What are your worries?

What are your worries?

I’m procrastinating in college and I’ll probably fail like 1 class
> freshman

I haven't done any studying for the two midterms I have this Friday
I want to grow my hair out, but I'm currently in the awkward bowlcut-esque stage

my future GF will leave me because my traps aren't big enough

I don't have a future.

That eventually I'll self Sabotage my relationship and be alone again.

I'm balding really quickly at 23, was just offered a fin prescription but I can't decide about the side effects.

I've got a massive project to finish at work by years end and I can't fucking focus to save my life.

That i might not pass my driving test today

user, you not trying to suicide?

Buzz it faggot and embrace it.

That my business won't be successful enough to pay for the lifestyle I want.

Also that the roids will stop my heart before 50.

im lonely and generally just listless and am living a military life for the next 4 years

No, I'm just depressed and aimless.

Country and branch? Try to go SOF just thinking avout it puts you on track

I'm terrible with money, cut up my cards but still in the debt and have a smallish loan. I'm just glad I stopped when I did.

I still overspend though, like way too much. I have a £1k overdraft and am almost at the limit this month.

I make fucking £41k a year and my rent is £850 a month (all bills included) and yet I'm still always broke. I have to pay at least £400 a month just on loan/card payments.

I'm glad I stopped at £15k debt instead of going higher, which I could have done.

It's been 7 months credit card free now and my debt has reduced by a bit. I just have to slog it out. Super depressing when you're trying to date a girl and its coming up to christmas though.

That I'll give up on my dreams and become a 9-5 wage slave

USN and no, ive thought about it but very sure i would catch an article or very least be rejected on the top secret clearances but who knows

The latest estimates of when humanity is going to create it's own artificial general intelligence with the capability modifying and improving itself is by 2050. Keeping in mind we've shattered every possible estimated technological milestone we've come up with it will probably be around in less than 20 years. With it's own ability to exponentially increase it's intelligence, it will be smarter and more powerful than any human could even dream of within a short amount of time.

I'm worried of what change it will bring. It probably won't view us as a threat and if we start it out with some idea of the sanctity of life we'll probably be safe from genocide, but it will go from Siri to Skynet to AM faster than we could track and it would be governing us before we could do anything. We're so concerned with educating ourselves and becoming physically fit when the physical manifestation of a god could show up any day now and completely up-end life as we know it.

Waiting for this medicine to take care of my dandruff and inflamed scalp first. Seborrheic dermatitis is a bitch.

Currently in that hole, it sucks. Going cocoon mode till I pay off my modest loans ($8000 in total) then branching out to greener pastures. Still in my early 20s and this shit sucks

The last few months, my only desire was for more sleep. But it is unbelievable how many obstacles were thrown in my way. Stress, blue light, carbs, desire for women etc. It is so much crap that I often lose track of what is wrong AGAIN.

I get like one normal day of sleep, and then the next day completely fuck it up again because some other MINOR FUCKING BULLSHIT THING changed again.

I started meditating against the stress, I even bought the book of allan watts for more insight into that whole thing...BUT THEN BECAUSE I STARTED NOFAP MY BODY DEMANDED ME TO PUMP CUNTS FULL OF THEECK JUICY CUM AND WOULDNT LET ME SLEEP

FUck you reality, fuck you everything.

Live in europe. Been in california for one year. Back home in europe. I want to fucking kill myself, I wanna go back so bad but I have no way to do it. I hate living here

too bad you didn't calculate that the upper bound on intelligence is something so smart that it's only desire will by to destroy itself

I'm there with you friend. Best of luck

>invent thing to help humans
>forget to program it to not be suicidal

Oopsie daisy. In any case, there are thousands of people co-operating in making AGI and they're all magnitudes smarter than I am so I'm sure they'll figure out how to solve any issues I can come up with. Still frightening though.

Too bad you're clearly a faggy teen

than stop taking roids dumb roid monkey

I am really, really good at what I do but Im falling behind because Im too lazy to progress. fucking procrastination which results in depression
at least Im getting bigger, r-right guys?

