You've always been hot, now just a little more chiselled

>You've always been hot, now just a little more chiselled


bunch of DYEL faggots

Is this achievable natty?

Just came here from reddit and let me start by saying

Wow you have no sense of humor. I live life lightly. I see the positive in every negative. And vice versa. Im a social worker and drug counselor. im a public servant and I'm too humble to say that i am a hero, however many have said I saved their lives. It is incredibly insulting that you seem to express that you know me from just 2 messages. Lol.

I had no intentions to rub you the wrong way. Im having a wonderfully, grateful and inspiring day... im not letting your negativity ween me into a negative realm. I am very experienced in Buddhist meditation and so i will send you off with, "may you enjoy happiness and its causes. May you be free from suffering and its causes." Have a wonderful day. As-salamu 'alaykum!

Pasta ?

Look at the fucking comments. Reddit is indeed the gay version of Veeky Forums

why would you want to be skinnyfat
that's just fucking terrifying

What would his reception be if he posted this on Veeky Forums?

>good, now start lifting you dyel faget
>cut more
>post boipussi

I'd start by calling him a gay faggot and also a manboob manlet

Redditors have accountability to their comments in the form of fake internet points so they tend to be overtly nice even if it is insincere.

wow who cares

Who would have thought


I'm not OP and I use my cellphons to shitpost in bed before falling asleep

>defending your phone posting on reddit

Veeky Forumsness isn't gay?

Gay as in lame, not gay as in gay

I don't get that image

there is some deep sadness in this comic and i really can't tell why

lurk moar hehehe

he went from skinnyfat to skinnyfat

it's poo

>was fat
>lost 10kg in a month thanks to super defecit and spin classes
>suddenly realise that I've just lost muscle mass
>if i continue i'll be a skinnyfat mess, which is even worse than fatfat
>start lifting

>now i'm heavier than I was before i started dieting but my waist has never been trimmer
>have some muscle in my pecs instead of them just being titties

/r9k/ went full autist at normies abusig pepe so they sought to reclaim him by making absolutely horrifying poo poo pee pee images/comics of pepe abusing wojak and shitting/pissing on/in him.

Then a small subsection revolted and said they're friends. That image you see has several edits; the one you see, where it is genuine comfy friendship, one where its more obvious pepe shat in it and where he looks smug at the reader over wojak's shoulder, and others where the shit is just implied but keeping the smug.

T. Professional board hopper

it is not a very fun site


These sort of cuck stories are just erotic fiction for other subreddit users.

Others are reading it while jerking off.

that has got to be a pasta cause holy shit if it isnt he should seriously unironically kill himself


This is christian blue board, FtM porn is no excuse to show bobs.

beat me to it.

>I'm having a wonderfully day

>guy sets a personal health goal
>achieves his goal
>people congratulate him
I wish Veeky Forums was more like that. Instead, DYELs role play as contest judges and insult everyone brave enough to post their progress. Pathetic tbd. Whatever happened to "we're all gonna make it?" Veeky Forums is full of sad cunts.


Holy shit I'm dying
>"You have no sense of humor."
>she says, completely missing the joke and showing she has no sense of humor
Is this Tinder Judo?

Scorn and lack of satisfaction for anything except pure excellence is a force which moves men towards perfection. Your mentality supports inevitably stopping at a certain point, ours promotes man's endless fight for a more glorious outcome, a mentality which will bring us to the stars one day.

>I'll have you know I'm very experienced in buddhist meditation and have over 300 confirmed epiphanies

I remember this thread, last night OP was a faggot and then user showed up to give us this masterpiece

Not your personal army, not your hive mind, etc.

There is no "ours," especially here. You can only speak for yourself.

Lack of satisfaction is something we exercise ourselves about ourselves. Chasing somebody else's expectations never led anybody anywhere other than disappointment. As for scorn, play a team sport sometime. Excellent teams pick each other up. Scorn doesn't drive success, especially scorn directed at success.


Kek, reminds me of that chick on Veeky Forums who lost like, 10 lbs over 4 months or something and made a reddit style post giving us advice which boiled down to "just b ursalf :^)"

That being said, it's good progress. Be happy for the kid. That sub is for people to lose weight; not gain muscle. His advice is great for other people looking to lose weight without gaining any muscle. The name is literally "lose it".

Also, OP, stop being such a tremendous faggot. It's reddit, what they're doing shouldn't concern you.

Depends how he phrased it. If he posted it in a CBT thread and was humble, he'd probably get a tonne of "good work" and a few recommendations on starting lifting. If he made a new post with the exact same writing, the results would be pretty hostile, since Veeky Forums is a lot less grudging with their support these days.

This. Leave them in their hugbox.

Yeah he saved that thread. It's the best spaghetti I've seen in a while, too

>salamu alaykum

>positive feedback
Reddit is so fucking gay

They'd probably hit on him and tell him to put on a dress.

Stop parroting a dead sandnigger who used steroids to overcome his social inadequacy and still failed as a person


This might be an unpopular opinion here, but I actually think Reddit is kind of annoying.

>asalamu 'alaykum


i'd say something unrelated about how my pussy smells like doo doo or garbage or morning breath or something.

>women can't be autis-

Please let this be real

>Dem tits and womanly childbearing hips


>ends with Arabic greeting
>is obviously really butthurt and autistic

What the fuck, dodged a bullet there mate but you could have told from her profile pic already I guess.

hahahaha that pic

hahahaha your dic

If your sole goal is to lose weight and you don't care about fitness beyond that it doesn't looks like anything he says is necessarily wrong. If you're morbidly obese and exercise scares you to the point where your options are to either lose weight without gaining any muscle, or to stay as you are forever, then it's better to do the thing that leads to some positive change.

Underrated post

>that faggy facial expression

>now I KIND OF feel motivated
God how can fatties suck so hard?

Absolutely based user

>be skinny fag Australian high schooler
>get dumped by 6/10 gf
>become bitter and use steroids
>become glorified ottermode
>sit at home alone on Chatroulette flexing for random underage girls
>sit at home alone shitposting on Veeky Forums
>tripfag because I’m an attention whore
>go to music festivals wearing only boxers because I have have made my entire identity into “that guy who lifts”
>get a ton of shitty tattoos
>go online and preach to anonymous people that the true meaning of life is to get big and make your ex jealous because you’re still bitter
>die in sauna because of drug usage
>still get worshipped years later by dyels on Veeky Forums

>he wrote all of that for an image posted 2 hours ago


>I wish Veeky Forums was more like Reddit
>I idolize dead posers and openly ignore/deny their flaws
>I have no argument but I’m going to reply anyways
Must be b8

I'm gonna mustbeb8 while looking at pictures of your hot dad, bitch.