Over 66% of Americans over the age of 21 are overweight

>Over 66% of Americans over the age of 21 are overweight
>I hate having to look at and interact with fat ugly pigs on a daily basis
>I'm completely disgusted by this country where laziness and gluttony is considered the norm and people go out of their way to promote fat acceptance

I hate living in this shit hole. What are some /fit approved countries?

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You could go to the U.K. where they are fat AND ugly

I would say Japan and South Korea, but I think they're just more skinny (3% obesity vs 35% for US) than fit. Fatshaming is normal and acceptable there.

I think westerners (especially anglos) are just fat overall. While America is the fattest by a lot, Britland/Aussieland/Leafland are all still 1/4 obese which is unacceptable.

>don't live in the cities around blacks
>fat people disappear

stop interacting with poor people

It's not the Africans desu it's the cities.

>it's the cities.

Nice try dude. I live about an 75 min away from the nearest large city and I'm surrounded by fat fucks too.

I've heard/read that in more than one place. Wouldnt call them Veeky Forums in the Veeky Forums sense of the word though. Most of them are tiny and weak.

South America and Southeast asia fatshame too. Would recommend OP

move to colorado or the west side of los angeles

Move to Colorado or Utah.

i technically am obese, yes i am american but i am 5'8 at 200 lbs 20 ys old 15% bf, so i would say polls do not get an accurate representation of america. they should go by state instead

>people are tiny a weak in east asia
>but not in SEA or south america
are you retarded

i have noticed less fit people in europe, like bodybuilding or improving your physique is almost non- existent, maybe it is because soccer is the biggest sport containing "athletes" so being skinny is considered okay and athletic? where as america we have wwe, nfl, amateur wrestling, mma, boxing etc

just find the right community in a western state

>tfw french
>tfw have literally never seen an actual fatty (those in the fph threads) with my own eyes
>have never heard the sound of these little scooters they have
>saw one guy once who was probably 60% bodyfat and still remember it like it was yesterday
we might smoke a lot but at least we're Veeky Forumster than burgers

>polls do not get an accurate representation of america.
I doubt any country have scooters for obese people in wallmarts.

Hamericans think it's their "freedom" and their "god given right" to conserve as much mass as a humvee. Pic definitely related. Fucking degenerates.

Japan has a fat tax

Italy y/w

I'm moving to New Zealand next year. Anyone have any experience there?

>no ben garrison logo

first day on Veeky Forums?

There's literally only 1 fat person in North Korea OP. And if you're into fasting, there's even more good news...

The scooters are electric, they don't really make any noise.

I'm here and I'm fat. Don't come if you are a chink.

They make a distinctive omnomnom sound, user.

felt like a fucking fatass american in amsterdam last year, everyone there is lean. i am also handsome as fuck but felt like a normie over there, everyone is beautiful wtf

Keep going east, it's gets better.

about as fat as Australia but the chicks there are uglier

Really? Cities like new york and LA have very low obesity rates for non hispanic whites. Meanwhile in rural areas seeing 300 pound women isnt uncommon

Any country with mandatory military service or deep military tradition is going to produce some Veeky Forums fellas. Switzerland, Israel (>inb4 /pol/), most Slavic countries, even South Korea.


Look what they had to rescue in Texas. You'd think landwhales would be evolutionary equipped to survive flooding, but look at the amount of fucking resources these beasts waste.

>While America is the fattest by a lot

Nope, the rich arab countries are the fattest by far. Serves all those greedy pedophile savages right getting killed by junkfood.

Long term expat in Japan here. Vast majority are skinny but there are a few who lift. The good news is if you work out you will stand out from everyone. Even the foreigners who come here are usually DYEL and skinny, with the occasional fat weeb.

Also fat shaming is real. People have no hesitation to say things like "you got fat", in no uncertain terms. They make comments not necessarily malicious but with definite social pressure to not be a fat piece of shit. Conversely if you lose weight they will point that out too.

Best part is the change of ambience. Living in the States you are surrounded by fatties. Virtually everyone is fat. Fat friends, fat coworkers, fat friends' wives, fat cops, fat teachers, fat everyone. There is constant unconscious pressure to loosen your standards, because at least you're not as fat as them, and even if you were everyone is fat so it wouldn't be a problem. Compare with Japan where everyone is small and skinny, the opposite effect occurs.

