The Feels and Veeky Forums Tavern

So how's your weekend Veeky Forums? I spent mine celebrating my 21st birthday, but I still could not get her out of my mind.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just entered college and I hate how I still have to deal with homework

It's 5am here, I've been up all night trying to do an assignment but I just can't physically force myself to do it. I think I'm depressed but I know that shitty excuse doesn't fly.

Sever case of insomnia right in the middle of my exams....eating schedule is getting fucked, gym schedule is fucked, exams are getting fucked, but I'm not getting fucked no matter what

up in tahoe for the holiday. lots of fit college bunnies.

Awesome, spent last night drinking, partying, dancing, went to sleep after 7am

Worked most of yesterday. Drinking and watching speedruns with my SO today. Making turkey burgers and veggies for dinner in a few hours

I learned that the girl I have a crush on and really thought could be my gf is actually going out with this other dude and all our mutual friends are cheering her. Before anyone claim I'm being delusional, we have already kissed several times which these people know

Went to an awesome psychedelic rock/punk show. My town is experiencing a music scene revival, and it's great! Drank copious amounts of alcohol and danced/push moshed. Got mired by some girls but didn't talk to any of them because social retard. Pretty great weekend besides not getting laid.

I haven't shit in 4 days and I keep eating like normal. My ass is going to get torn apart soon.

Just entered college and have no real friends so far, it will hopefully work out tho

Please elaborate more, maybe she though you guys where friends with benefits.

Basically my Friday and Saturday night. Cheers mate

Nice, good luck on getting some tail.

If you don't take a shit tomorrow go to your doctor, really I'm not kidding.

I started out that way, you will soon find friends.

Got drinks with my ex and caught up with her. We also talked about us and our break up and stuff. It might seem like a stupid thing to do but talking with her and seeing her gave me some really needed closure. The girl I fell in love with is gone. The chick I saw was a just a cold heartless bitch who 90% of the time wont care who she hurts to get what she wants.

It's liberating anons. I know no it won't work, even if I got rich, famous and powerful, she'd still be the same manipulative bitch. She'd love me for my success not my person. I blocked her on the last of social media afterwards.

I'm free anons, I'm free!! I might still be an autist who has trouble with women but I finally have closure and can move on comfortably!!!!

Next stop, figuring out how to get qt redhead gym crush's number.

Are you me, because this apart from the whole drinking with my ex hits to close to home.

>in love with girl for many years
>she knows it
>always rejected me
>get Veeky Forums
>going to make lots of money soon
>she is suddenly interested

If it quacks like a duck..

I already know this is probably exactly what it looks like but I don't care. My chances with girls are few and far between so I might just accept it

Talked with a cute Ukrainian chick at tailgate. If I run into her again, I'll try to ask her out. Hopefully I won't sperg out, but as long as I'm not drunk enough that my critical inner voice is trying its best to liver-shot me, I should be okay.

I feel you then user.

Now join me and go get your gym crush's number!

Thanks user

Instead of feeling insulted. Thank her for inspiring you to be a better man.

Maybe she just didnt want a fat unmotivated poor slob with a dope anime collection.

>going to make lots of money soon
>chances with girls are few and far between


Do not go gentle into that good pussy, user. You clearly know what's up, so just listen to yourself and don't let your loneliness take over.

Pretty good, have decided to stop worrying about being alone and just focus on enjoying life

Buying a truck, going to be studying for certs again, within a year probably going to be making over 125k, also going /out/ more often

Probably going to be going camping a bit more since free time is looking good right now.

Tfw, no gf
Not like a care anymore, if it happens it happens but I'm going to focus on enjoying life more often than worrying about being alone

Listen to your instincts user, a girl being attracted to a Veeky Forums guy with money is more natural than anything.

This pasta. Fuck off fahit. Buy a truck and drive off a balcony.

Where the duck has balcony bro ans big nig been?

