What I find interesting about fitness is this obsession about programming...

What I find interesting about fitness is this obsession about programming, with a focus exercise selection and volume expressed only in sets + rep ranges.

Seeing as these are concerns only for beginner trainees, do most people never make it past novice?

Especially on this forum, there are threads about Starting Strength, or 5x5 programs, or the Squat or the Diddly. There is no talk about time under tension, volume training, effort estimation, pyramid training, rest pause training, drop sets etc.

All these, things vastly more important than whether you choose to squat or leg press once you know both exercises and you're in a position to choose which works better for yourself.

Yeah I suppose that's fair, I think a lot of people either dont end up exposed to knowing those things exist, or think that the little details matter more than the methodology because they havent accumulated the experience or perspective to know otherwise


By the time a person makes it to such a level they are involved in much more specialized communities and realize that these approaches to training are extremely specific to each individual because people have different goals AND different responses to training due to genetics + environment.

At most, you may have have a useful discussion about the different manipulatable variables, but this is rare on general forums.

It doesn't becomes necessary (or even discovered) until a person is well past intermediate or even advanced in their lifts.

In my training notebook I record my angle, time under tension, rest time between reps, rest time between sets, and even make notes of how good my form was and how the movement felt for particular exercises.

Over time I weed out the variables that aren't as significant or internalize and make intuitive my understanding of these metrics, how they will affect me, and how I will modify them.
It's out there, but it's for each to discover on their own. You are talking about things that must be dealt with in generalizations of generalizations.

Thanks, but what is the application of this knowledge, other than to weight train, and to train a muscle group every 2-3 days?

Because neets and normies want to get into shape but they always fuck up and blame the programming instead of their own short comings.
Just general newfaggotry.

>literally right now my legs are growing

bumping this cause high quality discourse keep it up boysh

bro you got to realize that people think way too fucking hard about fitness. see something interesting to you, that's physically difficult, and want to get better at it? practice it. push yourself to do better each time. that's all it takes.


I was going write a big commentary but it was getting too length, so basically: we can only have a quality board if we begin and maintain enough quality to make quality users to gravitate towards this place.

Quality post. Taking notes might make me look like a sperg, but I've always been methodical anout my approach to nearly everything.

Bumping first good thread in a looong time.

So pretty much it's too late for us

All the meta threads on the boards I visit conclude that we just have to sage (does that still even work) or hide/ignore/report unwanted content and support posts we want to see more of. A lot that's getting in the way is all the activity going on; boards are too fast and have too many users on at once. I really miss the textboards we used to have.

Anonymous boards don't lend themselves to high quality discussions.
Most focus is on majority lifters... majority never leave amateur lift ranges. Focus is on simplest variable to track that have largest impact and reduce the real problem... uneducated lifters wandering around doing random stuff.

I thought time under tension was pretty much discredited aso a strength training variable... that strength was lost under its use. Not sure about size... I've tried it prior and pump is incredible.

>2-3 days
It's, logically, every muscle group every 24hrs.

Basically yes, I do my own research and write my own things(for my own obv), in the end of the day it boils down to me laughing at and sometimes making fun at people idiocy(not the uniformed ones), as I'm not very fond of stupid opinions, since every time I try to help someone a stupid fuck always shows up to spread BS in the same thread.
It can be done but for Veeky Forums standards it would be incredibly hard. It would requite a lot of sources in several areas. Many boards have potential to be decent, it just doesn't happen because a paradigm/cultural shift needs to take place, most traffic comes from misc and porn boards, porn will always be big, so personally I think the problem resides in the misc boards. It won't happen.
I not gonna comment on what we should or "how we can save Veeky Forums", I already grew past that phase. I myself don't comment in shit threads and always hide those, that is pretty much how I browse Veeky Forums, however I also reached the conclusion meta threads sometimes are as bad and unfruitful, so I avoid those too. Mods/janitor think similar and readily archive/404 meta threads. Ironically meta threads turned into very meta circlejerk.

There's no saving

>Anonymous boards don't lend themselves to high quality discussions.
Just to add on my last response: perhaps it might be the case I'm being biased, Veeky Forums layout and "anonymity" really grew on me.

Meme coach

The anonymity is great for short q&a and asking questions anonymously that would otherwise be embarrassing. And shit posting. But fitness stuff, in reality, can be argued at length and forever and is complex.... those sorts of discussions are really better for membership-based forums, where discussions are archived and attributable. /b/ to me is exactly the sort of board that really belongs here... it's a perfect format for it.

lmao who are you trying to impress
what works works
what doesn't doesn't
that's all there is to it

This is an absolutely perfect answer.

A sizeable percentage of Veeky Forums users are on the autism spectrum, having Asperger's or similar mild forms of autism. That one really isn't a meme.
This means that they are obsessed with programs, routines and being able to measure things with strict numerical values. If something is ambiguous or falls outside of their limited perspective, it really doesn't exist.
Think about this and you'll see why Veeky Forums is in the state it is.