Natty strength does not = size

Please stop saying strength = size.
Pic is me. I trained for strength and look where it got me.

Other urls found in this thread:

1. 6 plate dl is average
2. you look good, who wants to look like a muscle freak. you just look fit

Tiny legs? What did you train anyways

6pl8 deadlift is not even that much though... why would u expect to look good at only a 6pl8 DL especially with lanklet arms like pic related

Natural + Visible abs = You will always be small.

It's just a fact of natural lifting.

You can't have abs and be big, but you can be pretty big and flabby.

Ironically if you get lean enough you "appear" bigger than you actually are.

Ie: A 65kg 8% body-fat natty will look 80kg due to the Low-body fat illusion of size.

Or you can train your abs.

Do you deadlift 6pl8?

M'ask you sumin

How much do you squat below parallel, how much do you bench with a pause, how much do you OHP with a pause?

I've been lifting since 2003, don't try and talk back to me as if you know anything about natural lifting.

I've been there and done it all, experienced every type of thing is there is to experience.

I am not working off my own anecdotal evidence that I've seen with myself, and people around me, but I am also working off what I see in others around the world, and in studies of actual natural lifters.

What I have learned over the last 14 year is that 99.9% of people on this planet are 100% totally ignorant of whats possible as a natural.

>b-but there's this guy at my g-gym and he seems natural and he has abs at 100kg at 5'10.

Get over it, he is on steroids, even that silent autist you see at the gym that never talks to anybody is on, taking steroids isn't some special Chad-thing that only the top 0.1% of people do, you would be shocked at how wide-spread steroid usage is among even the most normie-casual lifters who have never ever put 5 minutes of thought into their diet or training. I'll have you know that Zyzz started experimenting with steroids within his FIRST MONTH of lifting when he was a literal autistic faggot nobody at the gym. The most important part about that is he isn't anything special in that regard, steroid usage is very very common everywhere around the world in all gyms, including shit gyms like planet fitness.

My best tested squat is 5x180kg, highbar. Never tried a 1rm
Bench is worst lift proportionally, probably due to my long arms and weak chest - 130kg 1RM tested
OHP best 1RM 95kg which is over 1x BW

if someone was naturally strong but fat mostly due to genetics (like even before lifting), and tried to lean out, do they lose a lot of the lean body mass as well as the fat?

OP here jk i do look like I lift that DL pic just has bad lighting and a size XL t shirt.

fucking love you OP

>Bench is worst lift
>probably due to weak chest
yea probably

tfw still nattycuck

needless to say i look like shit

Yup, I work out with a guy that looks similar and benches 345lbs x2 (competition legal).

I think he's ~190lbs at 6'1" ish

>haha guys your argument is wrong because I have shitty twink genetics and will always be a skinny fag, despite strength gains
You really showed us man

>1. 6 plate dl is average

Indeed. what a pleb. I personally deadlift 10 plates

i can barely dl 3pl on a trap bar
yet any sport i play im always the biggest and strongest on the field
how that work

>zero replies

Veeky Forums ladies and gentlemen

The e-statting that Veeky Forums's on is becoming too much

You're surrounded by pussies.

You probably aren't deadlifting properly

It's usually not that hard to be the biggest and strongest guy in the room if you lift at all. Most people not only never work out but are somewhat fat and unathletic.


he knows he dun goofed

6-7 pl8 deadlift is literally natty elite

>6plate dl is average

I didn't know people from Warhammer 40k posted here.

>Ironically if you get lean enough you "appear" bigger than you actually are.
>Ie: A 65kg 8% body-fat natty will look 80kg due to the Low-body fat illusion of size

This only applies to pictures. Irl the 80kg builtfat guy will always look bigger than the lean 65kg guy, assuming equal height and frame.

It is all about proportions and insertions you can look big despite low weight as natty if your build is just right.

This so much. I know kids who don't even look like they lift that take gear. Roids are mainstream as fuck these days.

>6pl8 dl is average
lmao. And yeah, he looks like the average guy that works out. And the average guy that works out has a sub 3pl8 DL- To be fair, the DL isn't really a hypertrophying exercise

and checking his other stats, OP you're really strong, which is good. I'd recommend some additional bodybuilding work, I think there's still some muscle to gain in some areas (e.g. arms, traps). Time to rev up the meme exercises

The dude in the OP benches over lmao4pl8 though.

That video of the twink asian benching 410 at like 150lbs made me realize low reps truly do lead to practically no size.

