/plg/ powerlifting general

/plg/ powerlifting general

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Learn to do cardio virgin

norman khan edition?

/PLG/ - Whisky dick edition.

>w-wait! My peeped will surely grow... :(

run ph3 you pussies isley made mad gains on it

He also got patellar tendinitis

Isn't that just another word for squat gains?

Nuckols' squat 2X int wants me to do only 3 singles tomorrow (w3d1) . Isn't that a bit too little ?

easily fixed by 2 weeks of rest

Nickols is poo poo for squat

>all these dummies doing the cookie cutter nuckols progams
the 3x bench is the only good one

W-what do I do then?

That's why you change the slightly so they're better.

russian squat program

Do the 3 singles, then do 3x6 back off at 70%.

c6w lower nucko bench

I lost 10lbs on bench doing the 3x int high.

well thats what you get for doing a cookie cutter program

everything should be tweaked according to you


That's exactly why I'm about to be doing my own programming using the RTS principles. I made great gains on project momentum 2017, so I'm going to make my own training based on that style of programming.


russian squat program is great desu

smolov or ph3 for squats


theyre not exclusive, every single half decent programming is based along those lines, they may be laid out different and look different but that list is pretty set in stone for everything

yeah but muh RPE

I know. I just like the RTS template and having imy program fully autoregulated instead of a % based program.

>fully autoregulated
this is a meme for GDE's so they dont train hard

i dont get why you just dont do a single @8, estimate max and do your % off of that. The only argument against % based is that your max fluctuates

I'm the opposite end of the extreme, I tend to do too much and underestimate my RPEs more often then not. But that has really helped my bench.

judging rpe isnt something everyone can do, you either feel good or bad and over or underestimate RPE

preworkout will make you overestimate RPE
feeling a bit run down will make you underestimate and not push as hard

both sessions you might have been capable of the same weight but one you would take too big a jump and the other you would hold back

each to their own though, i dont really prescribe to RPE based programming or % set in stone programming

replace the word 'will' with 'can'

i know thats the first thing someone will point out

I think you mixed up overestimate and underestimate, mate.

I'm pretty good at estimating RPEs on most lifts. I only have trouble when it comes to deadlifts, so I'll be doing something a little different for them.
I still have goals and numbers I try to hit in each training session.


very good video

Legit disappointed this wasn't 60 mins of Sean fart noises

i meant overestimate what you are capable of on preworkout and underestimate what you are capable of so got mixed up

this is where training partners are important because sometimes you need someone to tell you it looked like shit and no you arent adding weight to the bar


I've never taken preworkout anyway. Only thing I have is a protein bar and a banana on the way home from work an hour before my workout.

its high caffeine in general, but preworkouts have so much

>protein bar
i dont like burning money

I don't consume caffeine.
>i dont like burning money
10 for 10 dollars at kroger near me. Lasts 2 and a half weeks.

yes, but how many kcal and grams of protein are you getting for that $10 versus $10 of other food like chicken, whey or milk?

that seems like a lot for what a protein bar actually is

Then what would you recommend I eat in the car on the way home from work? I workout in my home gym right when I get home.

I'm proud of my friend George lads

I dont know what to do with my life

What degrees are not memes?

materials engineer/metallurgist

pays lots, in demand, comfy work environment

Do any of you guys look good? I feel like I should be more jacked by now

What do you like and what are you good at?

Yeah, I agree taking pre-workout is bad for training. I was just pointing out it'll make you underestimate RPE, not overestimate like you said.

stop being a neurotic twink you knew exactly what he meant

Dentist, earn loadsa dosh, work minimal hours and no one is your boss.
Downside is it gets boring fast.

I'm not being neurotic. I don't think you know what that word means.

Everyone here has body dysmorphia. We're the wrong people to ask.

want to be strong
also want to be aesthetic
gained fat
want fat gone
dotn want stren gone too

>what do you like
humanities subjects mostly, like Veeky Forums, but those are all meme degrees.
i just want to do something with a comfy work environment and with a stable income.
>what are you good at
i dont know how to answer this, i don't really have any major talent, but im okay at most things i do.


>getting a non-profession degree
>Not being guaranteed a job out of college


what if I'm not very smart?