I couldnt avoide them and now, gone

>girlfriend of nearly two years is house sitting with me
>getting drunk
>her working holiday visa is about to expire
>start college next Wednesday

these feelings

Got pretty drunk Saturday night with friends and watched game of thrones. Sunday just watched reruns of the fairly odd parents on Netflix and called my parents back home

I've been really stressed with my third and fourth week of medical school. I'm doing well above my class averages, but it's taking a ton of work.
Compounding this:
My five-year relationship has transitioned to a LDR at the moment so gf can finish her undergrad degree by december. My girl is good and loyal so no real problems but I know she's getting hit on everywhere she goes and OCCASIONALLY that knowledge really bothers me.

Most of the time it's no big deal, I don't feel threatened by anyone lol but man sometimes when I'm slaving away over my computer running through hundreds of Anki cards at 2300 the idea of her getting stared at by some creeper in a grocery store or getting invited to a frat party after class gets under my skin.

I think it's more because I feel so isolated in my new role as medical student. It gives me this powerless feeling, like I'm doing something wrong. IDK. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

Every comment on Veeky Forums when I try to explain this is "she's fucking someone right now bro lololololol."

From what I know about her, she wouldn't, and if I ever found out she did it'd be damageless because that would mean that she's not the girl I thought she was. Therefore no great loss, easy dump without having to be nice and I'd be able to rebound with any number of people.

And, again, I'm pretty sure this dread I feel is a "me" problem.

It wasn't really that type of situation. I was always athletic and got good grades, but now I'm graduating soon with a good degree, and am in great shape. I don't have many opportunities with girls because I have r9k level autismo. Everything I say is cringe so I decided to stop talking to people

>med student with a long-term gf thinks he has problems

Did a bunch of calisthenics, played some Runescape and League too.

It's not like she'll have zero effect if you let her into your life.

Exploitative gold diggers can and will fuck you up. Leave it alone, she won't just fuck you fee-for-service.

She'll try her hardest (and succeed, even if you see it coming letting a woman into your life gives her an amount of real control over your situation) to turn you into someone she can manipulate and extract resources from.

This means degrading your self esteem, isolating you from support structures like friends and family, and generally degrading who you are so she can replace it with what she wants you to be.

Stay the fuck away man. The best dudes have been destroyed by this type of woman. Know your limits and respect them.

>living with parents while I save up money for 2 years. Clearing ~65k a year with job but still.
>both of my best friends just started med school so they're not around to hang, but I dont blame them.
>feel like a failure that I decided to just settle to be RN instead of a MD
>Ex-gf who I am still in love with moved to new york to get a masters in performance arts
>19 year old FWB started school 90 minutes away.
>Grandfather's health is rapidly deteriorating
>Grandmother passed last February
>Have to have a reactionary lymph node removed and biopsied this Wednesday so I'm pretty annoyed / worried about that
>all I do is work and workout now
>not even making gains because I've been eating less than 2500 calories a day from stress

That's a good point. What the fuck am I bitching for.

Started nursing school last week. I'm scared as fuck because it's an accelerated program which means the workload is enormous, and my study habits are currently shit. If I don't do this shit right then my dreams are fucked and I'm 70 grand in the hole with nothing to show for it.

>Feeling I'm doing something wrong
You might just have imposter syndrome my dude. Definitely and I mean definitely go talk to someone about it, the campus therapist should be free and available, because otherwise it'll fuck you out of succeeding.

I had it my first 2 years of Uni, and it was fucking horrible, I nearly dropped out as a result, because I couldn't get over the feeling that what I was doing was wrong.

The professor then had a therapist come in and talk to us about imposter syndrome, and I immediately recognized that I had it. Talked with the therapist and it eventually just disappeared.

As for your girl, I hate to echo everyone else, but LDRs are a meme for a reason. If you trust her then follow your gut, but be prepared.

Good luck though user.

Anki bro.
you're still early enough in your program to get through the learning curve quickly and streamline your studies.

