Is there any point in lifting when I have more 40 pounds to lose? I want pic related's body

Is there any point in lifting when I have more 40 pounds to lose? I want pic related's body.

>Is there any point in lifting
there's always a point

Look at her ass and legs, you dont get that with out some muscle. You better start squatting.

Yeah, lift.

why would you want to look like a gross fucking nigger OP

I bet you listen to rap and twerk too you little shit

>I want pic related's body.
Are you a trap? because most of the features on her are exclusive to female genetics bro

but you also need to squat heavy

Yes, you dumb slut. You need some muscle to pull Miss Olsen's body.

post pics so we can see where you're at you fat cunt.

Ideal female body is

No, I like rock music and I'm black so lol
I'm a girl

>Ideal female body is

>tfw want to have butt like this
>am male

Is it homo?

you've got to lift

if you cut that remaining 40 lbs without lifting you will have less definition than if you did
>is there any point
wtf made you think there wasn't? did you think not lifting would make you more defined? genuinely curious what your thought process was, OP.

Is it worth the effort to lift while trying to lose a lot of weight? No gains would happen, especially with SS

I guess. I have a big ass (thanks mom) and I never cared for it.

>I like rock music and I'm black

Now this is interesting.

you can still make gains if you're cutting really slowly, hell with 40lbs to lose you could still cut at 1lb a week and make some small gains. if anything with good nutrition and enough sleep, you'll still maintain your strength.. but even if you don't you should still be concerned with mitigating muscle loss on a cut.

tl;dr, just fucking lift

I guess.

Recomposition works, I've been on a cut the entire time I've been lifting.

No it isn't

you guess? fine, don't lift and get worse results

>Is there any point in lifting when I have more 40 pounds to lose? I want pic related's body.
If you cut without lifting, you will lose muscle, m8. More over, if you have fucking 40 pounds to cut, this prob means that you are a fat abomination that just started to train, which means that you can still make pretty good gains while losing fat.

Yup. that body has a lot of muscle on it.

Also, in the long run, Strength training is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Building muscle/strength will not only burn a lot of calories in the short term, but it will also increase your BMR in the long term because muscle requires calories to maintain.

>Do a strength phase. (SS)
>Get to at least 1 x body weight Squat and Dead lift.
>Add in some exercises for hypertrophy
>Focus on making good food decisions (low GI carbs, >100g protein)
>Add in cardio to achieve fat loss.

>Get to at least 1 x body weight Squat and Dead lift.

Literally just hit this last night. So happy. XD

I thought black people don't listen to rock or metal.

are you OP?

Becuase lifting will help you lose bodyfat, you actual mug?

Stop giving advice dumbass, strength training doesn't burn a lot of weight

she looks comical, why would u want that

> I want pic related's body

Yeah and I want to be 6'5'' with extra wide shoulders and a 9'' cock, the world doesn't work that way sweetie. That braphog was a braphog at birth, work only amplifies that. You should lose weight so you aren't a fat sack of shit. If you think you would look better thicc then post pics and we will tell you if you are too fat or not.

who is this semen demon?

I feel better about myself in general when lifting. It helps with depression and motivation and shit even when fat.

Brittany Olsen, claims to have trained eight years for the body she has now.

Yeah, when she started 8 years ago she could only handle 5 inches in the braphole.

Seriously though, if you took away that massive ass she would look like any other highschool female athlete. What sort of training was she doing?

Yeah it does. Look up the studies. Resistance training burns less calories during the process but your metabolism remains elevated for up to 48 hours due to EPOC.
Where as Cardio suffers from diminishing returns as your body gets more efficient at it and actually slows your metabolism.


of course. some muscle is always good and lifting will help you shed the weight. just hit a progress or cbt thread next time, and see how a lot of dudes get from fat to strong and then to fit. they all lift

b-but I don't want to take away that massive ass

If you want that body then you have to want that lifestyle. Workouts, diets. No shortcuts, no laziness, no excuses.

If that's too much then give up on that dream cause it aint gonna happen.


>check her insta
>440lbs hip thrust

I want her to smash my pelvis with that force

Always cut first before bulking, and always lift on your cut to prevent too much muscle loss

Cutting without lifting = skinnyfat

Don't make this mistake

8 years of ass trainning.

Not until you do diet AND cardio to reduce that overweight.
Then of course there's a point in lifting, sis.

>I like rock music
I find this quite interesting.

Post your body currently OP. Keep it SFW though

asking the real questions here

Just keep going with wii fit and zumba. You'll get there, fatass!

of course theres a point, you never know you might have better genetics than her.

>better genetics


>implying ebonies don't store their fat better

Almost 60% of the time black girls have amazing bodies (excluding the obese ones and skellies). Speaking of yours OP.

Or post feet

What rock music do you listen to?

STOP CARING ABOUT WEIGHT. Muscle weighs more than fat. You can get an amazing body and still weigh a similar weight to now because you built muscle and lost fat.

Where have you people been living? A lot of people like multiple genres of music. You guys really don't know any black people irl?

you're a fucking larper nigguh

im the only black person on Veeky Forums

Tbh 90% of the black people I knew through high school and college listened only to hip hop, some liked guys like Marvin Gaye but otherwise it was only hip hop. The few who did listen to a wide variety of music were usually very strange.
To be fair most retards I've met only listen to hip hop or some awful variation of the worlds shittiest genre, EDM

More muscle takes more calories to fuel and will burn fat heavily as long as you don't give in to the hunger.

YES! Muscle burns more energy than fat. More muscle = faster weight loss.

How is this still not common knowledge?


Bumping so I can fap to these whores later