
15 days without shitting. AMA

15 days... You're so full of shit.

Good joke. But in all seriousness, yes it has been 15 days. My prostrate hurt bad during the first week, but once that 7 day mark was broke my prostrate just went numb so I’ve able to make it to day 15 with little discomfort.

Are you doing it on purpose? And why?

Take some fiber supplements or some miralax or something, Jesus Christ.

Put a latex glove on

Sit on the toilet

Stick that hand up your ass and start digging

My theory is shit still contains nutrients our body doesn’t use. And if I were to forcefully keep shit in, it would then force my body to absorb those nutrients...aka giving me the full value of everything I eat.

You are fucking retarded. Do a quick web search and you'll see why that isn't true. Fake and gaay.

Are you drinking enough water? Cause I'd imagine that at some point that shit will dry out and will clog your ass and they'd have to perform a colonoscopy with a Lazer or something to cut out the shit out inch by inch.

Whatever. I’ve seen progress, more gains in these past two weeks than I have in the last couple months. Why? I’m forcing my body to use 100% of all the protein, carbs, fats I consume.

I honestly don’t believe there’s any shit in my body at the moment, I’ve been eating healthy foods so my body has probably already decomposed all the shit that was in my colon.

this is bait. Too stupid to be real.

Then leave my thread. Thanks.


you're going to have an asshole big enough to shove a model train into after this is over

Your HYPOTHESIS is flawed and you're holding a lot of toxic stuff you need to drop off.

I've been doing NoShit on and off for the last year or so, longest I went without shitting was 4 months. The first week fucking SUCKS but after that you don't even feel the need to shit anymore unless you drink too much coffee then sometimes the urge to shit comes back for a couple of hours. It's like being on gear in terms of gains, I always get amazing results in the gym when I do NoShit and another plus is it pretty much cured my depression.

Like I said before, it doesn’t feel like I’m costipated anymore. WHY? Because what I’m doing is working! The shit is being broken down for every single nutrient left.

ah, i see you have taken the poopill
i believe it is a suppository

>My theory is shit still contains nutrients our body doesn’t use.
Yes, literally. It's the result of filtering out the stuff you can't digest. It's quite literally a mass of non-digestible material. You're basically harboring leaves and shit in your proverbial gutter for no reason.

5/10 trying too hard

try again later

Okay. Keep making jokes. You could join me & make gains and improve your overall performance, but I get it. It’s poop we’re talking about so the children are just going to make their little jokes and not take anything serious.

How much do you weight and how much weight have you gained in the last 2 weeks?

any superpowers?

That’s true with UNHEALTHY FOOD. I’m doing “NoShit” on a diet of healthy food. Greens, lean meat, etc. Everything organic, so it doesn’t have added preservatives/flavors. All natural. Zero junk.

I weighed 160(lbs) before doing this and within the 15 days I’m breaking 170, with it rising consistently. WHY? Once again, I’m building muscle way faster because when I eat meat, I’m forcing my body to literally break down every atom of protein that meat has.

i know you're baiting at this point, but you do realize that basically all foods still contain things and fibers that are undigested by the human body, even if just a trace amount. I mean, christ, if water makes you pee than any sort of food will make you poop.

10/170 = 0.058

OP is approximately 6% shit

The only reason people pee out water is because they drank to much of it. Water is always used in the body. Have too much the body gets rid of some of it. Does not mean water is bad.

Hunter gatherers used to hold their shit in for weeks at a time because the smell of shit attracts predators. Humans weren't meant to shit every day, it's just another unhealthy product of modern living that we need to stop doing.

you literally just went against your own argument

>If you have too much water you'll get rid of it
>I'm forcing my body to use all the poop

why not just force your body to use all the water and eliminate the need to drink more later on?

Any visible changes? Do you get more attention from girls now? Have it boosted your confidence?

Well, I haven’t tried or given thought to a “NoPee” expiriment, but I might now. So thank you for the rebuttle.

Attention from girls due to more muscle being added, I look healthier since more nutrients are in my body. I feel stronger, etc. Like I said earlier however, after the first week my prostrate has gone kind of numb so that may be the only negative effect. Losing feeling in and around that area.

>be me, emaciated manlet
>only shit like once a day because i dont eat a ton, shits come out dry, solid, clean wipes

>try to drink a smoothie at night for more calories like everyone else here does
>has oats, milk, peanut butter, yogurt, almonds, and some fruit
>within 10 minutes i already have gas
>by the morning i have to take a massive shit
>asshole burns like fire when it comes out
>leaves horrible shit residue on my asshole that i have to pat clean for like 5 minutes and literally put soap and water on a finger to scrub my FUCKING ASSHOLE CLEAN and have to use a ton of soap and hand sanitizer to try to get finger clean and it STILL FAINTLY SMELLS LIKE SHIT

>nothing i fucking do with the oats (cooking them beforehand, letting it sit for hours/overnight to absorb liquid, etc) works
>cant have smoothies now

You're going to stretch your sigmoid colon

Fuck, i wish i could hold this long, but i usually went nuts after 2 or 3 days and relapse. I used to think it's not a big deal and i can stop doing it anytime, but then i realised that im addicted to shiting. How do i get rid of the crap jew?

