What are some things Veeky Forums is thankful for?


they sell eggs by the 5 dozen for like 8 bucks at my local grocery store.

My gym being 24/7.
The fact that my job is something I love doing and will in all likelyhood help thousands of people desparate for medicine.
In short ability to get gains anytime and i work for a higher purpose.

My back pain is becoming more infrequent.

Caffeine and big anime tiddies.

Veeky Forums for being a great board

Lifting cured my (mild) depression

You have good taste

We love you too post cock no homo.


I fucking love the shit out of Autumn. Colder weather so I feel like I can run forever. Cool ass leaves turning colors. Pumpkin is probably one of the best cutting meals you can have. Pumpkin seeds are basically just protein. Halloween comes around and there's bitches galore celebrating dress like a cock thirsty whore day. And then to finish it all off we're blessed with the greatest of all bulking holidays near the end of the season, Thanksgiving. Fucking bomb ass month mates.

Gorgeous cock mate. 10/10.

Ayy my brother.

Life has been giving me enough fuel to burn lifting to me for a long time.

I pay .67 per dozen. Get fucked

Thank you based hens.

I know I love it too
>Can finally wear my sweaters and look like a brofessor

When I went to the doctor roughly nine years ago at age twelve, I was told(with regards to the results of my bone-age test), that I would grow to be 5'2.

With good diet, non-stop fucking stretching, working out 5 days a week and with the help of daily sleeping pills, I grew to be 5'8 and 1/4.

Thankful for my Mother. Without her I would've been turbomanlet mode.

My cock is 7.5 inches long.

that death comes for all - the high shall be brought low, and I will dance in the sun as my betters turn to dust beneath my feet

I'm thankful for my dad. Even after the divorce, my parents worked hard to make sure we both saw each other. He found a new house exactly a mile from my mother's front door, so that he would never be more than a short walk away. Fucker was a powerlifter and ultramarathon bike racer when he was younger, and has an insane work ethic. I want to be more like him every day, especially because he was the one that brought me to my first actual gym and taught me how to not do stupid stuff ( though Veeky Forums had already taught me how to squat by then).

I'm thankful for my mother, who worked as hard as she did to support us.

I'm thankful for my friends, and my improving mental health. Two years ago a friend gave me LSD, and I decided that I couldn't hate myself for my body anymore. A year after that, the same friend introduced me to mushrooms, and I realized the significance of living with love in my life, and dedicating myself to that.

I'm thankful for every facet of modern society that keeps us alive, fed, and without worry for theft or violence.