How does one look this good at 31?

How does one look this good at 31?

31 isn't that only for someone who takes care of themselves

Old god damn it

If your female kys, your way past your prime and Chad doesn't want you

If your make just lift, keep low bf, and try to dress stylish


This is a 48 year old Courtney Cox before she ruined her face with surgery. Literally a 10/10, 48 year old who became 2/10 after surgery.

Shut be sentenced to jail for doing that 2bh.

She looks like she's 40. Anyone who takes care of themselves around their 30s-40s can look better than most people in their 20s. You're just an idiot that can't tell age, like most of Veeky Forums that don't even excercise.

she looked like a tranny who had a small amount of surgery before, she looks like a tranny who went full barbara streissand on herself after

How dare you.


Skin care and healthy diet?

Don't tan, never tan. Sun is the shittiest thing to your skin, you need to only get the minimum amount of exposure and nothing more.

How do you go from Goddess-tier to this?!?!?!!

too much fillers, this is what a good amount should look like


Genetics and resources


I thought that was Catelynn Jenner from the thumb

he switched from estrogen pills to bog pills?

oh fuck off. you're telling me Chad doesn't want Alexandra Daddario? She's 31. women these days have to their 40s now. Most Chads have a MILF thing anyways

lighting, make up possibly photoshop

20 is the proven most attractive age for women, so 21st birthday is the limit. Anything older is for beta cucks.

I've thought about this a lot and I agree, 20 is about the most attractive age for a woman. Personally, I think it's more like 18. By the time the average western woman hits 28, she's let herself go quite a bit and her party girl lifestyle has caught up with her. And that's not to lament how cruel nature is to women. Rather, it's an indictment of women's general weakness. Women are the lazy, ignorant niggers of the human race. They're used to being pursued, so they take for granted that they will always have attention from men (even ugly women do this). And since they go through life with this sense of entitlement, it never occurs to them to engage in a process of self improvement that might make them more attractive to men.

By starting lifting at 25
