Mirin General Thread

Post your mirin stories brehs. Mine:

>working in different office today
>girl that i've met before from a different office is also there
>lean over her cube and say hi when walk in
>she jumps up and says heyyyy
>she asks why i'm in this office and as i'm talking, she bites her lower lip

I thought the lip biting you guys talk about was bullshit. Its the first time this has ever happened in my life and i'm 32.

At 29, i started lifting, got into fashion, and started fixing my hair. There is always time to sort yourself out.

>got into fashion, and started fixing my hair
Nuh uh bro, not for me. Chicks dig guys that don't give a fuck. Chill guys like me. I wear wrinkly band T-shirts and hoodies, exclusively. And old jeans that are too baggy. Going for that chill look bro. Gotta let girls know you are really chill and cool to hang with.

>Been lifting and eating well for a couple months
>Noobgains but still a DYEL
>A girl friend who's living abroad comes to visit
>Sees my shirtless
>Says I look good and maybe in a couple months she'll have to keep an eye on me so other girls don't steal me from her

Is this how it feels guys?

>at a party with my friend and the chick he is banging
>we both lift but my friend is smaller than me yet more boastful about his muscles
>night goes on, everyone getting drunk
>go to basement, we're all hanging out
>out of nowhere my friend's girl starts complimenting me to my friend
>literal words are "user is so much better than you! his butt is better and his arms are bigger!"

she's not the hottest but damn feelsgoodman


>swimming with mum, encouraging her to get fit
>one lane free, we both take it
>allow her to swim ahead, then follow
>reach end of the lane
>"you're arms are getting big! I looked behind me and thought a big man was following"
I do it for 'er lads
(But i also do it for *her*)


You must be a chill dude bro

With tits like that I frankly couldn't care less

dude inorite bro

Mom, I lift to win your love

>walking to car after getting lunch
>see girl i had a class with walking down the sidewalk towards me
>she sees me
>she stops, turns around, and starts walking the other way

she was just overcome with nervousness after seeing me, r-right?

The only mires I get are from other men. Mostly old men who call me big and ask if I play football. Also a week ago on Uni shuttle to campus, kept catching some 19/20 year old guy looking at me. WTF /fit?

Yeah, but you can care about your looks and not give a fuck about women. Same result
Yes. That was a nice compliment from her

all my young female coworkers check me out. All of them.

this shit is so motivational, we're all gonna make it

Same here

>24, 6'1 185lbs blonde blue eyes strong jaw
>getting noticeably muscular
>go to the bars on weekends
>5's and 6's tell me they want to suck it in the bathroom
>7's and 8's smile at me and flip their hair but I get too anxious to be myself around them
>9's and 10's don't acknowledge me in any way

Bro, you just need to wear more chill clothes. Chicks dig baggy, dirty band T-shirts. Lets them know you don't care about stuff.

I'd breed the monkey out of her desu lads.

>I guess I should have know that's what I would become for you
>just another memory

>staying in Kansas City for a gig, day after waiting for a bus to gtfo of there
>homeless guy walks up and asks "are you an athlete"
>tells me about when he used to be pro at martial arts, urges me to do sport (cos I don't currently)
I gave him my breakfast biscuits, he didn't even ask for anything so it was deserved

>tfw mom says "you're getting too big", inb4 incest

If you want those 9s and 10s, then you just gotta dress more chill my man. They want a man that's laid back.

>tfw got mired pretty hard by a stereotypical brick house black girl I used to know in highschool

She works in a store right down the street, interracial is not my thing but I'm kinda thinking about going for it. I'm so sick of being a virgin to be honest.

Is it possible to get mired if you are Veeky Forums, but also a manlet?

can you stop lmao

I do agree with you, but there are grills that are really into smooth, crisp looking dudes

also more likely to be a grill that actually wants to do something with her life

My 5'6" friend got mired by a lesbian who thought he was a dyke
Does that count?

