Post motivational pictures

Post motivational pictures.



Damn, brah...




There is only one true belief, the belief in yourself. It is the only God you will ever know.


edgy faggot

This is the most motivation picture in existence

Ur the edgy here, truefag

y tho

why do we like him again? he's the literal embodiment of chad

we don't
how? to be a fag who takes pictures with girls just for a cover for how much of a flaming faggot he is






If you don't respect Hitler than you are ignorant. I'm just saying, do some research and read between the lines. If you're smart enough you might finally understand one day why people appreciate his life.



>being motivated by someone talking about how useless motivation is

really jogs my noggin

i was just listening mourn. shit is fire


>being motivated to get raped by russians


hate him

I cry everytime.

>my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right.

>a knight using a square shield


Too soon :(

>That crowd
Wew, at least now the picture makes some sense

Go back to plebit you treacherous cuck

No no no no no no no no no I came here to get motivated

I don't want the feels at this moment, take them away please

jeff pls go

Spooky Black is your motivation?? Why? How?


>I tried to make the world a safe place for you
>plunges europe into a 6 year war where millions of white people are killed and their homes are reduced to rubble

What exactly did he meme by this?





really motivated my ant

shit quality cause its from like 1999


>plunges Europe into war
>he literally didn't start a world war, he just invaded Poland to protect some German minority majorities of the area
>the allies just attacked him as a "response"
>he literally sent like 3 peace treaties agreements to Churchill through fax but of course he was denied
>ayy lmao





normalfags will never understand what made this such a great scene


A real knight doesn't even have an option.

Holy shit...

This image is misleading though.

You're either the friendly pussy or you're a man. Men don't walk around with a smile on their face. You don't have to be an edgy, angsty faggot about everything but you don't have to be a clown either. You just need to look straight ahead and slightly arch your eyebrows and people will know not to fuck with you. Doesn't matter if you're a physical beast but have the psychological of a six year old girl. You don't need to 'be loud' or start shit because people will know not to fuck with you because of your demeanor.

Speak for yourself, fat faggot.

Fuck off jeff




Wtf was Barbarossa then??

>tfw lifting for He who lifted you from sin.
