Friendly reminder eye area equals to 90% of facial attractiveness

Just look at pic related

>shit jaw and cheekbones
>gigantic crooked nose
>bitch lips

He is still a 10/10, why? eyes, this nigga has the most perfect eyes any human being has ever had.

If you shop a pair of regular beta eyes onto him, he will drop to a 7/10.

>tfw my father has hooded eyes and I got the shitty round eyes from my mother
>t-thanks mom

Other urls found in this thread:

You dont know a lot about faces, i think its time to end it, lad

t. seething eyelet

>tfw scleral show because of recessed orbital rims

i have to permasquint in order for my eyes to look even half decent

>shit jaw
It's definitely above average
>gigantic crooked nose
It's pretty normal-sized, and the crookedness is hardly noticeable
>bitch lips
Ok WTF are you talking about?

The only thing you're right about is his cheekbones


>have been told I have pretty eyes by guys and qts even when I was fatter
Gonna make it

>If you shop a pair of regular beta eyes onto him, he will drop to a 7/10.

I need to see it, to believe it. Someone shop some regular beta eyes on him.

its always about the whole picture. this is what autists cant process

go eat an ice cream tubby

jaw too big or too small or otherwise deformed is a major thing.
nose can be a major flaw if comically semetic or if upturned stubnose like the golden one scandi style.
this guy has good lips, but being too small/thin is a bad thing.

What the fuck are beta eyes

You're just like me, user. I have a pretty bad nose, so I'm obsessed with thinking everyone cares about noses mostly, and that noses make up most of the face's attractiveness. My eyes are sorta messed up too, one looks hooded and one doesn't, but I still think noses make up the most, along with the shape (jaw, chin, forehead) itself.
This is an attractive face to me, because of the nose. A long straight nose, going straight along with the nostrils towards the face, with little to no pout at the tip, is ideal in my eyes.

Starting Squint

actually PSL autists are well aware of that. they call it facial harmony

not OP, but here you are

>gigantic nose

what kind of faggot tiny girl nose do you have

jesus christ Veeky Forums was right

>tfw canthal tiltlet

bitch you shopped his entire fucking face

Veeky Forums is always right, breh

try it for yourself, you mong: cover up everything but the eye area for left and right version seperately. Now tell me, who looks better?


it is more his hair and beard than his eyes. his beard gives him a jaw and his hair makes him taller, to oversimplify.

if you take away peoples beards and hair, most people are 6/10, even girls

His jaw, cheekbone, hairline AND eyes were all changed you fucking faggot.

t b h senpai you do realise the square jutting jaw look is only really perpetuated in communities with fetishes for hyper masculinity; e.g. Veeky Forums.

you'll find most actors & male models have this look, and this is the look most desired.

i invite you to go look at any of the men women rate as extremely attractive

you'll find all of them are broadest at the cheekbones and taper to the chin.

I wanna be a chad

This. It's always the dumb normals focusing on one or two attributes.

/pol/cels are very notorious offenders, they have an obsession with colors and completely ignore shapes. They might have omega subhuman faces and naturally/statistically most of them are sub-6' but hey, their eyes are blue, Hitler would be proud!

I have a face somewhat similarly proportioned to the second pic, but I'm blonde and have green eyes. I have no problem getting qts. Maybe its because I don't look like a rat.

Are yoh well off by any chance?

>>shit jaw and cheekbones
>>gigantic crooked nose
>>bitch lips

the only thing his eyes have going for him is that they're blue

blue eyes immediately give you at least a +1/10

t. blue eyed anglo that always gets compliments from girls and guys for how nice they are. Even get girls coming to me when I'm out because of them

>not using weights
not gonna make it

>tfw mother and middle brother have blue eyes
Are hazel eyes acceptable or shoud I just kms because they're not blue?

>this is what Veeky Forums argues about

from which movie is this?

Sure, because Gandy is only two pretty eyes

See pic, that's why he is the god of aesthetics and the most beautiful human being

I'm embarrassed that the person who made this image didn't realise it was a shoop.

>mother and middle brother have blue eyes
either you're a girl or your brother isn't your full brother

which is it?

It needs to be photoshop, nobody is above Gandy but Gandy had flaws (nose, wrinkles, lack of angularity) you can't deny this, the photoshop pic had no flaws that's why i use that

none, my brother and i look extremely similar to my father

I make the pic for myself to know what make a face attractive and what can i improve about it not for "Gandy"

>mother has blue eyes
>brother has blue eyes
>is a boy
>has hazel eyes

user I have news for you

at least one of you aren't your fathers child. what colour eyes does your father have? and can I ask if your father has any brothers or close relatives with different coloured eyes?

There's a typo.
Great pic, but I think the perfect face would have sligtly lighter skin.

Made his face longer and changed the hairline too. Fuck off.

>tfw been told many times I got big egyptian eyes and a seductive gaze


The only difference really is the nose.

and the squareness of the chin. and width of the jaw.

