Why are poor people so fat

Why are poor people so fat

Because they aren't smart and associate the dollar menu with "cheap food" and generally lack will power, which is typically why they're as poor as they are to begin with.

cheap food is bad for you

The more they Fuck their life up, the more foodstamps the gov't gives them.

they're not as poor as you think you are

Often times because they're also stupid, and think fast food/junk is cheaper in the long run due to price. If they had an ounce of intelligence they're realize they can buy healthier food in bulk quantities (which look like they cost more) that would last longer and give them proper nutrition.

Problem is they'd also be eating far less calories and since they're fat/stupid they want to retain their way of life.

Think about it retardo

It's not that poor people are fat, it's more like fat people are poor because of how much money they spend overeating expensive junk food.

unhealthy food is cheap

Because of high fructose corn syrup and the McDonald's dollar menu

Because people dont know how to cook and eat mac n' cheese and grease all day

Poor people tend to have bad work ethic which is reflected in cooking and eating habits. Opting for low-effort foods which tend to be high calorie and cheap

Poor people who are fit have enough self respect and will power to not look poor. Poor people who are fat don't give a fuck about their looks so they look fat and poor.

People always make it an economic problem but here is how I see it. Unmotivated and unintelligent individuals end up poor. Fat people are also unmotivated and, mostly, unintelligent. I believe its not their income level that makes them fat, they themselves are fat and poor for the same reasons.

low iq


I was poor, I was born in another country I moved to America and had to learn English

Than as I got older I figured out that I never graduated high school and most people do

My third brother was the first to graduate high school

My sister didn't graduate

I went back to adult education when I turned 24
I stopped making excuses for myself
I went to college after getting HS diploma
Than I dropped out of college again
At 25, I was given a job, I worked my ass off and dedicated myself to this career
I'm now 33 years old, and make over 125k a year. I'm not rich, but I'm not poor anymore and nobody really helped me become something

I'm a self made man. Tell me again how life is too hard in America and I'll spit on your grave, it is hard because you refuse to try, it is hard because people have given up on themselves, not the govt or successful businesses

We have openings in every field, get off your ass and go chase your own dream

Most poor people are poor because they make poor decisions. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle is a poor decision. It also often makes you go fat.

Being poor and working two jobs causes stress and depression -> Stress causes you to eat unhealthy food -> Unhealthy food is cheap and readily available in poor neighbourhoods

Cheap beer and snacks to suppress the emptiness of life

Ignorance and being fit and sober makes them realize that there is nothing to do in their life.

A life where they have open space a bit of knowledge a dream and direction would see far more healthy fit and content people.
But that's bad for business and an underclass like that is dangerous so...

being thoughtless sprituality devoid self hating ignorant halfsane halfsober bisexual consumers and workers that hates and mistrusts everyone else around them is the norm.

I think they eat junkfood cause it's easy and tastes good and they're used to it, not necessarily because it's cheaper

There is that, but they see the initial price of junkfood and label it as cheaper. If you have to pick between a 2 for $5 deal for chips vs $5 worth of broccoli chances are you'll pick the chips.