Poorfag Protein, Help a fatty out

Where does a poorfag procure protein?

Canned tuna seems like my best bet, 400g for 2$

dont want to eat more powedered whey than i must, but will go buy some if its the cheapest thing out there

Whole milk nigga

im already fat, wont whole milk increase the lard around my bodeh?

dairy products: greek yogurt, cottage cheese, milk
fish: canned or frozen
protein powder: this can easily work out to be the literal cheapest protein you can get dollar per gram
bulk boneless skinless chicken breast
bulk frozen veggies, like spinach, peas, and broccoli

Ever heard of eggs? You should try them sometime.

2 many calories

Get a thing of protein powder. Like its the best value. Pure Protein works. Not the best for you but the cheapest without being absolute dogshit.

For food tuna works but gets old quickly, some cans of black beans (usually about 60-90 cents a can and you can split this up in a couple meals), get a bag of skinless boneless chicken (these are usually around 5 - 7 dollars a bag and will last you a week, also a carton of egg is pretty cheap too for how many you get.

Im guessing you got memed in having a 1200 calorie diet with 200 g of protein?
Anyway tofu, beans, tuna and whey are pretty much the cheapest, then followed by eggs, chicken and othe

*and other fishes, then most expensive Id say beef and pork

Does anyone know of anyone know of any way to capture a massive amount of ants to eat later? Moved out to a small town and they're fucking everywhere so I figure I'd put them to use.

no but excess calories will
why is there so many dumb fucks like you around??? is this really a hard concept to grasp

Egg whites fatass

eggs, tuna, chicken, pork
pork is cheap as fuck. chicken thighs and drumsticks are cheap as fuck. eggs are cheap as fuck. no excuses.

>too many calories
lmao are you kidding me? unless you are eating 800 cals a day ( you shouldn't be eating on that big a deficit ), this s houldn't be an issue

> you shouldn't be eating on that big a deficit
user, say i was eating 800 cals a day, will i be pepsi'd? (150g protein)

my question is what is the most protein per volume? why dont protein bars have like 100g of protein?

i..is it semen?


Lentils are pretty cheap and easy to work with in the kitchen and have a good nutrition profile, plus you'll be glad for the fiber once those protein shits/farts start gearing up.

Buy one made for horses

>230 cals
ok fat bro

get one of those carnivorous plants and then when it gets full drain out the murky acidwater full of ants and eat it I guess

beware you might also get some flies and spiders and beetles

Harsh Dude, what have you got thats better, besides a nasty mouth?

whey isolate is the most protein i have seen compacted and without having to worry about incomplete or shit bioavailability.

>Beef more expensive than fish
Which beautiful country you live in lad, I consume 90% of my protein from chicken and fish and it's nowhere near as cheap as beef or pork.

Why is it not the best for you? If you are eating fine otherwise is it ok?

chicken mcnuggets