Can you give me an example outfit? I just dont know what im doing wrong...

Are you trying to force a meme, or are you legitimately an autistic dyel Veeky Forums fag?

happened tday

> in supermarket
> going around with my basket
> giant ass brazilian girl with gay brazilian friend pass next to me
> heard her saying "hmm ele podia comer toda minha buceta"
> means "hmm he could tear my pussy up"
> gay guy said smthing like lick me all over or smthing, didnt pay much attention
>be portuguese so I undertood them

feels good man, first real mire i can remember apart from smiles, etc

I mire that ass erry day


tshirts and hoodies?

lmao, im not a teenager nor a neet lowlife

I talked with a girl today! She was mirin so hard her pussy be dropping

>Me, 5'11 165
>Otter mode, strong jaw, well dressed and smelling good.
>At work party drinking and chilling.
>Was hesitant to go because last time I got hit on and being shy my brain kinda just shuts down.
>Hear someone calling my name.
>See two girls giggling walking together asking groups of people where I am.
>Notice it's the new girl and her friend from the phone room.
>8/10 South American half cast, nice skin type girl.
>Long black hair, nice eyes and modest makeup.
>She comes closer and spots me.
>Pretend not to notice (shyguy)
>She gets closer and someone spins me around.
>"Hey, you're user!"
>"H-h-hey , I know you, you're always really nice on the phones."
>She giggles and blushes.
>"No I'm really not nice." She says looking me up and down.
>She flicks her hair and walks away still looking me up and down.
>Not sure if I should've followed her or not.
>Just stood there embarrassed and ate some fries.
>The rest of the night she kept looking across the room and giving me fuck me eyes.

D-d-did I fuck up bruhs?

>move back into school last week
>lifted hard and dieted all summer look good
>go to bar with a few buddies
>chat up sluts from our school
>one particular slut rubs my arms all night and puts her hand on my abs when she talks to me
>get drunk and all walk back to our place
>slut links her arm through mine on the walk back
>keep drinking
>go to piss
>open the door and she's standing outside
>she pushes me back in and starts to blow me
>see her today with her bf
>wanna tell him but can't


t. Alone



Sorry, too harsh. Love you bro, you're gonna make it.

:( hurtin now cuz you're hurtin


How do I get womenz to mir me? Teach me, Veeky Forums.

Yes, bit who cares? Try again another time and fuck up, then keep fucking up till you learn and fuck up less.

I was a useless sperg after I broke up from a 6 year relationship at 25, but I kept trying and embarrassing myself till I became confident. I still sperg out from time to time, bit it doesn't matter as much to me as it used to.

You can overcome shyness with experience, just don't beat yourself up about it toooooooo much.

that is a mighty long torso.
How tall?


1. Be around them
2. Be always bored with the one you have
3. Be always more interested in others
4. Be coy about it
Also lift

I've got the lifting part down, but I've tried the chilled act since elementary and everyone just thought I was an edgy faggot.

>Don't get a good haircut
>Don't style your hair
>Wear ill-fitting chill clothes (preferably band Ts and basketball shorts)
>Be a chill guy that is laid back
>Never be assertive
>Always act like you don't care what happens. Especially be indecisive about places to eat, putting all the burden on the other person and make them feel like they always have to make decisions for you because you are a manchild.
>Be really chill

More humor and not giving a fuck. Too much chilled come off like you dunno how to have fun. Fun is what grills want. Have fun, when you're having fun grills have fun. They have no agency, and will "ride the coattails" of you having fun vicariously.

Just have fun.

I just came to your gf lmao, nice ass desu

She says 5'9 but she looks shorter imo.

It's an honor desu... how did it taste?

I don't do that degenerate shit, I just jerk off to peoples gf's online. Do you got more pics of her? I like.