Keep making jokes. Never going to make it.
I’m going to bed.

This made me laugh so hard

Who /nopiss/ here? Going for those max bladder gains.

This is no joke, the brain releases endorphins every time you take a shit and growing up we're told it's normal and fine to shit every day so many people become addicted to the endorphin release from shitting. Taking a break from shitting, 30 days at least, is a good way to reset your brain so you don't feel the urge to shit constantly.

>Local Florida man, 26, found dead in apartment.

>Neighbors phoned police after multiple weeks of complaints to management about a "horrid, vile smell" polluting the vents of the complex. Upon entering the apartment, the facilities maintenance staff said, "it was like stepping into a mineral cave coated with mud."

>Police were called in quickly later to deescalate a possible threat. Their investigation found one man, aged 26, dead in front of a computer. According to their autopsy report, the mans rectum had completely blown apart with a force strong enough to coat the rest of the apartment in feces.

>"We don't see cases like this a lot," said the police sergeant, "Deaths in apartments from unexpected causes? Sure. But deaths from holding in shit? That's a new one." The sergeant went on to clarify that very few deaths in the area are shit-related, but on the rise thanks to rumors spreading on anonymous forums such as 9gag. He later added, "And he was a virgin. LMAO"

>After performing an autopsy, a massive log of feces was excavated from the man's rectal cavity. According to the coroner, it was "hard enough to be a shit blood-diamond."

How do i resist the urges for the first two weeks? Anytime i see a toilet, i wanna shit so bad.

I'm in the middle of /nobreathe/. Quitting the o2 jew.

>He took the brownPill

If this were reddit you’d have the top comment *uovoted* now fuck off tefditoy

Ironically, Jackie Chan is a piece of shit.

coping that pic

You shut your fucking mouth.

No, you shut your fucking mouth you chink. He does the bidding of the Communist party, treats his family like shit, and generally lies a lot about the state of China. He is a complete and utter piece of shit.

Fake and gay, you'd be sick as dog.
If by some miracle this is not fake and gay, you're going to be incredibly ill soon, OP

>unironically saying fake and gay

I went almost 3 weeks without shitting after breaking my ankle. Clogged the toilet and the shit was painful but I was fine other than that

"dead man found in piles of his own feces. Reported he was 'saving nutrients' for 3 weeks."
Can't wait to see the headline on a buzzfeed "top 10 stupidest ways to die" screen grab.


How do you keep it in? I had to shit once when I was drunk and had to walk back home 30 min, literally shat my pants because at some point I could not keep it in.


buttplug bro

Why didn't you just squat somewhere? God damn. Would that really have been worse than shitting yourself?

>shitting out your gains

Kek, only could have shat it someone's front porch.
Also to this day I was convinced it's impossible to shit yourself unless you are like 3 days in. Being drunk as fuck was prolly a factor

You cunts are taking the shittest bait seriously, he's just making fun of the people that say nofap has nutrients your body reabsorbs.

>ironically doing anything
Back 2 reddit niggerfaggot :)

>Back 2 reddit niggerfaggot :)

You should try the NoLive experiment

No need to waist a perfectly good latex glove.

I had a friend who did this because he was addicted to league and would never get up to take a shit.

The guy literally ended up developing some kind of condition where his bowls would constantly clog and fill with gas so he would always shit himself and such. He also constantly stank of shit.

I think hes alright now after a few years of going to get his shit sorted out, but i haven't seen him in a while

take a shit OP

comment, like & subscribe :^)

Med student here. You are going to die.
There is no backwards progression for poop in your colon back into your digestive tract. Or for urine in your bladder for that matter.

Noice troll

So you're saying instead of holding in our shit we should just eat it instead for maximum nutrient absorption? I'll give it a try for a few months, thanks future doc

This person is making fun of people who fast

Google fecal vomiting, no jokes, it's a real fucking thing.

Day 8 here. I've noticed the girls looking at me in "that" way. I think it's working.

>You are fucking retarded. Do a quick web search and you'll see why that isn't true. Fake and gaay.

>noone is fucking retarded on the Internet
>none is gay on Veeky Forums

It's because you are no longer shitting and therefore do not smell like shit. You smell nicer and your pheromones are more powerful.

the doodpill, see ya on the other side ma brotha

Enjoy perforating your bowel and that incoming peritonitis OP.

>liver, gall bladder, slowly getting fucked
>your blood smells like shit

shitty bait. you can't squat with a shit in your ass.

This sounds like a gud idea OP

day 20 of NoSweat here, you can loose your gains through your sweat. been doing everything I can to prevent myself from sweating and I'm making gains like crazy


This guy is right
Also, you know that's incorrect, right? The reason we pee, is because wastes like urea and toxins need to be expelled, but are water soluble, and so must be dissolved in water before urination. We could use the water we pee out, but it's the only way to get the toxins that we filter from our blood all the way out of the body, instead of them just sitting in the kidneys.

This is a fun thread, even though literally everyone knows that it's bait. We all know that this is impossible, because you'd be dead/hospitalized by now if you'd actually not shit for 15 days.

This thread

>There's a distant universe where mages conjure up foodstuff with perfectly precise macros and micros so that your body absorbs every last drop of the food and you never need to shit
>Anal sex is extremely prominent because of this