Thanks man. Yeah they've talked to us about IS a lot and I definitely have it, I'll schedule a talk with my campus therapist in the next couple weeks.

I don't want to ignore this kind of thing until it becomes an issue you know? Sounds like you did it right by nipping it in the bud.

And yeah I'm prepared. Like I said, if it happens it happens for the best. I don't think it'll happen though. Eh we'll see.

Thanks user

This grill and I share the same social circle so we have gone to a quite a few parties together. She seemed really into me (trying to make a move, but I was usually to drunk to reciprocate) but nothing happened until this summer when we and some mutual friends were on vacation and we really hit it off. The only thing that kept us from bangin was the fact that our apartment was way to crowded. I really thought we could perhaps continue on from this after the summer, she has been really friendly and all. But this weekend I got the information that she was dating this other guy which devestated me as I had developed real feelings for her. It didn't help that our mutual friends (other grills that knew about me and her) cheered her on and afterwards seemed really happy she was dating this guy. Lifting and drinking with my bros has helped me suppres the pain somewhat, but I still can't remove the sadness. I've had several one night stands before and kissed almost 100 grills, but this was the first time I got actual feeling for one of them.

Hmm. Maybe time to get OVER her by getting UNDER someone else, you know?

spend the time studying instead of being scared.

I was in that boat, still hurts a year later. You're not alone bud

Went to buy some trousers, could find nothing to fit because of rippetoe, the changing room mirror also reminded me of how ugly my face is.

Leaving home for university in 12 days. I hope I can make some strength training friends in the uni gym

can I have a glass of whole milk btw barkeep

Closure is underrated.

To understand the world you have to understand yourself. Long enlightening talks with people can help that, even people who are fucking terrible.

Good work user.

Levi's makes some stretchier jeans.

actually work as bartender, wish I could have interesting conversations with patrons. they're all fucking middle-aged semi-alcoholics and it's like their brain doesn't function in anything beyond small-talk.

Thank you, man. I'll check it out.

Actual bar flies are nothing like our idea of them.

But then again who is.

Sometimes I feel like thinking about and trying to figure out things about social relationships and other people is straight up masochism.

Teasing or not, that kind of advice helps. It's do or fucking die. Thank you, user.

Yeah, that the plan at least. But until then I'll be mooping for some time probably

I've become a NEET. Its been about 3 months since I finished my exams and 1 month since my graduation (STEM subject) and my nan passed away a week before my graduation and I still don't have a job. All that keeps me going is the Gym. However, since I am back at home with my parents I have to go to my local gym which is not as nice as the uni gym so motivation is going down overall for me atm.

>Graduated last month.
>3 months since last exam
>Nan passed away a week before graduation
>Got no job offers/interviews only pesky aptitude tests
>Back at home gym which is meh - i miss my uni gym
>Slowly losing motivation in my life.

Life is going well. My business is going along well after 7 years of /Cocoon/ mode

but I got stood up today which surprisingly hurts but It's my first time so I guess its gotta happen eventually

1. take the proper time to grief over your nan. Losing a loved one hurts
2. What would she want for you? Would she want you to lose motivation for life?
3. Look at what you can accomplish. STEM is a thriving field.

Be positive man. Look for the bright side, go to church. Read the bible. God has a plan for you my dude, you'll make it

Anyone know what I mean?

The entire field of figuring out other people, psychology and sociology, has turned out to be dead wrong at every turn. Every fucking conclusion those people draw turns out to be wrong and not only wrong but politically and socially harmful.

But it's not like I'm any better. Every time I try to understand someone or predict them or empathetically try to figure out what's going on in their heads I turn out to be dead wrong. If I act on my thoughts? ha. I'll end up hurting them or myself or both.

Basically hell is other people. you're never going to understand or truly connect to anyone. If someone is talking to you? They're not really talking to you. It'll always be their "idea" of you. And you'll never fully understand them, it'll always be your image and idea of them.