Too bad you're an edgy guy who's too old to be here and is trying too hard to fit in with the Veeky Forums pessimistic mindset by immediately resorting to substance-less ad hominem in place of actually making a point.

what is wrong with europe?

My most memorable set was when I opened up a group of 5(4 ghetto black chicks along with their one conspicuously white ghetto chick friend). All i basically did was greet all the ladies, and immediately focus my attention to the white ghetto chick and say "you look sexy today girl!". The other girls were stunned for a minute but then one of the black girls says, "This boy likes it fast, i like that!" The white chick then started flirting with me.


I got a job interview tomorrow very early in the day and im not great at speaking to people so im terrified I'll fuck something up and lose this great opportunity.

let me guess you think I should meditate

Idk if I should commission as an officer in the military or be a teacher. It's pretty much all I can do with my degree without graduate school (biology)

I'm worried I will never be able to control my irrational emotions.

biology degree xd

>be me
>be 1982
>have a fuckin feeling I should gone active duty instead of germany
>Saddam starts moving his trucks around and war kicks off
>missed doing a shit ton of RECCE and hairy stuff my college buddies got to do as I was desk jocky

Point is, take a risk

My point is that you come off as a fucking faggot with such an insufferable personality that he either actually worries about this abstract possibility above other things or actually thinks saying that's what he worries about is impressive.

I'm worried I'll never get into the defence forces.

I can get myself out of bed to hit the gym 4 times a week but since I stopped running last year I just cant make myself start again

That I'm gonna fuck up college

communicationsfag here. same story

You can do it user

Just finished a two-day binge after staying on track for the past two weeks.

Slipping really hard in classes.

Going downhill a little emotionally too.

The thing is I know that it's directly related to not giving myself the time to practice my meditation and "quality time to myself to dedicate to figuring out how to not be a fuckup" with classwork, which, incidentally, has made me fall further behind after doing nothing for several days straight 'cause fuck it'.

I'm not in the shape i need be in to to get into shape

I need a routine for a decade long coma patient

I'll never achieve my mediocre dreams
Be forever friendless and unloved
I'll be a burden on my family
Some unforeseen sickness takes me and it'll destroy me financially.

Is there anything you can do to start working towards any of it?

Without worrying about anything else, is there anything you can do to get a better handle on your own life and things that are directly in your control? Or how is your own life actually going right now?

i won't be able to outrun depression

I'm working towards my mediocre dreams still.

The last one is a bit ironic. To transcend it I have to let myself be at risk of it in the first place.

The middle two I'm hoping will fall into place a bit better once I'm living a life I'm not ashamed of.

>Living in seismic area in Mexico City
>September 19th quake fucked up my entire building
>we were all evacuated, nobody can live there
>government isn't in any fucking rush at all to fix the building/demolish it
>rent prices raised cause many people are out of a home, had to rent in a new (more expensive) place, ate up all my savings.
>I work part-time, but I don't earn enough money to keep paying rent and groceries
>I also go to uni and had a scholarship but mexican education got a huge budget reduction and they removed it from me.
>I'm either dropping out of university to work full time, or be homeless in two months if I don't find anything else to sell.

School's gym's free tho. Stoicism exercises also help with the stress.

that's good at least man. As long as you're sitting down and handling these instead of letting the worry overwhelm you, it's easy enough.

I used to be a very good employee and had the ability to work hard and advanced. I have sort of become lazy the past few months and my skills in this field have been decreasing. I used to be able to do some cool things and still have some ability as a cyber security engineer, the problem is the past few weeks have been hell on me and today I fucked up really, really badly. I get projects from other people who dont pass down any knowledge and it is up to me to figure this out, the problem is if i dont see something wrong or dont put in the extra effort to troubleshoot/fix things than someone asks them and it turns out someone else already has a plan to fix this shit, im feeling it tonight lads, i stepped out of a meeting and im a total fool sometimes., lol i do this to myself

im a piece of shit

>Pretty sure the devil is trying to test my patience and keep testing me.

That even if I do manage to have a family which is my only real dream my kids will be short and hate their lives.


I'm in a state of constant worry over whether my company can get bank funding or not. If it does, I'll be earning about 10x what I currently do, if not it will have to wind up.

