Are some bodies just not meant for certain lifts?

Are some bodies just not meant for certain lifts?
I know there are optimal bodily proportions for lifts like deadlifts or squat, but is it possible that some proportions are so un-optimal that it actually would be considered a bad idea to do certain lifts? I also think I read something a while ago how some peoples spines aren't built for squats or something.

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yes, absolutely

if you think that a guy with t-rex arms has the same injury risk performing the conventional deadlift as a guy with long arms, you are a fucking fool

Thanks. now I have an excuse not to do deadlifts.

t. not gonna make it

Who cares about deadlifts if I do all the other compound lifts

Of course. Its the same with diet. When people say "this works" what they really mean is "this works for me". People don't understand that, and wreck their bodies because they're just copying someone else on youtube. You always have to figure things out for yourself when it comes to your own health. Except for like extracting tumors and shit.

you didn't need one, if you don't want to do an exercise or it doesn't feel right don't fucking do it nobody has a gun to your head

575 deadlift @ 185 btw

but that usually means you will move alot less weight than someone with good leverages which will reduce injury risk

I tried doing deadlifts for a time but I just couldn't get the form right right, so nowadays I don't do them. Plus, I know a guy who got seriously injured from deadlifts and he stopped lifting.

Deadlifts seem like a low reward - high risk exercise to me.

I have to squat to get to the bar in a deadlift, thankfully /ourguy/ explains it better so i don't have to quit

have you considered switching to sumo? recently tried it out and it feels much better than conventional for me. Especially if you just can't get the setup right (i.e. a "comfortable" starting point that isn't prone to rounding upon failure)

>tfw disproportionately long shins
>mfw lanklets with long femurs struggle with squats

My hamstrings are super super tight and I feel I can't get into proper deadlift position because of it.

the difference in weight moved is not significant enough to offset the additional injury risk from having your torso much more parallel to the floor at the start of the pull, much more of any load you lift will be shear on your lower back

there's no getting around it, people with shitty leverages for X lift tend to have higher injury risk on X lift as well

This. I can't clean because it's too many movements for my body to do and my arms are really long so I get unbalanced really easily and can't keep it close to my chest.

It's not that you aren't "meant" for a certain lift, but you can have far worse limb lengths than somebody else.

However, muscle insertions are far more indicative of strength potential than whether you have long arms/legs/torso.

Some bodies need special adaptations to do certain lifts well.

I know a guy with no arms who deadlifts using a head strap that he puts on with his feet.

>Deadlifts seem like a low reward - high risk exercise to me.
That's exactly how I feel.

No, will try it though. I'm kinda skinny though, so regular deadlifts might be more suited to me.

delet this
Recently saw a short guy who was literally made to squat heavy. Femurs so short that it looks like quarter squat ROM from periphery but he actually hits full depth, like some of those chinese olyathletes
on the other hand, ultimate deadlift build:

Yes, please. Please find more reasons to justify your laziness and mediocrity.

Why is it that people who deadlift feel the need to shit all over anyone who doesn't? Kind of goes to show that it's more of a meme exercise than anything useful

I have a theory it's all about big numbers, and diddleys provide biggest numbers possible aside from the knee snapping machine and rack pulls above Alex's head.

Nice numbers. But yeah two more going to your lifts

Its definitely useful for back gains and I feel like the hulk when i do it. win/win

yeah i mean I have nothing against deadlifts but i do have something against having something against not doing them.


yeah i mean I have nothing against people against deadlifts but i do have something against have something against having something against not doing them.

There was a guy at my old gym who had proportions like Jack from Tekken. Squats looked so effortless as he could keep his back almost vertical and still hit ATG. I have to lean forward like a faggot.

Especially tall people (like NBA tall) should not do bilateral full squats, or deadlifts from the floor.

too scared to put out my back to do deadlifts 2bh

squats also freak me out because of all that weight you're putting on your neck/shoulders

rather be safe and just use a leg press

I can't squat and keep my feet flat on the ground at the same time. I end up standing on my hills. Please kill me.

I'm kinda tall (not NBA tier, only 6'2") and squats feel so natural to me but I always feel like something is wrong with my deadlifts, even when people say my form is fine.

>squats also freak me out because of all that weight you're putting on your neck/shoulders
I agree w/ the deadlift thing but I have no problem with squats. Maybe I just have beefy traps but having the bar in the high-bar position feels quite comfy to me

>retracted shoulders
good fucking luck maintaining that when you break it off the floor

6’2” is king of the manlets
6’4” is the current manlet cut off, you are not tall.

This is literally me. What am I supposed to do?

Fuck off with this stupid meme

>Not having a SS officer commanding you to deadlift.

buy weightlifting shoes, ez fix

it's not people who deadlift, or people who squat, or people who x

it's neckbeards on the internet who need something to feel superior about because when they go to the gym they're probably bottom of the totem pole in terms of aesthetics

segment length is a much more salient issue than height


My body isn't made for lower body movements for example, thus I never squat or deadlift.

same, my IQ is to high for lower body lifts

The deadlift is just really really high output for little input.

It's such a short, simple lift, but it taxes you really hard and gets you growing fast in important areas (glute/back/thighs).

The trap/hex bar can be a good alternative instead of the conventional. Too much is made of the conventional dl and back squat. I did those two for years and had back problems all the time. Strictly trap bar DL and front squats nowadays, don't care if phags on the internet don't approve

Same, switch to sumo and back tension has decreased and my back feels more healthy. My conv form would be good and still had back pain till I tried sumo

Sumo deadlifts are not deadlifts

What’s even supposed to be the proper femur/tib&fib ratio?

What is my leg proportion?


>Brian Shaw

Turns out my hands are at the same exact level as my balls, so every time I do deadlifts I smash the fuck out of my buddies. It's painful and ruins my pull on the lift.

Wat do

Compression undies