
Mines shit. How can I fix it? Vid related.

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its not bad at all, chest up harder before lift off beacuse you are not extending your back to maximum

rest is ok

Aint that bad

How much is this in America units? Also, tighten up/focus on your set-up more before the lift but everything else is fine

It's only 100kg / 225lbs. I do focus on my setup - I use the starting strength 5 step setup.

are you retarded? his back is fucking ROUNDED. hips are way too high, there's no power coming from the legs. tightness is lost when he actually begins to "push" (see: pull). it looks like he relaxes his lower back/abs when pulling back (which you shouldnt do) which causes a convex curve in his spine, thus compressing it. and i cant see his knees but it looks like hes locking out by flexing his quads instead of glutes, which will destroy his knees.

here's some tips OP:
>stand straight-legged over the bar and "pull" yourself into position: get your hips lower (not too low)
>push with your heels
>squeeze your glutes when the bar starts getting past your knees
>dont fucking kip backwards

>push with your heels.

Im new to this workout thing. A guy in the gym told me to put a pencil under the tips of my shoes below my toes. And that when lifting he should be able to kick the pencil out from under my foot.

Is this a good method?

>not op

yeah maybe you, beacuse thats the way best conv pullers pull hes back isnt rounded

look up barakai or jordan from barbell medicine, or any not wide stance deadlift puller who hasnt freakishly long arms

you pull from position where shins are to the bar, if you fucking extend back and push chest up as hard as you can you aint rounded

literally spotted deadlift dyel

nah, dont listen to him, guy here hips are okay as they dont shot up after start, so that means hes pulling with his legs

that guy is an idiot

Not everyone should be deadlifting like a 5'6'' manlet, bro.
The guys pretty much all legs, if he let his hips lower he wont be able to get his shouldblades in line with the bar.

OP here. I'm 6'2"

Read this.

wow, actual good advice from MA tripfag.
color me surprised.

>his back is fucking ROUNDED
Not that rounded

>hips are way too high
There's two things that are important in the correct position of the deadlift. Shoulders slightly in front of the bar and the bar in the middle of the foot. Everything else is a matter of limb lengths

>there's no power coming from the legs
Wanna know how I can tell if you're a dyel?

>which causes a convex curve in his spine
The curve is caused by a lack of mobility in the hips, causing the lower back to not be in the correct position, causing the upper back to be rounded

>which will destroy his knees.
anatomically impossible

tell me this is ok

no, it's not good.
learn how to deadlift with a straight back.
focus on core activation / abdominal pressure.

when you get a decent amount of deadlift experience, you can decide to pull round-backed or whatever.

>Not that rounded
>A lot of lifters have a tendency to set up for the first rep, and then jerk the bar as hard as they possible can from the very start of the lift. If they’re not tight enough, this sudden jolt of force has a tendency to make their butts shoot up and their backs round. They try to drive both their shoulders and hips up, and their hips keep rising, but their shoulders don’t move much because the bar doesn’t move much, putting them in a bad position (from both a safety and performance perspective) for the rest of the lift.

im telling you its ok

vid rel is literall PHYSICAN, a fucking doctor who says its ok

yeah, totally the same thing.
pulling 220 and pulling 635.


>not everyone should be deadlifting like a 5'6'' manlet
>proceeds to post a 5'6'' manlet deadlifting

>The second position – it’s perfectly fine to deadlift with a rounded spine without a care in the world – is likely naive and based on survivorship bias.

yeah LMAO its ok nvm the increased shear/compressive forces on the spine LUL pro powerlifting form (to squeeze extra weight) and first-time deadlifting form is totally comparable!

Was the bar in contact with you are is it a bit in front of your legs?

he literally teaches that his clients and his a fucking doctor at hospital who specializes in spine shears and shit like that aka PHYSICAN

but yet some dyel from Veeky Forums knows better

i doubt he tells his clients to round their backs when they start lifting

nice appeal to authority. i dont give a shit about doctor nobody. how about forming an original thought for once, brainlet?

[argument from authority]x2

It's rounded enough to not be proper form by also not rounded enough to cause back issues.

yea I recall them beacuse I pull the way they teach to and I pull 500+ and never had back problems

yet here we got some guys that never pulled something that matters and talk like they know shit

>I pull 500+ and never had back problems
[appeal to authority]
[fallacy of incomplete evidence]

>some guys that never pulled something that matters and talk like they know shit
[ad hom]

his post is shit, but appeal to authority isn't some stupid fallacy.
it has a lot of merit in the real world.

it makes sense to trust someone who's had years of experience over some rando's.

fallacy fallacy now fuck off and let's talk about the lift.

[fallacy fallacy fallacy]

no fallacy fallacy, as I never claimed that his argument was incorrect because of the fallacies. I merely pointed out fallacies.

if you point out fallacies without attacking the basis of his argument you comment is pointless and should be regarded as trash.
What you guys do is entry level /pol/ bullshit or debate on youtube level, just emberassing.

About his lift I realy wonder about his lockout, it seems a bit off.
And yes althought he gets into a good position were you can see his lats beeing activated he might loose some tension during the lift, which is why I asked where his bar was exactly.

what brand is that squat rack