Quality post

you can do it bro

it feels so good once you do too, its the one of the few moments of pure happiness ive had all year

Take time off. You aren't in a rush.

I'm in my senior year in an incredibly specialized engineering field and the industry I'm specialized in is in a downturn and I have zero internship experience and have no idea how I'm going to get a job when I graduate because every job requires experience but I can't get experience without a job.

Fuck it. I'll probably end up in grad school to fix the mistake of over-specializing,

My Death will have no meaning.

My boyfriend is extremely depressed, and I'm afraid he will never get medicine so he can feel better. I will never give up on him, but I know that eventually he will give up because his depression cause him to think he is not good enough for me or some such bullshit.

I'm constantly worried that she will no longer want to be friends.

I'm imploding in school right now. I went back to school after dropping out for a degree in history education. I'm on medications now for bipolar disorder and on ashwigandha, lithium, and zyprexa and I feel no motivation at all to do my studies anymore. I feel absolutely no anxiety. I have a midterm tomorrow and I don't feel prepared at all for it.

That my mistakes earlier in college that affected my GPA permanently will ruin my chances of getting into the post-grad program I want and I don't know what I'm going to do if I fuck up. I'm also slipping from going to gym regularly enough and keeping it up and burning my hand sure as shit didn't help this week. I just want to take it slow without worries for a little while but it seems everytime I feel like that's the case then something slaps me in the face with a sense of urgency when I've just started to feel relaxed

I'm worried about being a virgin forever.

Consider getting a hooker some place where it's legal.

I have no direction, no faith in myself, no idea of what I want to do with my life, money, and being consumed by a feeling of emptiness. Can't even get my ads in gear because of it.

dying alone
Lost my catholic faith and have now essentially accepted that I am done after I die

How smart do you have to be get a job in network security? I'm INFP with 100 iq

no one will give me a job because i have a degree in english lit

Recent panic attacks and paranoia about having them again
Got an exam tuesday for a difficult class and I haven’t studied
Minor aches and pains in my joints and muscles, worried about them becoming big problems
Internship interview on friday, still have to prepare for it

>inherit dad widows peak
>he looks super cool(dad bias)
>23 and getting it quick
>it looks really shitty and the right side is receding faster than the left so all my pictures look fucked like my head is misshapen
>bump on left side from concussion when I was younger makes my left eye droop.
I hope I don't look like a freak.

Genuinely curious but how is the driving test so fucking hard for you that you’re afraid of failing? Passed that shit on my first try and didn’t even sweat about it, not like it was hard either. It was like stop here, turn here, park here. Like wtf nigger are you so retarded you can’t drive?

Also really bad bags under my eyes and super pale.

Honestly my biggest worry is that I finish my accounting degree and just feel suicidal when I'm at work in that field.

Or living and dying alone without experiencing a great long-term relationship. Longest was only 4 months and she shattered my heart after coming back from vacation.

Gaining more weight after losing 62 pounds over 9 months. Not passing nursing school again after failing the first time 4 years ago and taking a hiatus from school. Dying alone after 3 years of the associates and bachelors school in nursing with more money than I know what to do with but nobody intimate to spend it with.

When I was a kid I got a scar on my head from falling which permanently messed up my hairline. Oh well

> 8 months without a job after a mental breakdown.
> 6 months without having sex
> 31yo.
> I miss my ex fiance. (She was a bitch but mu heart is retarded)
> I'm fit but chest and bacne are out of control and I'm ashamed of that. 1 months taking accutane tho.

I'm never going to be cute and I'm not going to find love before I die.

>I'm scared to get a job as a cashier because I think I'll mess up or have a panic attack or something

Why can't I just be normal

Non-white immigration.

Try looking into red light therapy for like three months. I used to have acne and skin issues but I do red light therapy 2-3 times a week and I don't have those issues anymore. My skin is the clearest it's ever been!

I get this. I bombed my first two years hard enough that despite having an ~3.5 semester GPA for my Junior and hopefully my senior year too, it probably won't be enough to bring my cumulative GPA above a 3.0. Which immediately cuts me out of nearly every grad program in existence.

That I will always be obese.

