Godlike Triceps exercises

Hey Veeky Forums

I am searching for some good Triceps exercises.

My elbows always hurt from skullcrushers and I am not sure if triceps extension are really that good.
I want to add mass to my triceps btw

>I am not sure if triceps extension are really that good.

they are

also close grip bench, one of the few bench variations worth doing

make sure you do a lot of pressing in general. The general public likes to use either dips or CGBP, try those. If you press a lot already then you simply need to get better at what youre already doing

any form of elbow extension is going to fuck up your elbow eventually

"inclined" Skullcrushers (dont go straight up, finish a bit closer to the front of your hairline) and farmer walks are all you need

Weighted dips, feggit.

do them.

I do dips and diamond push ups.

I do cable tricep pushdowns. Alternate sets with cable curls, doing like 15reps per set, so you'd do something like TCTCTCTCT. Gives you a fuarkin crazy arm pump

Ring dips

Do really high rep (100+) band pushdowns with a really fast tempo after any workout with tricep work to help your elbows. I never get elbow pain anymore

Just doing OHP and Bench have been enough for my triceps
I used to isolate them with Skullcrushers but they started becoming too big relative to my Biceps so I stopped

pressing, dipping and extending. it's not hard.

I do a closer grip bench (not necessarily close grip) but it gives you the most activation in all muscles associated with the bench press.

I also do bench dips, cable tricep extensions, and single arm overhead dumbell extensions. My triceps have improved from doing this the past few weeks, adding weight to bench and adding reps to accessory movements.

High rep tricep kickbacks, holding for two seconds at the contraction

5x20 tricep pushdowns at the end of every workout. there's a paper out there somewhere about how good these things are for size...

Can confirm

Lat push downs give me the best pump

The Bugencrusher, a pullover transitioning to a closegrip benchpress, transitioning to a slow eccentric triceps extensions. All that on a decline bench
Credit is obv due to Eric Bugenhagen

i think its very important to also include some overhead triceps exercise, as it hits the long head, which is on the most underrated muscles

le tip

Weighted dips past parallel are excellent for Triceps if you have the flexibility

can someone explain this meme to me? I actually do weighted dips/pullups...

> thick
> solid
> tight

You're a big guy

for you

Close grip bench press k thnx bi

Dumbbell pullovers. I started these recently and they are god tier. I do triceps push downs and pulldowns as well.

u know that rope at the gym that looks like a ballsack? pull that down

Its kindoff like a gatekeeping meme to keep normies from doing a goat exercise

> I hate having functioning wrists

i think it comes from weighted dippers being seen as too autistic to ask for a spot?

If your gym has an assisted pull up machine, set the weight to your liking and do triceps push downs with the pad. Make sure you lean forward a bit and put the concentration in your arms and not chest, it hits the triceps really well.


u natty brah?
goal body desu

I've done almost the same as this guy. 6 sets of bb bench, 3 sets OHP, 3 sets Push press, 4 sets DB bench, and 3 sets db sitting shoulder in split between 2 workouts each week and at the end of each doing one 30 rep set of tri pushdowns, one of them supinated, one of them pronated has done me good since mid-May. Mostly heavy weight 4-6 reps on BB movements, more 6-10 on DB's and then the high rep 30 tri pushdown at the end.

reeee fucking cocksuckers like you hogging the machine so i can't do my natty 1 arm assisted pull ups

Kickbacks feel like they are destroying nu shoulder with my weak arm, they feel great with the other one though

Yes natty

do them with a barbell standing upright

What's your routine for thighs?

what's your routine in general?

I came here to post this.

Farmer walks???
For triceps???

So hear me out because this is going to sound retarded. If you can do glute bridges, like if you have a thick enough pad to really put the weight on them, they can be a tricep exercise. When you have multiple hundred pounds on the bar and you need to keep it from rolling down your body, but you keep your elbows from locking, that will kill your triceps.

heavy overhead extensions for dat dere long head followed by 100 reps of band pushdowns for pump and fluff desu

Thanks Alex

Push day pull day rest day
DB OHP 4sets increasing weight 12-8 reps
Superset with DB front raise 12 reps
DB Incline fly 4 sets 12 - 8 reps
Superset with Db Lateral raise 12 reps
DB flat bench fly 3 sets 8 reps
Superset close grip Db to failure
Hanging leg raises 4 sets of 12
Superset with side crunches and Incline twists 4 sets of 20
Weighted dips 4 sets of 10, last set to failure with no weight
Finish with light pec deck 4 sets of 12 and to failure on last set
Or finish with Tricep push downs 4 sets of 12

Pendlay row 4 sets of 12-8 reps increasing weight
Close grip pull down 4 sets of 12-8 reps
Superset with wide pull up 4 sets 12-8 reps
Preacher curls 4 sets of 12
Superset with reverse curls 4 sets of 12
Db row 4 sets of 12
Superset with rear delt fly 4 sets of 12
Finish on isolateral row machine 4 sets of 12
Or finish with bodyweight pull ups 4 sets to failure
Stretch and use wrist roller at home

Squat 5 sets, 12 reps, 8 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps.
Rigid leg deadlift 5 sets of 8-12 reps
Calf raises 4 sets of 12 reps
Superset with light Good mornings 4 sets of 12
Quad extension 4 sets of 12 reps
Superset Hamstring curl 4 sets of 12 reps