How the hell do you get arms like this? Possible natty? I want to look this good in clothes

How the hell do you get arms like this? Possible natty? I want to look this good in clothes.

try picking up some weights and moving your arms around

>Possible natty?
yes, he isnt though

2x40 Push ups
2x12 Dead hang pull ups
Every other day

Diet to 15% BF

chin ups and dips

Those look like 16”ers. Def achievable natty


youre aiming low

No matter how high you aim, you can never attain what another man has when it comes to things like that.

It's their genes combined with what would be a lifetime of effort and fitness up to that point .

The greatest lie that bodybuilding ever told was that admiration and mimicry would breed success when it comes to this.
It does not.

Leave this board please

Have u tried working out


farmers walks
giant sets of barbell curls
hammer curls

100% this, say hello to your big guns in no time

You think? I have 16" and I don't look that good. I'd have guessed higher.

fuck mane that is almost too fat but something about bordering on too fat is hot

>youre aiming low
>aiming to look like a hollywood leading man
no better look like a hulked out monster who people assume has to do gay for pay to support his steroid requirement


he most likely does curls and tricep extensions

their point is that you have normie eyes. you actually think those arms may be only possible with roids.

have you ever seen a construction worker? or anyone that does heavy labour?

while Hollywood actors do use roids for ultra-fast results, any man can have arms like OP without ever taking roids.


Those are some sad pancakes.

Gimme dat sauce boss

Farmers walks build arms?

literally just lift for 2 years

Thats a prefect body if you actually like women.