How do I get a body like this?

How do I get a body like this?

Yes, I read the sticky. It was shit

>Yes, I read the sticky
No you haven't.

It IS shit though

>How do I look like a fictional character?
Roids and lots of calisthenics

>It was shit
Seconded. You're going to need a lot of direct upper back, shoulder, and arm work.

To get the lower/mid traps and rhomboids popping, look up nether rows on youtube. Do those, and heavy cheating T-bar rows on a landmine.

Do some kind of snatch grip movement like snatch grip power shrugs, high pulls, or rack pulls (start with a high bar height) for the upper+mid traps.

And your main staple should be heavy fucking dumbbell rows with a deep stretch at the bottom. Hold them so that your hand if pronated rather than in a neutral grip.

Add some pulldowns (not, not fucking pullups) done with from that lets you actually feel it in your lats for high reps - 10-15 per set. These are just to get a v-taper, he doesn't have thick lats.

Shoulders just do 1-2 sets of heavy dumbbell presses (or arnold presses) followed by 3-5 more higher rep (8-15) sets of presses, and make sure you're doing plenty of lateral raises (cable or bands are best), and rear delt flies, which will also help with the upper back thiccness.

The character's chest is pretty normal, plain old benching will do. Lots of hanging leg lifts and a low body fat for dem abs. Work up to doing them daily over a few weeks.

A lot of retards are going to say deadlifts, but this character doesn't have a massive ass, core, or legs, and they should be avoided, as their effect on upper back thickness is negligible.

Arms are ezpz, just buy some cheap fucking bands at walmart and do 1-2 extremely high rep sets (talking 50+, should take at least 1-2 minutes to complete) of curls and overhead extensions every day and do some heavy curls + overhead extensions in the gym. You can also do lateral raises + rear delt flies with these daily.

It basically just says "eat less to lose weight and do a beginner strength program if you want to start lifting". Both of which are true.

>Both of which are true.

Unless you don't want to end up a fat doughy retard and actually want to look good, no a beginner strength program isn't true.

Kys dyel reddittard. Beginner strength programs have been a staple on Veeky Forums since the beginning.

Yeah, and this board has been full of doughy retards since the beginning.

If you want to actually look good you need a lot of direct accessory work and far more volume than SS/SL or some equally extremely minimalist routine.

Thanks, ill let all the seasoned lifting coaches and recognized experts in the field know that theyve been teaching it wrong all this time.

i have this kind of body mode except missing lats
shit won't grow no matter how much i attack it
what do?

Seasoned lifting coaches who aren't snake oil salesmen wont' say the things that retards like you are saying.

>t. DYEL
Post body, dyel
>Inb4 you don't

>lifting coaches wont recommend beginner strength programs to beginners
Confirmed brainlet

>Post body, dyel

Post one before and after that doesn't look like complete shit after SS/SL.

Of course they will. If they want to get good at lifting.

But actual lifting coaches won't put beginners who just want to look good on a bare bones strength program and lie to them about how it's going to burn the most fat and give them great guns and a perfect ass.

They aren't high tier personal trainers. They're people who're specialized for one single solitary portion of fitness and of course many of them will outright lie about it's effectiveness compared to others. It's their livelihood and passion.

It's like asking a vegan to be honest about how much meat the average person needs in their diet.

>he didn't post his body
Hello DYEL, how does it feel being DYEL?

>I bother to take pic and post body
>you vanish and never respond

Yeah that's worth the effort. 211lbs at 21% bc I'm dirty bulking like a lazy tard. FFMI is just shy of 25.

>says this place is full of doughy retards
>is a weak doughy retard
Checks out

>ffmi 25
Pick one.

A doughy retard offering advice that will turn bodybuilders into doughy retards. Pottery.

>never putting on body fat
Wanna know how I know you're a tiny dyel?

I stopped reading after you knocked pullups. You're just another fat fuck who cant make progress but knows a little

For this body, yeah. Pulldowns are way easier to hit just your lats with.

>that odd pullup insult

are you just a fatass? i assure you anyone in real life even close to looking like that does pull ups

Because most people, especially ones asking how to look like anime characters can do several sets of 15 strict pullups.

Also samefag.

thats a statistic you pulled out your ass. most people asking for fitness advice cant do a single kipping pullups

also weighted pullups would be the next step not pulldowns. thats a regression

sorry that more than one person thinks youre an idiot

That was supposed to say "can't". Why would I even recommend pulldowns if people could do 15 pullups?

Sceencap it for me bb ;)

i dont know, why would you think pullups are a bad exercise? youre a mystery to me user

hello underage

Guess again faggot

Because new lifters can't do enough of them.

In terms of hypertrophy pulldowns win, for fucks sake try it out.

literally everyone does pull downs. 50% of the time the pulldown machine is taken by 80 year old men

in what way is pulldown better?

You can do the necessary reps with the relatively heavy loads for mass building no matter your strength level.

While pullups/chinups are far better lat pulldowns are just easier to do.

>normies vs people that understand how to get volume in and add weight when possible.

>literally everyone benches, 80% of the time all the benches are being used by some tubby fatshit benching lmao 95lbs. In what way is bench superior?

>in what way is pulldown better?

Again, volume. Most people cannot do but 2-3 shitty pullups. Even fewer can do multiple sets of 10-15. Saying pullups are better is like saying handstand pushups are better than dumbbell ohp.

Yeah, if you can do multiple sets of 10 HSPUs (and aren't a skelly) then you're going to have jacked shoulders, but getting the base strength to get to that point is easier with dumbbell presses than just doing HSPU negatives for ages, and you'd see far better gains in the between time.

ITT: Fatty asks for help while rejecting the helpful sticky. Sad!

>want specific kind of physique
>lmao do ss
>get literally the opposite of what you wanted

at least op was smart enough to realize its shit

Wait, there are still retards on Veeky Forums who think the Sticky is not shit? It fucking advocates SS for fucks sake. There are countless far better beginner routines for maximum strength AND hypertrophy gains. The sticky is really outdated.


Hypertrophy based upper/lower body split. Wow that was hard.

no post the shooped one for lulz