Body Type?

Im having a hard time determining what my body type is, and am trying to set up macronutrient ratios based on body type. What would you estimate my body type to be? Im leaning towards meso / endo but its hard to tell because up until a month ago I didnt take care of my body at all so im supremely out of shape.

Are you male or female?

>adhering to the flawed endo/ecto/meso model

You're currently chubby. You have low muscle mass, and somewhat high bf%. Eat less, exercise more.

Side profile from ~ 4 weeks ago when I started lifting and fixed my nutrition.
Side note Im currently eating about 35% carbs 45% protein 20% fat while cutting at a 750cal deficit for about 12 more weeks before I start lean bulk, would that be a decent plan for somebody at my body fat?

Does this guy have APT? I've been wondering if I have APT cause my back is a bit curved and Im' not sure if thats normal.

Yeah I dont really care what my body type is, I guess I just want to make sure I have good ratios for my macros
Also that 750cal deficit will be decreased to like 400 as I get close to the goal

Just bad posture from sitting at my computer desk all day every day and havinf practically 0 muscle

You should stop eating burgers and chocolate. Just eat normal, healthy food and train. Nothing more is necessary at your situation.

Stop with the body type bs it's not true and frankly irrelevant. Just like someone above said just eat right and exercise and your body will reflet it.

Read 2nd post, didnt want to write a giant wall in the OP

Start simple and build up from it. Don't begin with too hard and complex ideas and shit. But that is just my opinion.

Yeah, when I get into something I try and optimize as much as possible so I wanna be as efficient as I can

>body type
my god you're fucking retarded aren't you?

this stupid fucking thread makes me so mad

there's some truth to "the best routine is the one you stick with". avoid paralysis through analysis.

In my experience it can become overwhelming if I didn't have the necessary time invested in nutrition and training. Its a long process to recovery and I believe this is applicable to studying a language or an instrument. If you start with too much, it will be harder to learn. But I believe in you. Keep on going.

Read the whole thread cuck

>people don't have thinner and wider torsos

Are you guys retarded? You're literally saying something you can see with your own eyes is false

Yeah im motivated as fuck because I dont have anything else to do with my life since I have stopped enjoying vidya for the most part

You played dota?

>You're literally saying something you can see with your own eyes is false

Wow! I sure wonder if there could be a more reasonable explanation! It's almost like you don't know what they're talking about!

Hate mobas, played csgo, sc2, melee, osu!, ddr, playing mostly DDR for cardio now, I stopped playing competitively a few years back when I got tendon problems from an autoimmune disease that Im just now geting over, thus the reason Im finally working out


You're saying body types aren't real, okay so then why do I have a wide body shape while my brother is a bean pole despite having similar fat/muscle mass?

Gas yourself you absolute retard

1. as I said, you simply don't seem to know what we're talking about
2. if you want to write like you're on reddit, then please go back there

What else could you be talking about?

"body type" only means one thing.


Wow, to think we had actual retards in here.

You fat boi

hey Veeky Forums i'm an ectomorph/hardgainer wild giraffe beast. Based on that information how many calories should i eat and what macro ratio?

Also i feel like i might also be part alligator animorph body type, but i'm not sure. Should that affect my macro ratio do you think?

>Are you male or female?

Literally noodle arms, absolutely 0 definition. It's just a straight line, never seen that before. The rest is dad bod.

Less carbs

fucks sake im a girafes. no wonder i can't bench or squat for shit.