What video games does Veeky Forums play?

What video games does Veeky Forums play?

Hearthstone between sets.

T. Roper.

Kek, original

Hearthstone senpai

Trying to finish the classic fallouts

online minesweeper and tetris

STALKER, Guild Wars 2, Warframe

>Guild Wars 2
Is it good? I was really into the first guild wars. TΒH I still think the guild battles is some of the best pvp I ever played.

I play CS:GO with friends pretty regularly. I’m also trying to get through Persona 5 and Shadow of thr Colossus, but school has me pretty busy right now.

Just finished Fallout 4

I honestly don't anymore. They just kind of lost their appeal after I started lifting

Total War series, Shogun 2 at the moment.

Playing though the Uncharted series atm, starting with the HD remake of 2. Shit's pretty good.

Rocket League for couch co-op with friends.

Don't really care much for viyda these days tho, hope it stays that way (unless they release Godhand for PS4 then I'm fucked lol).

Only game release I'm sorta exceited for is Ace Combat.

Been trying to play less. When I get on it is PUBG though.

I love it, I've been playing for a couple years on and off. There is a lot to do, and the story is actually really engaging even if it wasn't an MMO. The world feels really good. I can't compare it to the first one because I didn't play it. I highly recommend it, plus the expansions packs add a massive amount of content and are going for pretty cheap right now and the Halloween event (my favorite in the whole game) started a couple days ago.

battlefield 1, PUBG and rb6

Overwatch, LoL, PUBG. I fully embrace my decadence.

cs:go bants are GOAT

uhh dota 2 and warthunder

I run an Overwatch podcast, so... Overwatch?

Candy Crush

Smash Bros melee, and LoL whenever my friends want to play.

Don't really have fun playing games anymore.

Dark Souls

> Make the snow red!!

Where my Druchii nigga's at?

Total Warhammer II. This game is a hoot. Best I've played in years.

Currently skyrim remastered on PS4.
That and the Last of Us are the two best games I've ever played.

Tell me, /fit, should I focus on my school or play games just like I used to before? I'm 18 and am going to write my final exams next year in April.

My grades make me so sad and think I'm stupid, which in turn makes me not want to study at all.

I played wow as a teenager and I think gw2 is incomparibly more fun. Love the dodge mechanic. Game rewards you for exploring which I really like

Overwatch, Bloodborne, Half Life 2.

Depends on my mood.

Recently it's been Battlefield 1, MGS5, and Ruiner

World of Warcraft

GOAT tf2

Same desu, which is probably a good thing so I can focus on mental/physical/social gains. I used to love me some day of infamy or insurgency tho

Neverwinter Nights

currently both Hotline Miami's and The Witcher 3

mein neger


That poor Grandpa

Still playing wow after all these years. I don't regret a single day

i play GW2 and CSGO

Silent Hill 1-4

I definitely don't enjoy video games as much as I used to. Can only play for about an hour nowadays before getting bored. The only recent game I liked was Sonic Mania and I don't really care for modern gaming since it's mostly just "current year" shit that plays more like a movie than a game.

For the time being I just stick to Gamecube games (was really into Melee for a while) and classic 2D platformers and fighting games. Got myself a Dreamcast recently too and just ordered a copy of Shenmue and Jet Set Radio.

Xcom 2: WotC.

I'm an old fart so I was playing the original Xcom back before some of you kids were even born.

I play the binding of Isaac a lot when I'm bored

Go check out Cuphead my dude


Not sure if I can. My laptop is pretty shit at running games right now and Sonic Mania is the only one that runs at a decent framerate. Definitely something for the wishlist.