What are his bulking secrets, Veeky Forums?

What are his bulking secrets, Veeky Forums?

Oh hey, Rick Ross has trimmed his beard

>All veggies no eggs
>All chest no legs

Don't forget.


he hangs out with a fat bitch

Becoming a dad

pigs feet

easy on the croissants, mr. west...

He wants to be the jolly uncle to Kylie's kid

Antipsychotic meditation makes you gain loads of fucking weight.

stop taking amphetamines to pick the jew cotton

fell for the thicc meme perpetuated by the kardshian handlers

His damn croissants finally arrived

Last name squattin' first name never.


this, along with being a good father and husband, and making great music

pic somewhat related

don't forget to make a movie with the misus

How the fuck do you "let yourself go" when you are a multi-millionaire with millions of fans?

Oh wait forgot he was a bankrupt homeless bum nigger lol

i hope this is original

>sex tapes

>married to a plastic whore
>had kids with her
>going bald
>getting fat
>jay-z/beyonce don't fuck with you anymore
fucking JUST