These ideas are controlled and informed by all the other things in your head, the fears and wishes and emotions and biases. You won't know them. Ever. You won't know your wife of seventy years.

There are men who don't realize their wife had it in her to cheat on them when they find out she'd been cheating for decades of their marriage. And suddenly it all makes sense, right? But they couldn't have put that together without the confirmation. Hindsight is 20/20.

We're born alone and we die alone and I'm starting to really believe that we live alone too.

I'm gonna go squat fuck this.

School starts tomorrow
Have a new job
Have a heavy course load, so hopefully I'll still have enough time for friends and hitting the gym

I'm excited, but I'm nervous

i fucking feel you man, the people I work with are nice people and it's been good for me to get out regularly and actually talk to people instead of the old routine of alone in class to alone in gym to alone at home. but yeah, being a bartender is so heavily romanticised. it's a decent job and I enjoy it, but it's nothing like what a lot of people think it is like.

At least a lot of drunk chicks throw themselves at you right? You ever get your dick sucked during a shift?

There was an applebees bartender in my town who went rogue and started bringing in homemade jell-o shots on wednesdays, became a local legend and made bank until he got fired.

Have my mopey copypaste:

I am a very lonely 27 year old kissless virgin. I believe that existence is a curse and the only constant in life is suffering. Right now I'm in grad school, not entirely sure if I'll even graduate, and I honestly don't see myself living beyond 30, if I ever make it there. I have put my loneliness into words so often that I have come to the realization that no language exists to properly express my feelings properly. I have recently over the past year made real, true real-life friends for the first time and I love them dearly but ultimately, nothing is keeping me either besides my own cowardice.

I am tired of living life as an unattractive male. I also do not connect with 99% of people I meet on any fundamental level. I can talk to cute girls with no problems and I have several cute female friends (mostly taken and all that which is fine but good goddamn finding single girls I could feasibly date is rough.) I am not a superhero but I have gained the power of invisibility.

You're just a guy. You're not a main character in any story, the world does not have plots and characters. Just be a guy.

For those that are lonely and do not have many friends (like me). A good way in which I made a couple of friends was through my motorcycle although I do not ride anymore since I sold my bike.

Once you get a bike you automatically are a part of an unspoken community. I noticed that when a bikes passed me they would nod their head or wave their hands at me aknowledging me as a fellow biker.

In addtion, the biking community holds several ride along trips in which anyone with a bike can join and ride together and most people are very friendly. Most bikers I spoke to are very passionate abd open about their bikes and are easy to befriend.

Doctor in 11 months and I fucking know nothing, I've spent my entire time in med school shit posting and scraping through exams.

Fell in love hard with a girl that I've known for a while, and managed to get with at a party a few weeks ago. Thing is I waiting way too long before texting her and now I think she's lost interest. She has the most beautiful smile and is just really warm person. Now I fear I'll never get another chance with her

>not Veeky Forums related but if I put /fit /in the title it will work!

This isn't your board. It's a board for fitness discussion. If you want to talk about your oneitis bitch on /r9k/ or ask /adv/ how to move on.

Fell in love after one hookup? Don't you feel like you may be expecting too much out of this?

I've said this before and I'll say it again- our lives are not movies or video games or novels. Things are not going to go like we have been conditioned to expect them to.

Feeling a little pissed at myself.
>comming back from work
>see a girl in a shirt
>it's raining, i have a umbrella and she doesn't
>wait for the bus
>we both get into the same bus
>we both exit at the same stop
>we both continue walking in the same direction for quite some time
>didn't offer her get under my umbrella for the nice guy points
i'm afraid of approaching strangers

>see two girls in front of me carrying things
>they rest every 20 meters
>i pass them by without offering my help even though one was looking at me strangely.

I need to take on these oppurtunities COME ON

>mfw I got to that stage when I was 22

You work slow, eh?