Not any that are better... or maaaaaaaybeeeeeeee

>Started college again after dropping out 4 years ago
>I'm now 45 lbs leaner and put on loads of muscle mass after 16 months of lifting (not always consistent which is my fault)
>Look older which seems to attract the girls pretty well
>5'9" 179 lbs 14% body fat so not huge by any means
>See old friend who I lost touch with
>Stare her down in hallway but she looks at me like I'm a random person
>Go up and say hello
>Visible confusion until she processes who I am
>"user? Holy shit you look incredible!"
>She proceeds to comment on my physique for the next 5 minutes
Also from that day:

>Go to college gym building to scout out where weight room is
>Not so cute girl is coming out of building but looking at phone
>Holds door for me and looks up as I walk by
>Say thanks
>Stares at my chest for nearly 2 seconds before walking away quickly

Holy fuck, are you retarded? Mating isnt math, there isnt a complicated formula, just be a confident person and thats enough.

I don't mind them at all bro, I enjoy pretty girls and yours is nice. Got that nice little butt you can bite into.

(not going to green text because it's a pain in the ass on my phone)...
Used to be 270lbs
Bust my ass for 2 years of cocoon mode
With setbacks and shit, I eventually end up at 190.
190lbs of kickboxing body
Look extremely good, and no longer am "the fat one"
Go to a baby shower for a cousin
Every chick hits on me
Feel SUPER weird, but still retain my joking attitude
Now tons of new women friending me on fb

It still feels weird, but God am I happy that I can see how the other half live. I was so insecure and hated myself so much due to weight. Now I love myself because I know I have an insane ammount of inner strength. Fitness has saved me. I have a cousin who is my age and she is a fat pig, she's going the opposite way I did. I tried to help her, so oh well.

>5'9" 179 lbs 14% body fat
>not huge
You have body dysmorphia

You guys really fall for the chill meme bait. As if I was serious. If you fuckers want mires, dress well, style your hair, and have good hygiene.

Yea breh, all these Veeky Forums rock hard asses on chicks are not my deal. I need a feminine bf%.

Not really a mire but I ran a mile for class today and had to tell the instructor my time and some chick said "oh my God"

I love all asses, as long it's on a woman and she's not some obese bitch.

her ass is p poor, but to each their own

size isnt the most important but shape and perkiness, and she doesnt have that either so..

24 years of being a fat shut in will do that to you.

True, perky just really means firm fat... and it used to be desu. Good gal tho, I don't miss it honestly. It's weird how your tastes change as your womans body changes. Manhood is a wild ride desu.

>tfw manlet and will never be mired
Our only hope is to become successful

I know its probably bait, but some people actually do think there is anything more than personality

Same man, I need my woman to have some fat on her. I'm not talking about any fucking cellulite shit, I just mean a curvy girl with firm stuff everywhere.

Not some fit, tight, hard body wtf.

>new transfer girl at uni
>qt 3.14, nice
>really into her
>find out she is dating friend/acquaintance

Only girl I'm into now is Russian and in Moscow :(

>I'm not talking about any fucking cellulite shit,
Fat is fat is fat, firmness is the only variable. Squishy non-obese women master race.

Sounds like y'all can make shit work still since they don't work directly with you. They're interested, aren't you? Find your balls and ask her out sometime.

Coworker is a milf with 2 kids
Dresses in very tight jeans
Comes over to cubicle just to chat
Body language tells me she's horny as fuck
Every time I walk by her cubicle, she blatantly checks my ass out

You think she would at least be down to suck dick?

>I don't do that degenerate shit
>I just jerk off to peoples gf's online
fucking hell i kek'd

Chill =\= Cool. Close, but not quite.

-Get a good haircut. Don't maintain it every month, but let it grow out and cut it only when you can't take it anymore.
-Wear whatever, as long as it fits well. Not giving a fuck about "fashion" is fine if the fit is solid.
-Dont be butthurt about anything. Be chill and easy going with whatever, but definitely have a plan and the ability to be quickly decisive when asked. Assert yourself but never demand your way.
-Laugh easily, smile often, make jokes about those who are more uptight. Relax. You got this.

