Tfw small wrists

>tfw small wrists

Guys how do I fix this?

The same way you grow your muscles. Keep damaging the bone over and over again and it will grow thicker. You can use a mallet, cutting board or even the wall.

You can't. The wrists will grow a little bit as you age, but never enough for you to be satisfied. They same goes for the penis.

Basically this, but I've found getting someone to jump on it while wearing Timberlands is the quickest method.

Get massive forearms and pretend your wrists dont exist. T. Fellow wristlet

While this is absolutely retarded, this is exactly what kickboxers do to strengthen their shins.
Repeated microfractures makes the bone stronger and bigger.

>says retarded
>provides evidence of it being true

make up your mind you slag

>go to /g/ for the watch thread
>get called a wristlet
>go to Veeky Forums for the bro threads
>get called a wristlet

there is no escape

>pic related

actually looks good for building muscle, lots of top pros have small wrists and ankles so the muscle looks larger by contrast.

I'm doing hand strength exercises, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls and arm exercises.

This better work.

You cant. There's very little muscle in the wrist area. Its mainly tendons and bone. Forearm workouts may help a little

Would hitting a heavy bag do anything? Or would that only make your knuckles bigger?


Not him but long term it isn't healthy

travel back in time and convince your mom to sleep with a negro.

Black wristlets exist.

descendants of slave owners

Most people of sub-Saharan African decent are less able to build mass and are of smaller frame than most whites, especially Slavs, Germanics, values Celtics, and Nordics. Black Africans were prized as slaves in the Americas for their ability to do labor in extreme heat, their inability to escape and blend in with the locals, and their natural resistance to disease. They weren't chosen for their physical traits, which were generally inferior to the Native Americans the Spanish had used previously, or the indentured labourers from the fens of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales that had been previously used by the Anglos.

The African American dominance at boxing, football, basketball, etc is mostly driven by the fact that most whites have dreams for the future that don't include making league minimums in feeder leagues and blowing up their joints/brains, so guess who works harder in development camps?

The portion of your population that has nothing to lose and no real hope of a regular future is always going to dominate sports, becoming an elite athlete is not something 99.9% of people have the ability to do without neglecting the rest of your life, and 90% plus of people who do demonstrate that commitment don't get anything for it except a broken body and no marketable skills to support themselves with, so fools and people who don't have a chance at a future otherwise take that chance.

i just wanted to make a joke about white women fucking mandingos, breh, but thanks for the (you). i read it all.

Should I read this? is this worth it? It's very long, some user read it for me.

tl;dr: africans are skinny because of reasons, and black people in the united states have different physiques due to environmental pressures that favor casual sports as a majority pursuit for them.

i think he forgot to mention that many of the black people descended from slaves in the united states are the result of eugenics programs to create big strong black bucks.


Save up tons of money and get on HGH. When you're on it hit your wrists against something daily to encourage growth in that area. While you're at it go ahead and wear a penis extender too while on HGH because with wrists like that you probably have a 5 inch wonder. Gonna cost you a lot of money but this is legitimately your only hope

And I thought I had bitch wrists, thanks for cheering me up lmao

He got it all wrong.

The big black buck is a myth, in as much as the myth claims their potential for size, strength, etc, is outside of the limits of white potential.

The big black buck is a product of fetishization of the black race by racist whites, the only reason your average black man is stronger than your average white man is that whites are more likely to be sedentary and blacks are more likely to end up doing manual labor as a job or believe that sports excellence is more important than academic pursuits.

On average, nonhispanic whites have an advantage in strength and frame size, while blacks have an advanvantage as runners.

Hit the wall with those puny wrist
They will eventually get bigger
The harder the better user

If you apply some cuts to them it'll let air come in and make the vessels grow larger, thus expanding in size.

>7.5" benis

Small wrists are an aesthetic gift. They makes muscles appear larger. Besides, nobody's staring at your wrists when you've got a six pack and big arms.

I also have thin wrists and forearms

I recently bought one of these will this help? or did i waste $9

it will help with strength not sure about large increase in mass tho

>4 inch peen
I wish I wasn't a chink, I can't even get laid to chink girls

bergmann and allen's rules. small wrists are actually much more common among africans as they aid with heat dissipation

>It's very long,

jesus christ are you that much of a brainlet? If English is your native language you should be able to read that in less than 5 seconds.

>phill heath
>looks good

Nignogs dominate in some discipline, whites in others (gymnastics, swimming, handball, weightlifting, wrestling, hockey, skiing, biathlon, shooting, formula 1, rally, horse riding, discus and javelin throwing, pool...)

>i think he forgot to mention that many of the black people descended from slaves in the united states are the result of eugenics programs to create big strong black bucks.

But aren't slaves Africans who lost wars with other tribes? If it was eugenics, they wouldn't be slaves. Minorities also seem to be the majority of those who are obese.

>tfw cops can't cuff me

>b-but it looks aesthetic


Small wrists = Your arms look bigger, a blessing and a curse

more like convince your dad to sleep with a nigress

wtf. i am just hammering my wrist with my fist now how many times should i do like 100 reps per side? how many cm can i grow

you should do many sets of 10
once you've hammered in your left wrist a few hundred times, is gonna hurt way too much to use it to hammer in the right one

>6 inch penis

It's a bittersweet feeling my fellow asian

To all the people saying small wrists is a blessing, you forget that this means having a pretty lower upper limit of weight you can bench press. Even if you had strength to easily bench something like 200 kg, your small wrists simply can't take the pressure and will snap.
So there goes the possibility of a career in competitive powerlifting.

But Aryans tend to have much sturdier skeletons, tend to be taller, and tend to be stronger. Plus he would be a mulatto.
You have shitty advice.

>7 inch penis

God it feels good to be a white man!

this, been using it for more than 6 months, and yeah it improved my grip but not the size of my wrist.

Punching a concrete wall made my knuckles significantly larger. Still wristlet though

Actually Africans are taller than whites. In non developed African nations the average height is the average height in western nations.

Nigger can you fuck off with your bullshit and add something to the topic at hand

but in western nations blacks are a little shorter than whites


If you're gonna go to town on a heavy bag for your wrists make sure you wrap them and learn proper punching technique or you'll end up with RSI or something dumb. Following the micro fracture advice will probs do you more damage than anything.

Beef up your forearms and wear watches/bracelets etc on your wrists to make them look bigger if you're self conscious

My wrists exploded in size when i was kickboxing , still a wristlet but before kickboxing my wrists were thiner than my penis