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What should I do when my gf says she wants to have a pause in the relationship for 2 weeks?

She said she doesn't want to break up, but thinks things are moving too fast.

What do?

Leave her tbqh

She's looking to do hoe shit guilt free


She's gonna cheat on you.

ask her if that means remaining exclusive and just giving each other some space to decompress. If she says that it doesn't have to be necessarily exclusive then brake up with that slut she just wants to fuck some other guy without feeling any guilt about cheating on you.

>i want to fuck other guys for 2 weeks and see if i can get someone better
>if you somehow find out i'll tell you we had a break at a time

It's over dude. Work on improving yourself and move on.

One of her ex's became available and she wants to slime his cock guilt free. Not even trying to get a rise or be funny.

She said she wants space because she's really stressed from work. She has a deadline that's up in 2 weeks hence the 2 week hiatus.

I'm confused because if she's stressed then I think spending time with her should help her relax, right?

Yes, being with the person you love makes you feel better, if she's implying for the next two weeks she is going to be so busy and stressed that she can't spend time with you, she's most likely easing you or herself into a breakup.

It's alright OP, this shit happens. Just move on and find the one. Don't hold on to this chick because she was going to shit on you one day anyway, she's no good.

When I asked her about that she said that she wants to focus on her work.

I don't think she's going to spend time with other guys.

I am afraid that she may be easing into a breakup, but when I asked about that she assured me she didn't want to. She said if I wanted to break up with her, she would accept it and move on.

What does that mean?

Exact thing happened to me. She was stressed out from University and working all the time. She didn't say she wanted a break, although she used to say she wants to be alone and needs time to relax.
First thing in my mind was "What the hell... Why can't you relax with me... I'm your boyfriend.. we can do relaxing stuff together"
She had time to meet friends though...
We broke up like 1 month later.

>>I'm ok if you want to break up
the fuck is this passive aggressive shit.
Why would wanting to focus on work require you guys to change your relationship status?
I'd start scoping out other girls. It's not like they're going to immediately jump on your dick.
Keep your bitch tied to you fully knowing your ship has sunk.
If in the unlikely eventuality she wasn't dicking you around then you can stop your roving eye.

Bro, she's playing you. You have to listen to us. We're not trying to troll you or anything. If at any moment in a relationship you bring up "are you going to break up with me?" And her reply is "no, but if you break up with me, that's ok." That's red alert shit's gone sideways.

Just end it, you don't need to be with someone that thinks it's a good idea to take time off of a relationship when life gets hard, because life is hard. Today it's a project, tomorrow it's another project. The point is, you shouldn't want to spend time away from someone you care about because life is getting busy. Times like that should make you want to spend more time together.
I can tell you're struggling with letting her go or else you would have done it already instead of asking her if she was going to break up, so I'll go deeper.
Imagine you and your girlfriend are the main characters in a story, and you're not (you) (get meta with me here). Now think of all the movies/stories of romance you've ever heard of. Now imagine you're with this girl you're in love with, and you're in a story. At what point in any story about true love have you heard the girl say "let's take a break from our relationship, I'm so stressed with work I just need some time away from you."? That doesn't happen in love. That is a cliche she has been taught from stories involving a breakup. We learn our behavior from our stories and those we see. We mimic those behaviors. She isn't behaving like sleeping beauty, she's behaving like the immature cunt that's in it for sex and money. She isn't ready for a relationship and she may never be ready.

take a break and go back, if she hoked up with someone, break up, if things aren't confortable anymore, break up, if not okay

She's gonna fuck another dude.

I'm telling you OP, it's shitty but it's true. I had a hell of a time after my first gf broke up with me. We weren't right for each other at the time, I needed to grow up a lot more, I still do, but I'm engaged now to the most beautiful girl in the world and she's way better than my ex. You may not be able to see it now, but I think having a breakup like that is one of the best experiences you can have in life. You are broken, and you have to find the strength within you to repair yourself and build yourself up stronger so it doesn't happen again.
Break up with her. Just say "I don't want to be with someone that thinks it's a good idea to take a break in a relationship, goodbye." Then you block her number and cut all ties. Don't go back to her, she's bad for you and you'll only lower yourself. Then you use any emotions you may feel and you use them to achieve your goals. Get in better shape, if you're in school study hard and make good grades.
Don't let this be a bad thing OP. It happens to most people, you're not alone.

Long post, but I feel like it's necessary to cover all the bases in a situation like this

dump her and change every single thing about yourself

This. It's time to leave her. If it's not today it will be in the future. Why waste your time?

>Why waste your time?

Because we've been going out for over 6 months.

This was just so sudden. It happened this week, things were going great until she dropped this bomb yesterday.

This is retarded. She's going to cheat on you.

HUGE red flag OP. You're done my man. I am sorry you had to learn it over Veeky Forums but listen to everyone else here dude

I've had a similar experience. She had become 'more than friends' with another dude and dropped me.

Have a talk and press her on what the other anons are saying. If she gives you the run around and you're not satisfied with her reasoning, then drop her.

Best of luck.

if she said that, then things were obviously not going great. not trying to be a dick but you need to cut your losses ASAP and walk away with a shred of dignity.

Spend your time honestly examining the relationship and what you could have done better and what flaws she might have had that produced this. Use this hard won knowledge in your next relationship.

>6 months
Six months isn't shit. So you're willing to waste more time on a relationship that's not going to go anywhere?

it's objectively these

Kick this cunt to the curb instantly

Once you break it off delete her number and that is that

Know when u kissed her that last time u was kissing another man's dick


Don't break up with her because she needs time for a work project. That's pretty much as insecure beta as you can get. It is a red flag though; just don't jump ship yet.