Finally roasties get BTFO constantly here. No matter how hard western girls try they cannot keep up with Asian girls' youth and slenderness. It fucks with their heads to live in a place where they have to struggle just to not be the fattest and ugliest person in the room, a battle which they usually lose. Japanese also put to rest the myth of baby weight, becuase every mother I have known was back down to her pre-pregnancy weight within two months after giving birth. The next time you see some pudgy sow moaning about 'eating for two' remember that she is full of fat.

Those are cities where you have to walk everywhere of course they're going to be less fat.

>America is the fattest by a lot

>this is what eurofags really believe

Mexico, many middle eastern countries, and small islands are much fatter % wise

>America is the fattest by a lot

it's not top 10

>left: overjuicing
>right: overeating
>cant do anything in moderation
Huh, really gets my nogging jogging

>Nope, the rich arab countries are the fattest by far.
depends if you count their indian slaves.

>Walking everywhere
It's like you've never been to LA. There is only a few cities in America where you typically walk more than most and LA is not even close to being one of them.

Thing is we are fat because of malnourishment, the poor are the people who get fat. Most people over 21 are fit, because Mexico is extremely harsh with people. God forbid you have a physical disability and come here. We literally name short people pequina or midget. If youre fat dont come here. Actually dont come here at all, its a shit hole.

norway > sweden > denmark

scandinavia is full of fit people. if you don't work out regularly, you are assumed to be responsible for every health problem you have

norway is better than sweden in this respect, who is better than denmark, but they're all pretty good. denmark is very relaxed about life in general though, most people are fit but they worship food

Less Veeky Forums people for sure, but our general population gets regular exercise by cycling, walking and running. Low test sports like volleybal, soccer and tennis are also popular.
Europe has a better standard of living, but a lower ceiling. This isn't only true for sports.

>not be the fattest and ugliest person in the room
let's not get carried away with the yellow fever here, most asian girls aren't as cute you would like to think

The lowest obesity rates in Europe are Romania,Italy and Swittzerland. Although childhood obesity is on the rise in all of the cunts. Interestingly all 3 have high fat diets(don't fall for the "Italian" cuisine being pasta and pizza,they don't eat like that on a regular basis,ok maybe pasta but with heavier sauses and smaller portions).
France would bethere too except for all the fat arabs

Do you teach, or have you moved on to another career? I'd like to move to Japan, but teaching seems like it has a very low glass ceiling.

>What are some /fit approved countries?
Major Sports culture
Gyms everywhere (theres like 8 gyms within a 3km radius of where i live in Sydney)
Birth place of zyzz
Best amateur bodybuilding completion in the world (stereosonic)
If you like asians then youre in luck because they're fucking everywhere in Sydney and Melbourne
Cheeky black buggers who only want a dollar for the bus who are only really seen north of Brisbane and none in Tasmania
>The conflict, fought largely as a guerrilla war by both sides, claimed the lives of more than 200 European colonists and between 600 and 900 Aboriginal people, all but annihilating the island's indigenous population.
Theres no more native Tasmanian aboriginal people now

Australia isn't a quarter obese. There are a few every now and then, like 1 every 100 people is obese here.

t. Australian

>swede is better than denmark
No u

>birthplace of zyzz
that was russia

Can confirm. Lived in brisbane for 2 years. Holy fuck. Everyonr guys and girls gym. I swear every second guy is in gear and its openly available to gym rats. On top of that the living cost was low. The weather was awesome and the money was legit

>Best amateur bodybuilding completion in the world (stereosonic)


Surprised Norway is that high, I remember people looking great when I visited. France and especially Switzerland being low check out, though I'm a little surprised by Italy - the young fashionable people looked good, but I remember a lot of middle aged chubsters. Food portions felt huge too, but I suppose people differently when eating out.

>Veeky Forums

I'm chink and I'm on my way cunt.

I live in Norway and I think I've been seeing an increase in fat people in recent years. Mostly middle aged women. I live in one of the fatter counties I think though, and maybe I'm seeing it more since getting fit.
Young people are still normal for the most part.

Germany or anywhere north of it

Hate to break it to you, but yes a quarter of australians are obese.

>In 2014-15, 63.4% of Australians aged 18 years and over were overweight or obese (11.2 million people), comprised of 35.5% overweight (6.3 million people) and 27.9% obese (4.9 million people). A further 35.0% were of normal weight and 1.6% were underweight.

t. Australian Bureau of Statistics

We don't have much fatties here in France. But we have mudslimes and niggers soooo...

unfortunately scandi countries have been invaded by refugees :(

I live in London, not that many fatties desu until you get to age 50+, I'd say one of the Veeky Forumstest cities I've been in too, having travelled in much of Asia and Europe

welcome to the motherland Americuck

Well they're not wrong, it is their right to do so.

kek 100% false
t. visited Hungary, Romania, Poland, Turkey, Cyprus, Croatia

Denmark literally has the skinniest teens in all of Europe my dude, lower obesity rate than Sweden too. The studies have been done.