Everyone thinks 5 reps is low for hypertrophy but it's not, you'll build significant mass on 5 reps but if you're always training 1-3 reps heavy you don't get big.

I've used this since I hate the look of big quads so closing in on a 2/3/4/5 I've done higher reps on bench/OHP, up to 12 rep sets for accessories, and low reps for squat and dl. My upper body has blown up in size yet I can still fit my legs into slim fit jeans.

OP posted his stats, he's roughly at 2/3/5/6. I agree with your points though, especially since I'm on the other end of it - I built an athletic physique (think OCB) just by light loads, push/pull split (6-10 RM) and controlling time under tension. As a result I ended up really weak for my size, which is why I started low rep strength work as of recently. The biggest benefit of heavy compounds is that I noticed smaller muscle groups finally getting worked as well, e.g. my posterior chain and back getting thicker etc. I think for pure aesthetics you should focus on the ~8 RM "pump"/fluff work and do 3-5RM progressive overload strength training on the side, but not as the main goal whereas for PLs it's the opposite

Never do heavy sets of 8reps, if you fail the last one and do 7, you get zero gains

4 that dick to be true u have to be a shower




Yer a nigger harry

wtf is this real?? I've been doing all my compounds for 7 reps for more hypertrophy , is this why I'm not making any gains?

It's like you never been on Veeky Forums before...

>there are people on my board RIGHT NOW who deadlift less than 3pl8
Even an untrained chick can do better.

untrained chicks literally can't deadlift above 1pl8, get out of your basement for once

>Those legs but deadlifts 6pl8


yep its real
luckily if you do 21 reps you can get retroactive gains that you missed out on

Aren't they 20kg? (I don't go to the gym so I wouldn't know) At work I basically deadlift hay bales that weigh up to double that, amounting to 2-3500kg in 45 minutes. You should give women more credit.

let's play a game.
This man, at the time this picture was taken, weighed 198 lbs at a height of 6'1". Guess his deadlift 1RM

Untrained women can't even bench the bar.

1pl8 = 60 kg
and no, non-landwhale, untrained women can't do that


I look shredded and when I have a pump at the gym oh boy, but when I'm clothed i'm just another average joe unless I go for a tight t shirt where it falls off nice in my traps and chest(and I have good wide chest genetics)

my parents are always annoying me to bulk up as if I was anoretic or some shit

truth is, as a natty, really low bf% on an off day/without a pump you'll look deflated

What about 12% body fat?
You can still see abs and your face is pretty defined, but it's not super low.

huge if true. do you know what study this is from?

>he thinks lmao6pl8 is average
Your gym's regulars are just weak; in my gym anyone who deadlifts less than 8pl8 for reps is assigned as gym twink for the day

just try it out yourself, everyone is different and who knows you might have demi-god genetics.

some guys have shitty fat storage deposits, despite being shredded I still have on my lower back a tiny bit of fat while my lower abs I can pinch and its just skin and they're also veiny even when I'm bloated

I've only done one bulk and cut cycle so far, started lean bulking now and I'll see how I end up next time I cut, since that time I'll be stronger and have more muscle mass

lifting is a journey my man

>muh genetics
You are fat. Put the fork down.

about 350

>lower back fat
>lower ab fat

pick 1

>pencil neck
yeahhh nah lol

I have underdeveloped abs from neglecting ab exercises and believing in "squats and deads are enough meme"

wrong. The guy did more than that when he was a teenager at a bodyweight of 130 lbs. Another guess? oh and diddlies are meme-y for visible size in case you haven't noticed

>gmom-science in scientific disguise

oh and to resolve it: the answer is 881 lbs at a bodyweight of 198 lbs
here he is at fucking 132 lbs spooky skeleton mode, deadlifting 4.5pl8

>doing deadlifts doesn't make you look big in clothing
wow no way

The father of bodybuilding looked small while wearing clothes (pic related).

no wonder deadlift is by far my best lift
this is the guy in now. He's the world record holder in his weight class, while weighing 9 lbs less than allowed

jesus fucking christ, what a monster

>OHP with a pause

Why dont you twats understand that while strength and size are correlated they are predominately independent? One is nervous system based on the amount of activation and the other is wear and tear repair.

everyone looks small or normal in ill fitting cloths, thats why you have to wear annoying douchebag tight cloths if you want to show off your gains. you would know this if you actually worked out (Lots of Laughter).

also in your little excerpt he literally had a gown draped over him, its not like he was wearing normal cloths

The part that always fucking gets me about these is the fact that 9 is usually a huge spike. No idea why but it makes me kek even more.