Found out my twin brother has terminal cancer. We've never really got on well and now I've been feeling like utter shit 24/7 because I don't know how to fix our relationship. It's fucking me up emotionally and my parents are distraught as well.

>27 year old kissless virgin.
Do you have some money?
At this point just fuck a hooker/escort, you need to physically realize what it is to have sex.
It is not some mystical and abstract act of procreation, it's You need to open up.

Not a big fan of the
>tfw no gf

but venting is a good avenue for keeping up mental Veeky Forumsness seeing as half the people here are severely depressed.

the girl i was planning on marrying after i got my job left me earlier this summer.

since then, i hooked up with a pretty fit doctor, came way too fast, probably won't hear back.

had another date with a girl that was the best date i'd had in a decade, probably fucked it up by not inviting her in, haven't really heard back.

had yet another date with a girl, went decently, won't hear back.

i'm so tired of fucking things up, and work is starting soon so i won't be able to cope with drinking anymore.

Just moved in for second year of college.
Said goodbye to family who dropped me off this morning.
My room is much better and I'm excited about my classes. Also good to get consistent access to a gym again.
At the same time, I can't help but feel anxious about the future. This summer I didn't do anything, and I need to step it up career wise so I don't end up an indebted NEET in 2 years. Getting jobs and such seems to be so easy for other people but I find it extremely difficult to get work. If I don't make any significant advances this year I'll be pretty screwed. But this is the place of opportunity, here I have the chance to make something of myself. I just have to get off my ass and do it.

>first meaningful thread in days where Veeky Forums can vent out
>"this is a fitness board post more pianomans guise"

I started thinking about her again, it's been over a year now. I don't know how to get her out of my mind, I've been with 5 girls after her but she's all I think about. I don't know how to fortet about her.

>haven't had a job in a few months
>currently trying to get certification for one job but there's still no word on it
>computer headset is dead in one ear
>girl I was chatting with is suddenly just not texting anymore
>grandfather calls to yell at me for not seeing him enough even though for the past couple months I've been seeing him weekly
>woke up at a fucked angle, back hurts a bunch now
>103 F/39 C outside, A/C isn't working too well for some reason

It's just one of those days, I'm gonna do my best not to let it get to me.

Started my first cycle of steroids.
Been putting it off for a while but its gotten to the point where my social life is gone, my gf broke up with me.
Gym is where all the focus is going for the next couple months.

The twinks on /adv/ just insult you to feel better about their own miserable lives. It's like /r9k/ lite

>tfw been socially isolated for years
>tfw just fucking went for it and am going to uni in 2 days

nervous lads

Just do it man! Dont be nervous, its good being thrown out of your comfort zone and thrown into new situations.
Just remember a lot of people feel the same way as you. Get those social gains

If ur a uk bro I recommend new look mens skinny-stretch jeans senpai. They allow for trex modes to wear trousers without mad waist sizes and they're p cheap

Thanks man

bro tip: force yourself to be social

I was you, and made excuses. was lonely as shit for 3 years

fucked up my elbow and haven't worked out in 5 weeks. It's been rough boys :{

>keep telling myself that the reason i dont have friends is because im fat and don't go to college.
>now i'm 9% bf attending a city college and i still havent made any friends in 2 weeks.

how old?

Parties all weekend. Went to all of them with a girl I knew from last year.
Another party tonight but that girl doesn't want to go.
I only wanted to go to these parties to be with her.
Want to ask if she would want to hang out alone instead but too beta to deal with rejection/embarrassment.

Is this what a oneitis feels like?

have had a few hookups after shifts, nothing during yet. not that many qt's at our bar, mostly older men but now and then a herd of them will come in, usually tipsy and flirty as hell.

Done absolutely fuck all except sleep and browse the chon in a dazed state. I couldn't even bring myself to play vidya or watch something.

I'd like to say it's because I finished my first ever week of work, but that's what I always do.

