Axis stupidity

>Britain: Don't invade Poland or we'll declare war on you
>Germany: *Invades Poland*
>Britain declares war on Germany
>Germany: wtf how did this happen

>America: You invaded two of our allies so we're not going to give you oil to further your invasion until we can negotiate a better deal.
>Japan: *bombs America*
>America: *bombs Japan*
>Japan: wtf how did this happen

>Germany: Hey Russia want to work together
>Russia: Sure
>Germany: *Attacks Russia*
>Russia: Attacks Germany from a second front
>Germany: wtf how did this happen


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Invade Russia. Forget to bring the winter jackets. Yep, deep thinkers.

>wtf how did this happen
What did you mean this? They completely expected this. "Allies were the agressors" is propaganda

>Don't invade Poland or we'll declare war on you

fair enough, why you don't declared in the URSS to?

>we're not going to give you oil to further your invasion until we can negotiate a better deal

bullshit, the negotiations were going nowhere, the americans would never give the oil to Japan unless they get the fuck out of China and Manchuko

>Germany: Hey Russia want to work together
>Germany: ok you can have it
>Russia: Not I want some privileges in the balkans too or I will threat your oil imports
>Germany: u wot m8?

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>>Britain: Don't invade Poland or we'll declare war on you
But the USSR invaded and occupied Poland for almost decades.
>>America: You invaded two of our allies
Was Communist China an American ally? ROLF
>>Germany: Hey Russia want to work together
Stalin was planning to attack Germany, retard.

>why you don't declared in the USSR too
Because going to war with the two biggest threats at the same time is a stupid fucking idea. The allies understood that you can't go to war with everybody at once or you'll lose.

>the americans would never give the oil to Japan unless they get the fuck out of China and Manchuko
Which was a fair deal that they refused to take.

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>Stalin was planning to attack Germany
[Citation needed]

>Which was a fair deal that they refused to take.

>Hey japan why you dont get back to your pre meji borders?
>Hmm... what about no? I mean, I fought hard to have my place under the sun and you are occupaing the philipenes too
>I am really sorry to tell you that we will embargo you because of your imperialist pretentions

>Hey Japan, why don't you stop attacking our ally?
>What? Fuck no, we're gonna keep invading them all we like.
>Well then, we're gonna have to stop supplying you with our oil. After all, it would be pretty fucking stupid to supply a war economy that's being used against us.
>Fuck you USA, this means war!

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>In the 1980s Vladimir Rezun, a former officer of the Soviet military intelligence and a defector to the UK, reiterated and explored this claim in his 1987 book Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War (written using the pseudonym Viktor Suvorov),[4] and in several subsequent books. He argued that Soviet ground-forces were extremely well organized, and were mobilizing en masse along the German-Soviet frontier for a Soviet invasion of Europe slated for Sunday, July 6, 1941, but they were totally unprepared for defensive operations on their own territory.

>fair enough, why you don't declared in the URSS to?
Because the UK had a pact to defend only from gherman aggression

>Hey Japan, I suddenly decide that China is a sovering country and I will support him, so... this is pretty awkard but if you take back you whole army that had been fighting in china for almost 10 years it would be very nice
>Japan: it's okay if you want to help them in the war but for us this is a war of national survival for us and we are making deals with private entities it would not hurt you in anyway
>*drops nukes* *twice*

the pact was for the defense of Poland against anyone who threaten it, in secret it was only against germany, that is why they looked like completely hypocrites

>this is a war of national survival
National expansion, not survival.

>*drops nukes* *twice*
Start shit, get hit.

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>t. edgy retard in an anime forum

>On 25 August, two days after the Nazi-Soviet Pact, the Agreement of Mutual Assistance between the United Kingdom and Poland was signed. The agreement contained promises of mutual military assistance between the nations in the event either was attacked by some "European country".
The Soviets weren't European, so they wouldn't count anyways.

>defends Imperial Japanese offensive invasions
>calls other people edgy

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>suddenly decide
Had been.
Also France was always a US ally and they invaded French Indochina.

>The Soviets weren't European
nothing more to be said

they asked for indochina and the legitime french goverment give it to the nips

>National expansion, not survival.
Japan can't survive without the natural resources of his neighbors, that is why the actual japan is nothing more than a puppet to the US without a real army

>The Soviets weren't European
The absolute state

>Japan can't survive without the natural resources of his neighbors
They survived just fine after the war having lost all those territories.

>we need to invade our neighbors to survive
t. Doesn't understand how modern politics work

To be fair, /pol/tards can't constantly screech about how Russians aren't European and then use that treaty as an example of the allies "betrayal".

artificial survival sustained by cheap US credits is not survival

>despite surviving it's not REAL survival

>Imports 100% of its oil
>Imports almost 90% of his food in winter
>Imports 200.000m3 of water
>Imports all it rubber
>Imports literally all the raw materials that you can think of
>His navy cant leave the country
>He didn't even had a navy to being with just a shitty self defense force

If that is a independent country to you...

>still has a thriving economy
>leading nation in tech
>ramping up their military support (despite domestic opposition)
By your own standards Switzerland must not be surviving, seeing as to how it has to rely on imports for its economy.