I thought the guy in the OP is that twig that can DL over 900lbs at like 204lbs. That guy's stats are like 4/6/10 for bench/squat/dead.

Yes. Using the stretch reflex to 'bounce' the bar once it comes down to your collarbone is cheating.

It got you to hipster homoland. Also forgetting the leg day is not going to work as you are already suffering from the consequences.



Doesn't count.

but my strength.


when it comes down to your collarbone you should've already finished your lift


damn bro
hows your diet? i want to be as dry as you please

not sure if being ironic or not but anyways
mediterranean diet plus caloric deficit

I DL 12 pl8 u mirin???

his conventional deadlift is 822 lbs, which is still more than you can ever dream of

>6pl8 isn't even that much
holy fuck, I'm at barely 4pl8 and if 6pl8 is low weight I'm fucked.

irony is for pussies. stop being insecure man you have a 9 body. if i had that bod id took some beach pics and fuck the entire tinder

and i forgot: does caloric deficit makes you lose strength / muscle?

no amount of lifting can cure your past, sadly.

yes to some extent
this is why I go for higher protein intake(2g/kg)

I was OHP'ing 57kg at 88-90kg bw and then dropped to 50kg at 63kg bw, both for 3x5
but I did cut for over a year, don't ever EVER dirty bulk

stop catbacking your deadlifts and build your legs.

damn, id say 7 kg when losing 20+kg is low, its motivating to cut

and the last one.. you said 3x5? you do ss ? i dont understand anymore lol

i told PT that my internet friends recommended SS or PPL and told that is pure garbage, that i should make chestbis,backtris,legs. but i dont see any progress in muscle gain

i am around 90kg 5'8 round 15% bf. top 4 abs visible im not on roids. just eat well sleep and lift

Talking about this right?

I want to try his bench press program, but I'm confused about something: do you just lift those exact same weights for 4 weeks? Don't you move the weight up after a week like in Smolov Jr.?

I did SS
then I added some acessories by the end of it and took off squatting from the deadlift day

then I cut, that picture was like last month and I've started bulking since last monday

I'm on an intermediate routine by eric helms where it's basically heavy low, heavy upper, rest, legs, push, pull, rest. Rinse & Repeat
I only did this now since I built a strength foundation and im more advanced(intermediate level) so I can handle bigger volume, and as you progress you need higher volume.

beginners like you seem to be are fine training 3x week with full body, do it for like 6 months or until linear progression stops, you can add acessories as long as they arent much(do like 2-3, incline dumbbel bench, pull ups and some kind of curl on the day you bench & deadlift was what I did)
they should NOT affect your progression

just dont be a retard and dirty bulk

Good posts and body. Years lifting?

Mind blower, OP is full of shit and those are 25lb rubber pl8s.

Holy shit Veeky Forums is dumb

>being this brainlet

t-thanks, have my lifts too

I don't know how to answer since I learned a lot of stuff by personal experience so most of the "years lifting" were actually years figuring what the fuck I was doing

I started in december 2013 with some meme routine machine focused for reps of 20 by the gym staff
then I researched and found about SS and started doing it by end of january 2014
did SS for 6-9months and put on 22kg or so by stuffing my face as much as I could(will post picture of a regular "snack" before dinner), I'd feel almost like puking and in agony after finishing the main meals
tried to cut around the end of 2014 but failed

then in the beginning of 2015(still have notebook with weight logs) I decided I had to cut, too fat and I tried and went fine in the beginning and then I stalled A LOT of times since I wasn't tracking shit, that was basically the whole of 2015 and 2016, too many fuck ups and set backs until I realized I had wasted 2 years of my lifting life on a limbo and took it seriously in 2017, cut by tracking all my shit(yes I counted the grams in cloves of garlic, oils, anything I'd eat, I'd eat an apple and then weight it again to subtract what I didnt eat) and I achieved leaness

that was it, now hopefully with all I know I won't make this stupid mistakes anymore but right now I'm so burned out that I don't feel like tracking my food anymore so I go by feel, will test one or two weeks to see how I do

sorry for the long text

fucking perfect post
should be cap'd and put in sticky
not joking

one of my go to snacks
those greek yoghurts were shit, no idea why I was consuming them, around 150kcals and 4g protein per cup

also thats a peanut butter stuffed bread

you are weak faggot