Ayy lmao tier proportions...

>walking to dance class at the gym last night
>normal clothes (shirt and meggings)
>random cute blonde cuts across perpendicular to me about 10ft in front
>holds eye contact for about 3 seconds then smiles and goes on her way
>she wants to fuck

LOL I actually wrote it 100% seriously but then after i posted it I read it and kek'd loud as fuck

Don't do it for her, bro. Do it for you and then go get her.

A girl looked at me today

your mom don't count

dude nice


>girl is with her boyfriend
>quickly glances at me then looks up
>looks back again
>her boyfriend notices
>gets right in front of her, blocking her view of me

Amazing how often this happens when you're fit.

you didn't fuck up

even if we do fuck up, which is how we learn.. who cares?

she likes you, keep going my man.

I get so many mires i lost count.

>Walking through shopping mall
>Turn corner
>Nearly run into girl who was on her phone
>She looks up in shock
>looks at me, then my body, then me again
>Her jaw is nearly touching the floor
>I give her a smile and a wink
>She's speechless
Honestly stuff like this happens all the time

Fuck greentext on my iphone

Be my birthday so go to party to my best friend house
We always do this because we have the same birthday
Walk in and see an old bro from hs
He doesn't recognize me at all
I don't say anything just party with my bros
At the fire later that night he remembers me cause of my name
Holy shit bro you got taller and buffed so cool to see you shine
Thanks m8.jpeg
Hit it with a chick who is hot af and fuck her in the cornfield by the house
After we're done we bust out of the cornfield and everyone is there at the fire just looking at us
My birthday bro just looks at me with the "my man" face
Feels good great night

>Her jaw is nearly touching the floor

So, wait, you nearly ran into the girl, she fell on the ground, looked at you and you smiled and winked at her?

this is the only correct answer

I fucking hate my god damned life.

yeah, cool right?

Your mother's pussy, friend!

It'll be hard but you know what you have to do
Inb4 they have some weird open relationship

at work most the receptionist are 20-30 year old women, a couple of them are very attractive.

Since working on what I eat; increasing the volume of working out, and intermittent fasting I look and feel much better.

The last couple of weeks they have holding me up to chat a lot and are a bit flirtatious sometimes, and since I feel much more confident I am happy to do the same.

I have lots of work to do still but can't wait to see what the mir's are like after I drop a few more BF% and gain the confidence I never had.

I want to close your face in a waffle iron.

Im 5'9, 170lb at 14%bf but im not huge either. I see people at my gym bigger than me yet im stronger :( feelsbadman.jpg

>at gym
>10/10 qt says "mirin"

I don't know what a mire is anymore. I used to get mires and think im the shit but now i feel like i need to rent my own place and have a driver's license before bothering with girls (im 23 employed shit job, no license and live with dad).

Once i rent on my own and have my car im p sure ill feel confident enough to turn mires into come back to my car/house and i fug girl...

But for now my confidence is really stagnant. Girls give number, mire,makeout with me and i do nothing to further cause i feel inadequate without car, it sucks...."

>Be bored
>Decide to go on omegle and see what girls think of my gains
>Roll a girl
>Sexy arms user can I see you all the way naked
>Ask her to blow a kiss and wave so I know she is real
>She says she will take her clothes a little after me
>Strip down naked
>Mm baby nice abs spin around and let me see your back and ass
>Shes taking off her top at this point and is pulling her bra up just a bit
>Spin around and show her my ass
>She stops and lets her bra back down
>"Damn user you have better hips then me"
>"You have a better ass then me too!"
>Well you gonna show me?
>"No I'm embarrassed now you have such a perfect ass and hips I'm jealous of it"
>"Sorry gonna go"

And that was the last time I was mired and crushed. Thought lifting was supposed to get me girls not make them insecure.