Why do manlets wanna get "big n buff" so bad?

Why do manlets wanna get "big n buff" so bad?
Are they compensating for something?

Pic related

Truly the most mysterious of mystery, well never know

as if you have anything making you attractive besides the DNA making you tall, which was by pure chance and not by any of your own merit

Zyzz was 6'2 so this guy isn't that short

kek these replies make me laff so much.
imagine the little fucker holding back his tears writing this.
makes my day.

Notice the guy on the rights feet.

bcs its better to be small and buff than small and fat/skinny
are you really retarded OP?

also: why does Veeky Forums feels the need to discuss manlets in every thread? are you compensating for something, OP?

t. not even manlet, just tired of this shit.

t. 5'11 manlet who think's he's not "THAT" short.

Toppu keki!

That guy on the left has got really good symmetry. He looks really good.

Yeah I noticed, guys probably really healthy and alive right now.

I can't see how that's possible when he died in 2011

Even on his tippy toes he is still pretty short

just lol at being a manlet

if you lift you look even shorter
if you don't lift you look like a little kid

the guy on the right is 5'11


no, 5'7"

zyzz compensated for being born an omega manlet kebab, he overcompensated though.

Because I like lifting . As a manlet it is easy for other people to call me napoleon complex when i get angry, even when my anger is justified, so I stopped getting angry. Then they called me overcompensating for lifting, I stopped paying attention. Just gotta play with the cards I'm dealt you know. Your """banter"""(of subpar quality, if I may add) would've made some sort of impact if I gave a fuck.

Skip leg day option outcome

>*sniff, sniff* "i-i don't care..
">"fucking lanklets.."

gotcha buddy.
imagine how awesome your life could have been at above 6 feet.
people automatically look up to you (no pun intended), JUST because of your height.
height just give you an 'aura of alphaness'

lmao at this point im sure every manlet thread is filled with self hating manlets

i despise them.

Did a short guy fuck your girl? :^)

i dont think a short person has EVER fucked someones girl

>5'5 manlet who's fucked over 10 married women.
>inb4 whales..uggos..
Yep you're right. We ain't fucking anyone's gf.

sick e-stats bra, that's a way better measuring stick

why waste time posing for pictures when you can be doing some calf raises.
this is the kind of thinking that it takes to make it

More like 5'6, look the feets, i'm short but elevated those feet must be a new level of insecurity

Hey op, make me care what you think. I'll wait.

About how long into your miserable life did making whiny threads on Veeky Forums became the best way to make yourself feel better?

Why are you so mad, manlet? Can't face reality?

>Zyzz was 6'2

i'm amazed at how many of you nut hugging retards believe that total lie. he was 5'10 AT BEST. his little "bro i'm totally not a manlet faggot ass" hair should have clued you in, but manlets can't point out other manlets for shit so i'm not surprised in the least.

5'11 manlet here why care tho? is trolling Veeky Forums worth this much 2 u?

It's all I have in this world, yes it is.

Have some reality, me (5'7) with something you'll never have :)

Quick! Try another meme, you're getting btfo!

>Cant face reality?
Imagine being so retarded you believe Veeky Forums is reality

he was 6'2

honestly I need more time to come up with deflections I'm kinda new at this. I get a lot more (you)s on r9k and people don't usually post pics to fuck up my thread

Christ you're dense


bit of an understatement. shouldnt even include the word "man" at that point

>self replying

jeez man the insecurity

>Pic related?

Is it?

Let's not forget that the story of Zyzz is of a lanklet wanting to get "big n buff" or that one of his last fuckbook updates was something like "next stop: arnold status".