Let's talk about milky

>How much milk does fit drink a day/week?
>From which animal? Have you tried milk from other animals?
>How much fat %?

I knock back a litre a day, "organic responsibly-sourced" 3.8% goat milk 'cause it's a couple of bucks cheaper than cow milk of a similar caliber.

Besides cow, also tried sheep and water buffalo. Sheep has the best macros and I'd drink it all the time if it wasn't so expensive - I'll get that or cow if they're on sale.

The "organic" label doesn't mean much to me, 'cause I only buy from dairy farms that I've researched and can be confident the animals are treated with respect and live happily, which end up being organic or grass-fed, that good stuff.

Other urls found in this thread:

I've tried milk from the cashew animal, the oat animal, the soy animal, and the coconut animal. Soy is the tastiest

Enjoy your estrogen. Almond is superior.

Thats why I said 'tastiest' and not 'best'. I've tried almond milk too. It's shit.

goat milk sounds awesome. i had some goat milk brie a few weeks ago which was the shit

Vegan or strict vegetarian? Didn't even consider you guys when making the thread

What else is there? Rice? Hemp?

> drinking sugar water
I'm not even him, but a guy with healthy hormones would need a diet consisting entirely of soy for that shit to be true

Either way, ain't got growth factors or peptides

It's a lot more "flavorful" than the neutral taste of cow milk. This article was worth a read for me

Sorry to be a cheese snob, but if it ain't cow's milk, it ain't brie

i believe u, im just american so i dont even think i can buy standard brie here in most grocery stores. it's pretty much all pasteurized, idk if that matters. though i recently have been seeing "raw cheddar" by organic brands in normal grocery stores occasionally

Don't apologize. Good for you, these plebs need to up their fucking game.

I'm a vegetarian but I drink a shit load of (cow's) milk so I spent a while testing out all the substitutes just in case I could replace it and not miss it (like I easily could with meat).

It's not the same desu. Most of them are just very faintly unpleasant. Soy milk is the only one that has the same subtle sweetness, but I was scared off by the oestrogen talk

lately im eating gouda all the fuckin time. i heard it has shitload of vitamin k2

Go to specialty stores then. There are no imported raw brie it's illegal. None domestically either as the FDA says all raw cheese has to be aged 60 days which is difficult to do with brie

Any grass fed cheese would. Gouda just refers to the style of recipe not a guarantee of grass fed milk. Irish make fantastic grass fed cheddars and of course there are others.


>im just american
Nigga, that wasn't goats cheese brie it was polyisohydroproponol-triglycerate

Same here, though I started drinking animal milk again after I broke up with my gains goblin

How'd you replace meat? I combine legumes and grains, and milk - don't fuck with that "soy-protein" expensive imitation shit anymore

You're right, the unsweetened versions of all those are unpleasant, and the sweetened stuff is sugar water. I found animal milk also has better nutrients than plant milk, with growth factors and peptides like I mentioned before. And you can drink it by the gallon unlike soy

lold because true
hm so you get more bang for your buck in terms of k2 content from grassfed animals rather than the recipe? i assumed it was automatically good because brie/gouda would top out those "most vitamin k2 foods" lists.

i been eating a tub of greek yogurt a day for the sweet ~60g of proteins


>tfw drinking 64g of whole a day
>tfw gf tells me how "unhealthy milk is and how drinking anything else is better for you"
>ask why that is
>"muh GMOs"

Stay weak, GMOlets

> when they say "it's filled with growth hormones"
Isn't that what we want?

Mostly due to the fact that traditional European Gouda and brie is made from grass fed animals. In America that's not often the case. All if the nutrition in cheese comes from the milk. The other ingredients are just rennet, bacteria, and with brie penicillin spores.

2 cups a day in my protein shake. Used to do whole but now I do 2%
Cow only but I have tried almond milk and it's not that great

>not drinking organic grass-fed raw whole milk DAILY

it's like you don't want those supercharged growth hormones for insane gains.....