>what if I'm not very smart?
become a personal trainer

Don't have to be. Just be good at memorizing things.

Do a trade.

Carpentry, electrician

The problem with humanities degrees is that if you stop at undergrad, you're pretty much fucked. And even if you get a graduate degree, you probably won't make much. My dad was really interested in philosophy, so he got his PhD in it, but his first job as a professor paid such shit that he just went back to being an economist (luckily he had an MBA).

I suggest you keep the humanities you're really interested in as hobbies. If you just want your 4 years and done objectively the best degrees for money are computer science and engineering. If you aren't a huge fan of numbers or logic, then look into some sort of profession or trade. Teaching and physical therapy both seem pretty comfy. It really depends on what you think you'd be happy doing. Do you want to sit at a computer in an office environment for your career or would you rather do something geared more towards working with people?

what's GDE?

I also did project momentum 2k17 and I worked harder than I ever had on a % program. Whenever I do percent based programs, everything is way too easy. Only one that was challenging was c6w.

If you have to ask you're already one. Legit not being ironic or facetious.

How do I into RPE? Is there any rough conversion to %1rm I can use for a bit? I come straight off an LP, I have no idea how 3 or 2 in the tank is supposed to feel.

ok then tell me what it stands for so I know what I am


Yea i just want to get 4 years over with desu. I dont want to work in an office or be a coding monkey, a job with other people sounds better for me.
>Physical therapy
I was thinking of doing this although you need a doctorate for this.
And what i want most from a job is that i dont have to bring it home which leaves teaching out. My mom is a teacher and she is always awake making lesson plans and greating papers, and she hates the administration.
Some user mentioned nursing in his list which looks suitable for me, though i dont know much on that career, guess i will look into it more.

don't do nursing lad, yeah you make decent money straight out of uni but you have to put up with so much bullshit it's not worth it. If you're interested in medicine why not go to med school?

For the first time my core has given out before my legs on the front squat, what do I do? Is it as simple as planks and an ab wheel? Static holds? Lower weight increase volume?


Lawyer, psychologist, nurse and teacher are shit career paths

Yes, user, that includes your law degree. You're going to be a paralegal.

Think of a number between 1 and 10 inclusive.

Take away 10, then multiply by (-1).

If the result is less than or equal to the last digit of my post, answer the first question; otherwise, answer the second question.

Q1: Should I start roiding?

Q2: Should I NOT start roiding?

>Should I start roiding

Memorizing things is a sign of intelligence you fell for high school tier memes lad.

I forgot to say you’re not supposed to tell me which question you’re answering.

So, if you’d just said “yes”, I’d be 90% certain, you’re answering Q1. Damn.

many thanks.

dumb novice question: isnt this going against the autoregulation thing a bit though? depending on fatigue and recovery one day a set at might be rpe 8 or 9, but will always have the same % regardless

This is just a starting point and should get you close. That chart isn't even accurate for everyone. Use it until you can make your own.

tfw too stupid to solve equation

>pic related

what the fuck are you all talking about?

seems reasonable. will use this until I get better at judging my auto stuffs. thanks bro


>tfw consciousnesslet



this, I wasted my time doing a meme humanities degree, but thankfully it can lead to med school but it's a ballache to get in


spot on tbqhfam

I feel like I should find her very attractive but I don't and I'm not sure why?


I don't think he leaves his "mansion" to do anything other than buy alcohol.

the polarity of these personality tests are interesting
I wonder what a normie's results would look like

What's the actual point in scapular retraction when benching?

Id say this were a projection only you obviously dont have a mansion

To look cool.

I was talking about the abysmal agreeableness kek


I always assumed it was more than one building

something tells me she is a lesbian m8

>I wonder what a normie's results would look like
ask Twink

not my proudest fap

It rotates your shoulders and puts them in a better position to lift the weight without the chance of impingement happening

Stability when pressing

yeah just using his word though

estate is situated on a lot of acres.. there's a guest house obviously, a separate garage, shed for the ATV's, snowmobiles, and there's a nice little river with a wooden bridge over it where babby ducks can be seen walking during the spring time

Mines not far off his.