Olympic weightlifting worth it?

24 fireman here, is oly weightlifting worth it? Like in term of strength and functionality for my job. There's a gym near me but super pricy (250$ CAD/Month) but the coach is very good, gave some solid advice concerning mobility. Also, how often should I train? What are good programs or accessories training that complement a oly wl program?

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Being able to chuck someone over your head for fireman carries or just picking them off the floor is pretty useful for a firefighter desu.

It does but really worth that 250$/month? Will it make me noticeably stronger? Will I gain any mass?

you shouldn't need an oly gym specifically to do it... my gym is like 10 usd/month and they have bumper plates and shit

>It does but really worth that 250$/month?
>Will it make me noticeably stronger?
at snatching and c+j
>Will I gain any mass?
lol no

You will git gud A LOT faster with a coach, but it's not an absolute necessity.

250 per month is ridiculous though, membership at my weightlifting club (including coaching and free use of facilities) is 500 canadian dollars per YEAR, and this is in Norway too so it's not like it's a generally low cost country.

Yeah but I know next to nothing and I am shit at learning by myself

250 a month is beyond bullshit. i train at a club with a coach that was an olympian in weightlifting, he charges 120 CAD a month

honestly starting at 24 you're never going to amount to anything in weightlifting, if you don't really love it, don't start. and no,weightlifting does not build muscle mass, all the huge jacked guys are on gear and do bodybuilding to supplement their training which is what makes them look good

I have no aspiration to become a world champion but more as a training to become more powerful/explosive, better mobility and lift stuff without snaping my shit.

I made a mistake, it's 200$ for 10 semi-private sessions with a coach. I'm not sure if I have access to the gym

-t. someone who doesnt do WL

>worth that 250$/month?
No. You can find plenty of gyms for far cheaper. And you don't need a coach for oly unless you plan on competing seriously.
>Will it make me noticeably stronger?
Yes. You are training your body to pick up the heaviest things possible from the ground to overhead. It generally doesn't get much more functional than that.
>Will I gain any mass?
Sure. Not as much as you would gain doing a hypertrophy program, though. You will always gain muscle mass as long as you overload your muscles while under a caloric surplus.
>I know next to nothing and I am shit at learning by myself
Watch Clarence break it down. This is a world class olympic lifter who is well known for executing all his lifts with perfect form. Here he makes the learning process very simple:

As I said, I made a mistake it's 200$ for 10 semi private coaching sessions. The other gyms that have oly WL are all crossfit, way to expensive for "crossfit form". Thanks for the link, will look into it

>honestly starting at 24 you're never going to amount to anything in weightlifting, if you don't really love it, don't start

why are you like this
are you so insecure that you need to become the best at something for it to be worth your time?
just fucking kill yourself already, youre making this board and the world a worse place

lol i snatch and clean and jerk more than you while weighing less

>why are you like this
>are you so insecure that you need to become the best at something for it to be worth your time?

Not the guy you replied to, but I often struggle with similar thoughts when trying things. It gets me down and I have a hard time making progress (I've forced myself to just keep going to the gym regardless of how shit I am). How do I deal with these thoughts/overcome them?

Try to be better than the guy next to you. That's really it. The thing that keeps me going from my existential crisis is to be the best. Granted I know there will ALWAYS BE SOMEONE BETTER than me. But I can try to be better than the guy beside me. Then after him, the stronger guy. After that guy so on.

I used to think like this too, but then when i noticed myself falling into that thought pattern, i would just kind of step back and laugh at how ridiculous i was being, then it stopped bothering me. probably not a very helpful answer.

DO ss, youll get more from it

Weightlifting is cool if you're a beta cuck weekend warrior.


>250$ CAD
that's what, 10 bucks now?

Found the weekend warrior, WL is cool if you power clean and strict press 225+