>when you realize Italy was the smartest and most reasonable Axis power

I think he actually means "The Soviets weren't western"

rely on imports it's not the problem, the problem is rely in the US navy to protect that imports and in US cheap money to keep that "thriving economy". A corpse with an artificial lung connected it's not alive

>let's just get stuck in greece

>the problem is rely in the US navy to protect that imports and in US cheap money to keep that "thriving economy"
That sounds like most of the world right now. There is an American hegemony controlling half the planet, after all.

the last time I check, MacArthur didn't wrote the constitution of half of the world

>Generals: Hiter, our fuel is freezing and you forgot to get us winter clothes, can we dig in and get some winter gear please?
>Hitler: lol fuck no, you're gonna keep going to moscow you fucking pussies

>Rommel: Should I send my tanks to oppose the landings?
>Hitler: No, save them for the counterattack. The atlantic wall would be enough.

A good amount of germany's fuckups in the war are related to hitler.

>we need to invade our neighbors to survive
>t. Doesn't understand how modern politics work
>implyng China would not invade the SE sea to protect trade and natural resources

Half of the world is part of NATO though, and NATO is essentially the USA and then all her puppet states.

Why should this surprise anyone when only 25 years previously

>don't invade Belgium or we'll declare war on you
>*invades Belgium*
>Britain declares war on Germany
>wft how did this happen

And how that refute my argument?

also, France leaving the NATO and forming the EU the last time the US fuck with him send you salutes

France was a nuclear power.
Latin America is a good example when someone questions the American Sphere of Influence.

Nationalist China and Philippines were American allies


We own you. The West is American.
Gaze upon our might and tremble.

Attached: USA_military_relations_2007 (2).png (1480x625, 33K)

The Philippines was an American protecterte

They brought winter gear it just happened to be the coldest winter in 300 years that year

All of these are utter-falsehoods. Hitler was not in charge of procuring fucking winter clothing you retard - that was entirely the duty of the OKH's quartermaster. And they did procure it in abundance - just not quite enough.

Hitler settled for a compromise between Guderian's solution (leave tanks at Paris for mass counter attack) and Rommel's (leave tanks at beaches as allied air-power will decimate tanks as they assemble). Ultimately the settlement was detrimental to either solution on its own. But your version is just wrong.

Japan IS an independent country, you braindead fucktard. US had every fucking right to stop trading Oil with filthy fucking Nips after they slaughtered 20 million people in China, massacred 300 thousands in Nanking, and skinned people alive in unit 731.


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>US had every fucking right to stop trading Oil with filthy fucking Nips after they slaughtered 20 million people in China, massacred 300 thousands in Nanking

>Implyng anyone gives two shit about chinesse lives

US did back then. KMT is not CCP you know.

>what is Operation Pike

>Russia: Attacks Germany from a second front

In case you didn't know, France and Britain had been BTFO long before the Russian front started
So it wasn't "a second front", it was just "the one front"
Brits hiding on their island =/= a front

>trading with others for stuff you don't have = glorified colony
you're a fucking retard dude

The Germans had winter coats

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>fair enough, why you don't declared in the URSS to?
>But the USSR invaded and occupied Poland for almost decades.
Idiots ignoring that Operation Pike was planned before the invasion of France caused all available resources to be diverted

Brits blockading the Germans and causing imports to collapse = a front

There is literally no documentary evidence of this, it's purely CONNECT THE DOTS SHEEPLE type reasoning associated largely with one fringe historian named Viktor Suvorov.
Given the opening of Soviet archives in the 1990s (they remain partially open today), the level of falsification of documents that would be required to conceal something as massive as a full-scale Soviet offensive into Central Europe is beyond all practicality.
Not to mention the massive circumstantial evidence that all has to be explained away for this theory to work. Why would the Soviets attack just before their modernization of the Tank Corps kicked in, while they were delivering huge amounts of raw materials to Germany on credit, etc.
The Soviets were not about to invade Central Europe in 1941.

>Was Communist China an American ally?
The people's republic of China didn't exist until 1949 brainlet.

>If you don't have full autarky you're not an independent country

The whole world depends on the freedom of navigation provided by usn peacekeeping, not just Japan.

>German general: everything that went wrong was because of Hitler and not me, also please buy my book

>Buying basic stuff (that you need to dont have a state of permanent anarky with 127 millon of people starving to death and killing each other for water) from people (mostly America) with money that you don't have but America give to you to keep you aligned with it's policies it's being a sovereing nation

If Japan say "No" to anything the whole island would collapse in less than 30 days, that it's not being independent, that is being threatened

The diference is that the rest of the world has a navy that can leave it's country, Brazil, Spain or Sweden can say "fuck you America, I don't want to vote your shitty resolution in the UN, and if you don't want to convoy my ships I will do it by myself" Japan can't

dumping some Hurtgen photos

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9th ID

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82nd entering the Hurtgen at the start of February

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Dumb and Dumber. Eizenhower and Cota
Two ignorant generals continue to send good soldiers to their deaths in the most disastrous campaign for Americans in ww2.

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Bunkers still scatter the forest today

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Great terrain for defense, a nightmare to attack.

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Mud everyday

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>Germans: wow, looks like local Ukrainians are supporting us versus the Soviets.
>Germans: Let us piss them off by committing atrocities.

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Thing was the "Ukrainians" expected to get their own country, but the land was already marked as Lebensraum.