Skinnyfat- what do?

Cut calories, run 3 miles every day, and lift one or two times a week (what im doing now)
bulk, keep up the cardio because it's a commitment, and start lifting more?

What will produce better results? Use pictures as examples of what'll happen for each route I take

Also /skinnyfat/ thread I guess
>145lbs 5'6
Manlet thread too

cut down to ~13% bf then bulk at 1 lb/2 weeks and do cardio to minimize fat gain

have you tried lifting weights?

PS I mostly care about getting rid of my bellyfat, arms would be a very nice addition but not a priority
Thanks, I'm gonna go measure my BF, t. newfag that never got around to it


fucking skinnyfats

You should be lifting 3 times a week MINIMUM.

My schedule really fucks it up, I mentioned cardio was a commitment. Once that ends I'll be in the gym 3-5 times a week
>what sort of things shall I be doing while I'm in the gym?

dont try to cut and bulk at the same time even pros have a hard time doing that natty

Theres literally no reason to bulk as a skinnyfat. You can easily make noob gains on a cut and youre going to regret gaining more fat when youve got to lose 50lbs to even look like you lift.

Stronglifts 5x5, Ice Cream Fitness or Starting Strength. Keep it simple for a while till you make decent gains.

how do you bulk and cut at the same time when one requires caloric deficit and the other surplus?


it's not cut and bulk in essence but you can of course gain muscle and lose fat at the same time which I tried to imply

Thanks. What does bulking entail? Is it just caloric surplus or are certain foods inherently better than others?

My comment. I'm on SL 5x5. Madcow as recommended or afterwards or any other suggestions?

Can anyone confirm is this guy right?

Should we aim for a deficit, surplus, or even break calorie wise then? And switch from carby-calories to calories from protein?

Fucking this.

Some foods are better, obviously. Not just for gains, but general health and skin. Eat like your Granny would cook, with a sprinkle of extra protein. I'm eating 3x healthy meals a day, eg 3 boiled eggs and a slice of toast for breakfast, and adding one protein smoothie on workout days with 40g of protein powder, one banana and ice all blended.

But yeah, like alcohol is my issue. I am 'bulking' but with proper food, however the additional alcohol I am consuming is layering on fat over my visible abs etc. Eat foods yur body can use.

as I said, if you're not a professional who knows what you're doing then either choose to gain muscle and eat like a pig or do cardio and starve yourself

OP here I found an article that disagrees


A lean bulk is not the same as what Veeky Forums describes as bulking. "Bulking" is usually considered to be 400+ cals above your tdee while "lean bulking" is usually between 200 and 350 cals above your tdee.

Because youre not overweight, A lean bulk is fine if youre lifting 3+ times a week and you actually count your calories accurately, but the same can be said about cutting.

On the internet you can find articles that agree or disagree with any opinion. Just make a decision and stick with that no matter what. I'd recommend focusing on strength (see progressive overload) doesn't matter if you are going to cut or bulk first.

Cut first if your priority is losing body fat (You're not going to see strength gains as fast as if you're bulking), lean bulk if you prefer to maximize your muscle/strength base first and then cut (It'll take longer to get to a lower bf % but you will get better strength and muscle gains)

You are the only one that can choose depending on your preferences/priorities, be careful and aware of paralysis by analysis and learn that consistency is the key to success.

How long will it take me to at least see small results with a lean bulk, versus a cut?

Seeing results and the actual numbers you're lifting are two different goals - on a cut the muscles will appear more pronounced, more aesthetic, but won't grow as fast, on a bulk they'll grow quicker, but will also be covered by a layer of fat. Realistically 2-3 weeks of either and you'll see some results.

I'm skinnyfat, I'm slow cutting and working out 6 times a week (eating clean and IF). Emphasis on traps and shoulders because of wide hips.
I recommend cutting because since you're new you'll still put on muscle mass while losing fat (don't believe those who tell you otherwise)
Noob gains are very real

You said they'd be covered by a layer of fat, how much fat are we talking? Like can't even see muscles without flexing tier? I just want something that I can be content with in a relaxed posture.
Thanks I might want to do this

first do SS to your max then cut to ~10% bf.
done. now you look like a god to normies.