It's bloody hard work though, picking in an Amazon Warehouse so I walk approximately a cunt-mile a day. Actually, part of the reason I took this job was because I'm a fat cunt with no will power and thought this would sort of force me to lose weight.
Pfff, bloody good job I did at negating the positive effects of doing so much walking though, guzzling down Monster Energy like water and 3 fucking McDonald's.

The first two toes on my right foot have been numb for a week and the for the past three days I've had 5 nosebleeds. My hair's also a mess because I was too anxious to get a haircut yesterday and I'm rocking a hideous neckbeard atm. So in short my life's in an utter state rn.

While it's damn great pay I have almost no time to myself each day, I literally can't fit in time for working out anymore, just nonstop eternal toil for Mr. Noseberg.

Meanwhile I'm coming up 19 soon and I'm still a fat ugly virgin. I honestly don't think I'm going to make it lads.

Anyway sorry for the blog post lads, I just had to get it all out.

It happened again last night

This happens to me every few months

>Be me
>Go to sleep last night
>I never sleep on my back due to breathing/nightmares
>I'm sleeping and dreaming at this point
>I see a figure in front of me, and it begins to turn towards me and trying to grab my throat and choke me at night
>I am staring her right in the face
>It is a female, with one eye on the left side of her face and the whole right side of her face and head has nothing there except some odd color
>It is a person, trying to kill me and one eye is staring at me
>I start shaking in my dream, and I can't wake up
>My left hand is shaking and trying to reach for something
>I wake up, my hand is shaking
>I am sleeping on my back for some reason and normally don't do that at all
>Crazy dream, happens every time I sleep like this and I get paralyzed in my dream
>Sat in silence for a few minutes and went back to sleep

>lost over 75 pounds
>my one friend says she's been inspired by me to lose weight herself
>she also says she's interested in having sex the next time we meet in person
Things are looking up

Are co worker relationships a bad thing, this fit romanian girl keeps hitting on me.

Can be good, can be bad, really just depends on the people involved

Fucking hell, user. This is the last thing I wanted to read but I'm glad I did for some reason

Don't shit where you yadda yadda...

> be me years ago, beta skinnyfat
> be a big left 4 dead player, meet qt on left 4 dead and we play a lot
> she lives in the same city and we meet up, become really good friends
> start lifting because I want to impress her, become fit and more confident and we start hooking up
> we're still both pretty depressed people, she makes me a 'rainy day box' to cheer me up when I am feeling shit
> rainy day box is full of notes with her mini rants on them, she's legit hilarious
> we have this on and off thing until I meet another chick who seemed to be a unicorn but turned out to be a psycho, makes me cut ties with rainy qt because of jealousy even though I never cheat or sleeze in a relationship
> a few years on, mom is my only family besides autistic little bro, and she has alzheimer's and it's getting bad
> still have rainy day box and look at the notes when I am sad which is often now
> rainy day qt won't talk to me anymore because I cut her out

No matter how much I lift, do mma, and fuck sluts on tinder, I always end up thinking about her right before I fall to sleep. And the worst thing is, I deserve it.

>squats fueled by repressed rage

She is really fucking fit though, job is pretty shit. Is there any special shit to asking out co workers or is it just like "you wanna grab a drink" kind of thing

>her working holiday visa is about to expire

In all seriousness bro I know how that feels, get with too many European cuties on visas and it's shit when they go back

So you just blew her off? Do you know what shes up to knowadays or nah. Only thing I can say is you literally having nothing to fucking lose by texting her and asking her if she wants to meet up and express regret for leaving her out etc.

Depends on the job. Do you plan on staying with the company long term? If the answer to that is yes, then the answer to your other question is a resounding no

Already tried that man. No responses. I legit fucked that up properly.


My girlfriend's visa expires in january and I have no idea what the future holds for us, if anything. Feels like our relationship has a deadline. Sucks

Lol fuck no, I just got the job a few weeks ago and just waiting a few shifts to see if she is like Really interested before i ask her out, i have a really shite fear of rejection. She seems nice enough tho