I drink about 500 calories worth of 1% a day, easy way to get 40g~ of protein

I get my milk from this farm. My gains have exploded. I don't even do true GOMAD, more like half a gallon a day at most. But it's delicious and makes you feel good and strong

Do you guys know about fermented raw dairy being safer than regular raw dairy? I've heard of some people getting diseases from raw milk but I think someone said raw fermented dairy is significantly safer. And my Russian friend's mom will give me kefir grains if I ask her so I could make that shit at home lol

get it from a farm that tests every batch like the one i linked in my post above yours

I would, Eric, but it's banned across Canada

Milk is gains juice

Ask your Russian friend about ryazhenka too

>Organic pastures
>An farm
Wew lad

I drink raw milk and eat raw cheese. Never been I'll from either. In my experience clean milk is clean milk. Fermentation will increase shelf life tho.

God I wanna motorboat Christina Hendricks so bad.

> video muted

What does this even mean?

Seen her husband?


Organic pastures is a large corporation sourcing milk from farms across the nation. user called organic pastures
>This farm

Has anyone ever eaten/made clabber here? is it good?

>How much milk does fit drink a day/week?
At least 1l a day, usually 2-3l if lifting day.

>From which animal? Have you tried milk from other animals?
Cow. In my region, any other milk is too expensive $$$$ compared to cows milk.

>How much fat %?
Whole milk from grass fed cows. Rly the cheapest option available.

Goat milk is good, but how can you get it cheaper than cow milk?

>"organic responsibly-sourced" 3.8% goat milk 'cause it's a couple of bucks cheaper than cow milk of a similar caliber.
The factory farm organic whole cow milk is 9~ for 4L, local whole goat milk is 10~, and local whole cow is 13~; normal whole milk is like 5 bucks for 4L

For reference I live in Toronto

>I knock back a litre a day, "organic responsibly-sourced" 3.8% goat milk 'cause it's a couple of bucks cheaper than cow milk of a similar caliber.
>Couple of bucks cheaper

I drink milk that cost even a couple of bucks in the first place, you hipster faggot

>not a single post talking about sanon cashing in his gbp and mommy letting him suck her milkies
fucking disappointed m8s

>tfw 100% white and lactose intolerant
I don't drink soymilk because of possible phytoestrogens. Is there any milk substitute that DOESNT have some meme negative effect on your manhood?

Phytoestrogens have very little effect on animals. The most mammalian dense estrogen source is chicken breast. Milk is pretty damn high too. Hops, which is in beer, is the world's most powerful plant estrogen. No need to be scared, there's waaaaayyyy more powerful sources of estrogen that people chug down

>Gallon of raw or pasteurized Milk
>$1.75 vs $1.50

The question of our times

>1.50 USD for a GALLON of milk
Damn... what a dream must be to buy groceries in USA. Here in my town in Brazil, 1l of good quality whole milk costs 3BRL, and that's very cheap compared to the cost of it in bigger cities (5-7BRL).

Don't give me no pop, no pop
Don't give me no tea, no tea
Just give me that milk
Moo moo moo moooo

American government subsidizes(pays) farmers for excess production. Then they spazz like dipshits when other countries put limits on american imports to protect their industries

How much milk is too much milk?

I also live in Wisconsin, which helps

Are there any downsides to eating too much dairy? I'm trying to improve my teeth strength and make them less sensitive lately. Probably getting 150% RDA of calcium daily.

Wisconinite here, where are you getting a gallon for 1.75? I pay around 2.39-2.59 for

A farm, or the cheapest brand of pasteurized for a buck fifty is at Woodman's

1-1.5 L a day, occasionally up to 2
tried goat and sheep milk and it's not my thing
whole milk ofc, anything else is for poofs

That fucking typesetting and dialogue holy shit

>tfw learned proper chugging form and can put away gallon of milk a day like it's nothing
All aboard the gain train

I find that I've been more congested after days I drink a lot of milk, like when you wake up in the morning and feel like your face is fblocked up but it never goes away
Two (2) US dollars for 2300 calories and 130g protons is worth it though. It's the cornerstone of my diet

>Two (2) US dollars for 2300 calories and 130g protons is worth it though
You have no fucking idea how jealous I am right now

I raised dairy goats when I was younger, definite bulk food. can't separate the cream from the milk, but it tastes better too imo, once you pasturize it, kt tastes like shit though, so I buy it from a professor for "veterinary" purposes, thats the only way to legally sell it raw.

>that last panel
Tip top kek