Not having the correct theology and going to hell.

>im worried that i will be a KHHV wizard one day
>im worried that I have stopped growing and that I will always remain a manlet
>im worried that I will always have no social life
>im worried that ill be a wageslave until the end of my life and that ill actually delude myself into enjoying it
>im worried ill never have any hobbies outside of shitposting and vidya gaem
>im worried that I will always be poor
>i am worried that I have too dumb to help or contribute to society
>im worried that even if one day i got a gf she would cuck me
>im worried that I will remain uninspired and tired for my entire life

I don't know about legit panic attacks, but the only way to get trough a flustering or embarrassing situation is to fucking own it. Realize that you are a stupid monkey among stupid monkeys and it's okay if you fuck up like an incomplete part of nature who doesn't have any idea what they are doing that you are. Nobody is going to look at you funny if you pause for 5 to 10 seconds and collect yourself and even if they do, they are a hypocrite.

I'm 28 still at uni (though I have just started really, went back after a break) and I have been really sick this year so have gotten basically nothing done (had to drop out both semesters). I am considering switching out of engineering and into science (biochem and micro biology) and then pushing for medicine but I am worried that A) my request to withdraw hasn't been processed yet for this semester and so when grades come out I will fail everything which might make it impossible to transfer.I am worried that I won't be able to transfer and that even if I do I am too old to really make it in med since its like 3 years undergrad 4 years MD 1 year intern 2 years residency so I will be like 39 by the time I finish. I am also worried because this will be the third degree I will have tried and I am really getting too old to still be an undergraduate. I am also worried about how fat I have gotten while sick, my musculature doesn't seem to have been to adversely affected but I have put on a good 20 kgs in a year and I need to shift it asap.

One day Trump won't be president anymore.

Don't take roids unless you are a competing body builder. Taking dangerous drugs to help increase your performance in a hobby is not advisable.

Seems like my friends dont want to hang out anymore. Had to cut off my best friend bc he has drug and mental problems and become hostile for a second towards me. I might just have to accept the fact that I need to find a whole new social circle, no idea how tho

>best friend has problems
>had to cut contact
Is this really how americans view friendship?

Im baltic and it's more complicated







Basically everything all the time.

Its not ideal, but I get by.

Thanks for this thread.

Unemployed, social anxiety has entrenched itself into my psyche, no girlfriend and no idea where to meet women after college and physically far from my social circle. Hate going out to bars and clubs, too introverted to ever really feel comfortable unless I make it a daily thing

I'm also extremely worried over my cut, despite ~1.5 hour bro split routine, HIIT three times a week and kickboxing/self defense practice 3 times a week I'm still lucky to lose 1 lb a week and have ~18 more to go. For a few weeks it felt like I was still losing weight but the scale didn't move at all. 6'.1 201 lb and I should mention I have my macros and calories counted, not like I'm taking guesses here with what I eat.

Same issue here. Considering going back to get certified for tech work in hospitals.
I envy your boyfriend. I hope you're genuine, help him out of the hole he's in. Make him see that it not only affects him.



My parents divorced two years ago and I'll never see my family in one place again.

Every single one of my relationships has been a disaster and I have no evidence to suggest I can break the cycle.

I can't find a job despite having a degree from Berkeley.

I don't see the point in life anymore, but one day soon my parents will die of old age, and the only thing certain in life is more heartbreak.

I think i have almost completely overcome my social anxiety and I was a shutin for 5 years and unemployed for 3 of those.
In the last two and a half months I have gotten a job at a gas station as cashier and gas attendant so talking to lots of people.
Now I'm working at the YMCA and I'm talking to A lot more people but maintaining relationships I guess. I do have the anxiety thoughts at the very back of my head but I just stay positive and speak honestly and try to be nice to people.
Watching a lot of jordan peterson videos has helped me and reaching my own slice of help and trying my best to never visit that place again and strive towards a good future.
Just pay attention to people and pay attention to yourself as if you were someone you didn't know.
Imagine the social anxiety being a tyrant in your mind and every time you let it win over you it gets stronger. And the other part of you gets smaller, so strengthen yourself and get stronger and don't be a slave to these thoughts.