Supposed to go to gym today

>Supposed to go to gym today
>usually go 4:30 am to avoid people
>school started so i cant anymore
>too much social anxiety to go at normal times
>not gonna work out today as usual

How do i stop this curse, please. Im missing out on so many gains. Ive been reduced to pushups and pullups in my room now.

Try growing a pair and going.

Can you really not go your usual time? How about earlier? You could also try later depending on your schedule, just have to make adjustments.
If none of that works out and you have to face going at usual times, remember that confidence, bravery are not the absence of uncertainty, self doubt, or fear. You have to nudge yourself into the unknown and take solace in knowing you're doing your best for yourself. At any rate, it's not as though you're going there to socialize, you're there to lift, and everyone else is there to do their own thing.
Hell look at it this way, it's another thing to work on this semester.

Please user just go to the gym and workout.
Put on headphones and do your lifts.

once u get stronger then most of the people eat the gym personally i find it much easier to just go in and do whayever

You can go to school but not to the gym? Doesnt make sense bro

Also, its not a curse, its self-inflicted. You created it, you can destroy it. Good luck bro

I hate going to crowded gyms too. I actually got a gym membership off campus at a 24hr place so I go late at night.

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Same for me user i usually go at 1 am but since i have to get up and 7 am i can only go on weekends

School is much more chill. Get in, do my work, get out, And i know some people there. At the gym its fucking crowded from 11am to 11pm and then it slows down but i cant go at 11 cause i need sleep for school. I dont wanna end up Dyel so i guess ill just have to fucking Go for it.

Never gonna make it.
If this realization bothers you enough, you'll go.

I had this problem because i started going to gym at university, then when i came home for the summer wasted a month being to nervous to go to gym at home city for no reason.

solution: pack your shit up and go.

>eat the gym

Im with ya in spirit bro so u wont be liftin alone but with me so u will lift more man its broscience just do it and u will see.

>muh sleep
>muh anxiety

Something has to give, retard. You either deal with one of these two things or you don't make it. Your choice.

>social anxiety
the cure for social anxiety is to confront it. you should work out when there's a lot of people to cure your social anxiety. that simple.

that's two birds with one stone.

>There are no forms of education beyond the age of 18

The first time is hardest. But once you confront your fears it gets easier every time. Just remind yourself of how much you have to gain, and how little you have to lose.

I go before work because I'm mildly autistic

I start work at 8am and I have to get up at 5:30 to do it but it's not so bad

I would be more shy if there are small group of people and they form like a group and I stand out from the them,then when it's very crowded so you are basically just another brick in a big wall.

wtf is wrong with you?