Nose, chin, jaw, cheekbone, maxilla, ears, neck.


And fucking eye distance.

It's not even that noticeable though. Doesn't change how handsome he is.

It literally does you fucking imbecile.

Didn't see it, i'm gonna change it

I think the only mistake of the pic is the hair color, black is above dark brown and dark blonde (when you are white)

The skin tone is good

I wish this pic didn't exist, i know everybody (even beautiful people) have bad pictures but he look like a weird uncle in the forest who like kids a lot

Not significantly. The two pics look almost the same side by side. The other pic you posted does make it him look worse though.

Why is it male models always have patchy thin facial hair?

Is it some built in evolved preference to like "adolescent" faces over older ones?

they shave it to be in that style

Because Jewish pedophiles run the fashion industry

What the FUCK. I hope you're memeing me.
My mom has blue eyes, my father had (dead) hazel eyes (predominantly green with very little brown).
Older brother (40 yo) has brown eyes.
Older middle brother (38 yo) has blue eyes.
Younger middle brother (35 yo) has green eyes (maybe hazel but they're almost pure green).
I'm the youngest (22 yo) and have hazel eyes, pic related.

Forgot to mention, my father's mom had blue eyes and his dad had brown eyes. His siblings have brown eyes.

No look at the pic of Gandy I replied to. There's no way that's shaved. There just aren't any hair folicles on his damned face.

Although OP didn't pick the best example, he's still right about eye area being the most important for facial aesthetics

I myself have a weak jaw/chin and flat cheekbones, I thought for sure as fuck I was ugly until I got to college and found out how attractive many hot girls think I am

Since this was very surprising to me, I spent a lot more time analyzing my face and realized it's because of my strong brow ridge and dark dense brows and stern eyes with dark lashes. My mom always kept telling me how much she loved my eyebrows as a child and now it makes sense to me

So yea, facial structure isn't the end all be all of facial aesthetics, when you're talking to a girl they're looking into your eyes and any emotion can be expressed and read in your eyes so perhaps thats a good reason why girls would be strongly attracted to a nice eye area

this isn't a meme buddy
thanks for those details
>fathers mum has blue eyes and has brown himself

Good news! That is likely your parents, however that isn't your full-brother

are you tall?

I didn't think you were coming back so I wrote out all possibilities, pic is the full list of scenarios but I cropped out the relevant one for you

One detail that is certain, your brother and father ARE NOT RELATED
Your father has no Y(bl) to give him and only has a Y(br)

Although it could get deeper, perhaps your fathers mother isn't his mother and YOU could be the one that isn't related to your father

oh my this could be a shit storm, although the likely situation is your mother fucked a guy that looked like your father that had superior blue eyes

have a look around at your next family reunion and see if you can find your brothers father

just read this fully, with green in the mix it complicates things, will have to get out the big chart, green eyes are recessive to blue eyes that are recessive to brown

although your eyes look blue with recessive green in them.

I'll have to get back to you on this one but still isn't looking so good

your comment gave me the impression that you had basically brown eyes

>under the assumption that only one gene affects eye color

quit telling this guy he's got a bastard brother.

>honey our son has brown eyes and black hair because of other genes. It's just a coincidence he looks like Jamal from work

R8 my eyeballs fit.
I swear I'm not Patrick Bateman


This is really bottom of the barrel shit but are there any non surgical methods of improving brow/eye aesthetics?

Nah, I wish. Here's my jaw and mouth, feel free to h8 n r8

how do I get thicker brows brehs


>somebody made this

>tfw nice big blue eyes but eyes are slightly asymetrical with dark bags so what could be a solid 9/10 is more like a 7/10

I like how reviewbrah's autistic mannerisms and delicate bone structure naturally bring his hands into strange medieval gestures

can someone photoshop OP's pic so that gandy has steve buscemi's eyes?

>take hair away from Girl
>she 6/10
no way

I like everything about reviewbrah. I'm watching his videos right now.

who else here light eyes master race

>green eyes
>master race

Who cares, I'm only here to talk about lifting heavy things.

Eye r8 thread?


Jurassic park

Blue eyes are a recessive trait you dumb fuck. He got hazel from his dad.

can you imagine why darker man love lighter Skin qts?
This is Evolution, we ove lighter Skin to erase it. A kid from a darker man with a lighter Skin qt will be dark, a kid from a darker woman with a light skinéd fag, will be dark... Light Skin and blue yes are fucking beautiful, who doesn't love blue eyed redheads?
But if we fuck them, we will eventually erase them. Evolution... this world is dark.

>retard alert

His brother has blue eyes yet he has hazel, daddy only has 1 Y to offer

shit, you're right

Tfw have crooked nose

>implying peach and apricot isn't the best flavour

if he has green eyes its possible

If you cover his eyes with your hand you can still see he's attractive. Not sure what this fella is on about.

it's his gross unkempt facial hair and overly pale, untanned skin that made the difference here, not the fucking nose jesus