I love running Veeky Forums but for the love of god how do I stop my nipples from chaffing off my body

I love running Veeky Forums but for the love of god how do I stop my nipples from chaffing off my body

tape them

say goodbye to your knees

What kind of tape? Like duct tape? Cuz that sounds awful


mole skin
google it

What the fuck? Can some one explain that pic?

Local Pennsylvanian man gave his all at the Annual Rabies Awareness Fun Run

It's from a show making fun of a real problem male runners have. Sweat wicking singlets are very abrasive on nipples. If you don't put vaseline or bandaids or little patches of moleskin over the nipple they can bleed. Women obviously don't have this problem because women wear sports bras.

bandaids fool

Run shirtless

Don't wear cotton when you run
Go with a merino wool

OP, become bronze Adonis.


Use BodyGlide. It rubs on like deodorant. I put some on my nipples, armpits, and groin before my marathon. Not an ounce of chafe.

fuck off with that shit

Cover them with Chap Stick

Just keep running. They'll callus over eventually.

I just realized ive been worried about getting bigger, but now ive discovered what's truly important. Year round diamond nips

double this

Hahaha just take your fucking shirt off dude like why the fuck would you run with a shirt on ahaha what are you, fat? Show off those gains and run freely dude that’s what running is about

Maybe a lil baby powder on the nips? Dunno