Cocky faggot tries to bench more than he can handle

>In the gym deadlifting 8pl8

>see scrawny dyel faggot walk over to the Smith machine

>sets up for 2pl8 bench

>stop my set to see if he can actually do a full rep

>unracks it and the second his arms bend the bar comes crashing down onto his chest

>he starts flailing like an autistic kid having a seizure

>walk over and lift it off him

>gives me a wild eyed stare, gets embarrassed and quickly walks out of the gym

>mfw he never returned

Moral of the story, if you're new to the gym don't be a cocky faggot and try to lift more than you actually can

how do you know he just wasn't doing an unconventional exercise?

When you drag a bench all the way over to the Smith machine it's pretty obvious you're gonna do bench press

You know you only count the plates on 1 side right? So you only deadlift 4pl8.

4pl8 on each side is what I meant

Too late to edit anyway

Found the real dyel faggot

I've only been lurking for like a week or two so idk how terms are used on here but what I do know is people don't usually talk about the weight on each side of the bar. Like when you say you're benching 135 you don't say "im benching 45 pounds on each side" you either say 135 or 2 plates

135 is 1pl8

you're a fucking retard

it's okay user you'll learn, don't feel bad

135 is one plate. You only talk about the weight you put on side of the bar, because it'll always be symmetric. 225 is two plates.

Why didn't you return to the gym?

Were you dropped on your head, you insecure retard?

The kid was benching 135, that's what I meant when I said 2pl8. I meant 2 plates in total

>Reddit spacing in fucking greentext
God you're such a colossal faggot

>only been lurking for like a week or two

you're dumb as shit


>being this new
lurk more newfag

So you don't understand at all, I get it. Think about this if someone says 1 plate they obviously don't mean the person is benching with just 1 fucking plate, it's 1 plate on each side.

lmao fag

Okay what would a 1pl8 or a 3pl8 be in your logic? An uneven bar? Do you think a 3pl8 squat is only 180 lbs?