ITT: shit Veeky Forums says

ITT: shit Veeky Forums says

>"don't use machines, bro, you'll never make it"

some machines are fine, you just shouldnt switch your main barbell movements out with machines all together.
bb for mainlifts
db or bb for accessory lifts
machines for teritary lifts/higher rep mass builders

>fucking manlets
>when will they learn

I personally don't enjoy machines; I oftentimes struggle to get comfortable (i.e. exercising without pain) + they're usually occupied and bb's arent.

Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

Machines are good for:
>complete beginners on their week 1
>old people
>injured people
>accessory for bodybuilding
Certainly not for heavy resistance training.

>don't use machines if you train for strength
>use machines if you only really care about size/hypertrophy
fixed for you

Only machine I use is the cable row machine. Cable rows are GOAT for building you mid back

now post the average non roid using machine gym member

>implying OP said you should only use machines

>implying we assumed he said that, which he didn't. Just shifting the conversation towards the usage of machines for working out.

let me milk your protein serpent brah, no homo

There is a A LOT of ways to do things....

be blessed

I don't care what he implied, use machines if your goal is hypertrophy. Don't use them for any other purpose.

If you want size and strength, use machines very sparingly. If you want just size, use them about as much as you would free weights. If you want strength, don't even bother with them.

>extreme steroid user
>thinks they have secret techniques that aren't just do more steroids
You can fucking do any goddamn thing as long as you mainly train hypertrophy, take a fuckton of steroids, and have the discipline to keep at it for a long time.

These fucks really think they have something special figured out when other bodybuilders don't do the shit they do and get about the same results. This is why the fitness industry is such cancer.

>traps aren't gay


>You need a strength base to gain muscle
>Squats/Deadlifts are all you need for core
>Abs are made in the kitchen not the weight room you don't have to isolate them
>Squats give you bigger arms
>Even ugly girls can pull Chad/Jamal so you don't have a chance with any women ever.
>You need steroids to look good
>Steroids aren't magic that can make any stupid bullshit routine work
>Traps aren't gay
>Female bodybuilders/swole chicks aren't all gay and the ones who're het aren't only into men who're nearly ten times larger then them or are feminine as a vagina.
>Female bodybuilders aren't the equivalent of a trap
>Calisthenics won't get you a nice body
>Cardio bunnies don't do the big lifts and are worried about getting muscular so they don't know what they're doing and are not serious about getting fit
>Powerlifting as as vain and vaguely gay as Bodybuilding.
>No, all athletes and models and "fit" people aren't on some form of performance enhancing drug and cutting with cocaine or meth.
>There is something wrong with working out to look good for the opposite sex

inb4 someone says these are actually true

>guy whos been lifting for probably 10+ years and has obviously roided is using a machine
>machines must be better than compounds for dyel beginners aka 99% of Veeky Forums

The stupidest things I read on Veeky Forums are
>IIFYM (if it fits your macro, only considering kcal, prot, carbs and fat. According to this, a hot-dog is just as good as some piece of fresh fish and a vegetable)

>cardio kills gains
On the contrary, cardio improves your blood circulation, breathing and overall health. Therefore leading to better lifting sessions, better recovery and better gains

liking traps isnt actually gay though
you are attracted to the feminine side not the masculine

Putting a pink bow on a dick doesn't make it feminine and thus not gay user.

I disagree

> 5/3/1 is low volume

Read the damn book.

Machines feel good at the start, then for some reason they begin to feel painful to use.

I don't think my body likes them very much. I don't get these issues using free-weights.

>You can just take roids and become Kai green
Okay friendo