>we literally name short people pequina or midget
fucking kek, is it like Mohammed for mexicans?

Go to bosnia. Or any slavic country. In germany i was always small but there i felt fat. You will see either ottermode or well trained bodies. We dont have mutch to eat there, no burgerking shit, only Maika(Mom/Grandmom) who makes eat.

Eh, you either live west and deal with its cultural declien, live in completely-different-culture-noway-you-will-assimilate jpon/korea or live some third world shithole. Take your pic. The upsides of living in the west outweight the downsides as of now. Like, just live where you can do what you want to do with your life. I would have a great deal of trouble doing what i want in russia, so i plan to move out of here, even if it my homeland and like russian culture, whatever. If you can do what you want to do with your life in your country and do it succesfully, than you dont have any reason to move.

>Go to Bosnia
>known for its war crimes and criminals
no ty, got lots of Bosnian refugees in the UK, apparently they were scoundrels

>tfw norwegian
>tfw people are normal here and plenty of young people are fit
Heyheyhey, we're not bad!

Honestly, I wish they measured the bf% of everybody. Ever since I was a kid I was always in the higher bmi range because I had a bit more muscle than most kids my age. Haha I still have the letters my mom would get every year saying your child user is obese in X bmi range.

t. fat powerlifter

Keked and checked

especially japanese girls, their teeth are fucked and their noses usually are too wide

Yellow fever is real, asian girls are bottom of the barrel along with black girls

This. London is the most Veeky Forums city.

You'll just get laughed at by the black yutes in london anyway lol

This just isn't true.

>implying there aren´t plenty of fat rednecks in the rural parts of the US and A


> What are some /fit approved countries?


Really? I visit London regularly, but I always get surprised when I visit most other European cities at how much thinner people are.
If anything, London is fatter than the town I currently live in.

Reason is fast food restaraunts.

In america you can buy double cheesburger for a dollar while here in Europe u wont find it below 2 euros.

Most people in Europe still eat at home, while americans are eating out more often cuz its not that expensive.

But the fat trend is coming here too for sure

>my mom would get every year saying your child user is obese in X bmi range.
Sorry user, but you're were at least overweight by bodyfat % if not obese too. No kid is muscular enough to make them obese unless they're on steroids
You were/are fat.

>being this ignorant

Lol please. Obesity is on the rise and very few people actually lift. Especially younger german males are mostly skinny/skinnyfat faggots if they aren´t outright overweight.

>increase of fatties in the last few years according to the UN in Jan 2017
>23% of the overall population
>most of them are woman

Depends on what you mean by kid. If we are talking, lets say, mid puberty in here, its very well possible to muscular enough to be decently overweight by bmi, with good enough genetics and effort. Especially if its something like 20% bodyfat + good amount of muscle on top. Obviously you wanna cut if you are 20%+ bodyfat, but cutting as a teen is retarded, cuz you are still growing during that period and you wanna give your body best nutrition possible to grow the most.

I didnt see many fat croats or hunargarians when I was there. Croatia looked pretty /fit.

yeah man, crazy shit. I was in London and fuck man, they are so much ugly fucks...
But i must say, if Anglos go good genetic, the are pretty as fuck.

koreans are ugly motherfuckers too.

Its because the whites are rich/well off there in general and mainly its poor people who are fat as fuck.

I live in MS André people gere até dar as fuck


In my uni of 30000 people (NTNU) maybe 0.5-1% are obese. Probably close to 10-15% are overweight. The rest are normal/fit. Have never seen anyone at american level fatness here. Love it.

>live in the Netherlands
>fat people are slowly becoming common
They are still a very small minority though. But in thee next 10-20 years we'll be fucked.

Still better than Belgium though, where the minister of healthcare is a fast fuck

Londoners are more built

The Balkan countries are pretty Veeky Forums. People are tall and lean, weightlifting is popular too

Most mediterranean countries are fit as fuck because the people there are pretty vain, but in a healthy manner. I guess it's because of the climate and the culture

This. I grew up in eastern part of Croatia and can confirm this. I've always been surrounded by guys who were always way more fit than me.

Balkanesians can't afford obesity.

t. balkaneer

>Most people over 21 are fit
No they aren't you stupid fuck. If they were the obesity rate wouldn't be so high.