Not particularly funny

>Not particularly funny
>Not particularly jacked
>nothing particularly special about him whatsoever

*starts jewtube channel about le lifting*
*becomes a millionaire*

What are you guys doing to become rich?

I thought all the youtube fitness boys were living on borrowed money and borrowed time

>Still can't dress properly

Literally what the fuck are those jeans.

Car enthusiasts in general can't dress. I assume he is one if he owns a 570S.

His meme game is on point.
Nobody does it better in the fitness industry at least.

>what are you guys doing to become rich?
A fitness-related venture of mine is to sell protein shakes made with real human breast milk.
I haven't come up with a clever name for this gains milk yet.
Though if I can get away with it, I'd call it Mega Milk.

He looks pretty fit, good on him. Someone has to live that life

Those Jeane are in style now

If your implying that the guy in your pic is dressed well for an adult male you're objectively wrong

He is funny though

>miketornabeneNew @gnarpm video is live (link in bio). @mclarenbeverlyhills and @mclarenauto lent @mister_zachary and I two 570 GTs to take on a road trip. So we took them camping.

Studying poker

>Mommy's milkies
>Candy store that's always opened

People have been going to Séances for many moons. People are morons

good for him

I don't envy others anymore, a part of growing up is realizing you can do anything...

Dom is a funny guy. But I'm curious how the fuck he became a millionaire? Pure Product Placement?

>real human breast milk
check the laws before you spend any more money on this idea. you can't sell body fluids for consumption in the UK and i would be surprised if you could in most US states.

Dang, there is some controversy about it.
Of course there would be some ifs about it in my state of Commiefornia.
There is still a gray area for internet purchases here in the states though.
From what I've gleaned over it seems that mostly NY, CA, and maybe Texas have laws about breast milk regulations.
All the other states seem fair game.

just call it titty milk

It's not gonna be pure breast milk.
It's gotta have a protein-heavy macro-nutrient profile.
I want big guys to shill it for maximum shekels so I get rich.
I don't think a blatant name like that will sell well.

>It's not gonna be pure breast milk.
Let me re-phrase that.
It's going to have genuine fresh breast milk from real human beans as the main ingredient. It will be blended with a top whey isolate blend for excellent macros.
You buy them from a bottle, this is not a powder.
I hope I can dodge the FDA long enough for it to be a hit.

Yo I'll shill tf out of it. I'm 6'3 240 and only getting bigger and more shredded

I work at a gym
yeah right

Hire a Jap to draw your qt cowgirl mascot and you're golden my dude. I know I'd buy some

Thanks my dudes.
I'm going to be getting some money from a worker's comp settlement.
If the stars align then I'll try to create some irl Mega Milk.

im employed by a company i founded with a bunch of nerds i met on the internet. now we work in a real office together. plan is to sell for mils in a few years, feels gud

One thing I'm not doing is rolling the dice on a yt channel going viral.

>knowing how to dress
>wearing distressed jeans

pick one and only one

advertise it as anime girl breast milk and youre fucking set my dude

When millions of normies watch your videos with no adblock you get money

I keep telling myself I need to learn myself about trading but I'm lazy as fuck.

He sells a ton of merchandise based on his character

He spent a lot of time developing that character in a previous project Dom versus Whatever

He put in the work and has mass appeal

I'm happy for the guy, good for him. I hope I find something that makes me happy and wealthy all the same.