Is there any fucking way this guy is natty?

Is there any fucking way this guy is natty?

He's 17 now, and September of last year he was scrawny as fuck. By Jan of this year, he looked like this. But he's looked like this ever since... Gained a little bit of size I want to know if this is natty or not

Another pic

What makes you think this isn't achievable natty?

5'6, idk his weight

The time frame makes me think. 3 months, hardly even. Maybe 4 months max from nothing to this

need photos w/o fat girl angles

yes, it's possible


all you need to know

I know it's possible natty, but I want to know if it's possible in 3 fucking months

If he legit had absolutely no muscle before, I'd say prob not natty just because he's a bit too lean with only 4 months of gaining

God you guys are delusional, from skinny to that in a few months? I say juice

he looks pretty fat in the 2nd pic. Look at his love handles and lower back.

This guy has veins coming out of his chest.. wtf are you talking about

>low bf%
>probably 140lbs soaking wet
need a pick of arms/back

you have never lifted

He's 5'6", totally realistic

Another pic for you idiots calling him fat.

you're right, he looks pretty lean there, but there's still downlighting and a pump going on so it's hard to say about the roids

who even cares than?
he's non-existent in the eyes of women and men.
he might as well be a child.

>who even cares than?
>he's non-existent in the eyes of women and men.
>he might as well be a child.
he's 17 that is a child

>he might as well be a child.

he's 17, he is a child

>18 in a few months
>still 5'6
>h-he's a child!
are you fucking retarded?

He's not nonexistent with a body like that, brother. Reason why I'm asking about roids is because he doesn't look DYEL in clothes.. looks like he lifts and he's lean as fuck. I don't understand how, if not roids


Do a few sit ups each night and carry the grocery bags from the car to the kitchen and you'll look like that in a week lmao

sorry, bud. No woman that's the least bit attractive would be caught dead with a 5'6 "man" lol.

clearly roids, like have you ever even lifted? you can't do that in 3 months without roids