Germany.

everyone is short by Veeky Forums standards, dont base your self worth of of what we think is cool

if you're a white man

Look bro, I'm gonna tell you something useful. I'm 6'1, which is above average (in real world, not on Veeky Forums). 5'11 isn't much far from it. My four closest friends are 6'7, 6'5, 6'5 and 6'2. I'm the shortest of my group and by a lot. If i were to worry about the height i would be a very sad person. Matter of fact i had never given a shit about my height, until I had started with Veeky Forums. It really got down on me and i ended up comparing every random person's height on the street with mine. Yes, so fucking insecure i was. I was never comfortable in someone's presence, if they were taller. Embrace your height, is what I'm trying to tell you and don't make a big deal out of it. If you embrace it, it can't hurt you. Let other, more important things define you.

Only 1/34 (3%) of femanons are taller than you in Scandinavia and the Netherlands. Those are the tallest countries in the world along with Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro & the Dinaric Alps.

It's not your height preventing you from finding a gf.

Also, average male height in the Netherlands is 5'11 (181cm), measured.

Yes 5'11" cause of all the shitskin morrocons bringing the average down, nobody cares about them. White people average is 6'

what exactly the point of your existence?

shes hairy

To make sure you manlets know your place

I'd still berry

To put manlet copers like you back in their box


just because youre irrelevant irl it wont make you relevant on a korean basket weaving imageboard. youre autistic there and autistic here, no difference

Oh call me autistic all you want fellow autist, I shall wear it like a badge of honour. But at least I'm not autistic and a manlet

6'5 everyone below are manlets and you know it

>guy who brags about his height anonymously is a self-admitted autist

wow never see that coming. do you happen to browse incel too and complain about not getting laid?

Stop projecting manlet, I get plenty of women as I am not a manlet

user youre so autistic and lack social interactions so much that you cant even make up lies on the internet. this is actually sad, imagine what your father thinks of you

Lmfao you're so upset, it's ok little manlet, once you learn your life will be better

>literal YOURE MAD argument
pure asperger

I'm 5'7, wat do?

Germany is a nordicuck place

El oh el typically when someone responds to bait over and over they are super mad, stay mad tho manlet XDDDDD

>tfw 5'10 in holland

Schiet mij aub

>be an annoying sperg
>people tell you to stop being autistic

normally i wouldnt care but its a few kissless virgins who make the majority of the misc threads on this board

STILL. MAD. ROFLCOPTER. Responding to my shitposts won't help you grow and get women Mr manlet :')

What manlet country you're from? Average is 6'3. 6'6 is tall

Average is 6'10, anything under 6'8 is undatable

i'm 5'4 stop being a faggot

No, you're larger than most women

>be me
>5'9 1/2

So should I use the .45 or the shotgun on myself?

Somebody please cap this argument

kill yourself yourself

>come back later to see this

I'm Irish and 5'11, it could be a lot worse as there are a fuckton of 5'6 borderline dwarves here.

thats the joys of anonymous posting, two idiots thinking they are trolling the other guy

guy puts laughing image and says other guy is mad while the other guy calls him a retard

5'8" Manlet here. I'm all about banter and memes but this shit is really getting out of hand lads, this is plain and simple abuse at this point.

>I'm 5'11... am I short Veeky Forums?
In America, you're tall. In Germany, you're short.

>In America, you're tall

objectively wrong

5'11 is male average in Germany, pre kebab.

>thought I was 6' my whole adult life
>measure myself

Kill me lads

Who let you out? Get back in the pit!

>tfw 5'7

under 2 meter and male you should start transitioning to female lol

yes but how big is your dick

Its literally above the national average you fucking idiot.

>Dinaric Alps
american education at work

Average in the US is NOT 6'1. I used to think that 6' was the baseline but the average height of an American male is actually 5'10"

>Be me

why even try?

>Average is 6'1
lmao jfc what country are you from?
6'5 is the average height for men, "tall" is about 6'8

what's with the influx of manlets?