She swiped right now we wait

She swiped right now we wait

it's a boy don't worry

And a portion of chicken noodle soup please

Funny about how it's never the hot ones who are obsessed with finding a white dude. This must be how black guys feel all the time.

>I like white guys too!

U think?

Physically Remove Semites


So, why don't asians like asian men?

lmaooo nigga shes not even cute. Are you really interested in an ugly girl cause shes asian


Their squinty suspicious faces look absolutely ridiculous while they exert themselves sexuarry

They think they're playing mind games. She thinks that if she's seen with a 4/10 white dude, a 10/10 asian guy will get jealous enough to want to fuck her.

It's literally the exact same situation as when white girls date brown dudes.

Huh. Never thought about it like that

>when white girls date brown dudes
Do they really think that a white guy would one to date something that dated a nigger?

>would one
would want*
I don't know how that happened.

That's why only really dumb ugly ones attempt it. They've got nothing to lose, I guess.

Also people who fetishize interracial relationships tend to be fucked in the head, so its nice that we have such visible red flags.

"I would like to get all Apinya friday night"

deserves flying knee right to that stupid fucking head

It's not that they don't like Asian men, they just like white men better.

It's the same with every race and gender, they all find tall, blonde, straight haired, blue eyed men/ women more attractive so the closer you get to that standard, the more attractive you will be

this one